How to treat a man's lichen at home

Lishay is a disease that includes a group of skin diseases with common symptoms. These include: the appearance of colored inflamed spots, severe itching of the skin, peeling of those parts of the skin that are infected by depriving.

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Experts have long established that pathogensdepriving are various viruses or fungi. How can I quickly cure the disease and get rid of it? You can go to the doctors, and you can use the treatment at home.

How is lichen

There are several types, we will consider the symptoms and treatment in detail of each depriving:

  • girdle;
  • pink;
  • is pearly;
  • ringworm;
  • flat red.
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There are also less common species, such as: brown lichen, wet( or wet).

Pink lichen

Pink lichen refers to a number of skin diseases. Occurs most often in the cold season. And it appears in children less often than in adults. There is no exact information about its appearance and development yet. Pink lichen has other names: Zhibera and Pithyriasis.

Causes of

After many studies, some results were obtained that highlighted several causes:

  • stressful situations;
  • decreased immunity;
  • supercooling;
  • disturbed body metabolism;
  • vaccinations or reactions to them;
  • presence of infectious diseases or their consequences;
  • problems of the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • consequence of a bite of fleas, bedbugs and other harmful insects.

It's almost impossible to get infected from another sick person with pink lichen. People with a weak immune system are affected.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of pink lichen appear as follows:

  • rashes with a pink tint;
  • peeling;
  • itching over the affected parts of the body;
  • headaches;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • joint pain;
  • increased fatigue and weakness of the body.

First Zhibera affects the human body, in some cases, arms, feet, neck. Most often this happens when the development processes are running. The spots can reach up to 2 cm in diameter. In people who have suffered this disease, first appearance of the first spot was observed. It is noted that it exceeds the dimensions of the remaining spots. The disease can last up to two months. Before rashes, many experience elevated body temperature.

Treatment with folk remedies

When treating by any methods it is necessary to adhere to general recommendations:

  • not to be soared;
  • change synthetics to cotton;
  • to abandon woolen products;
  • do not use body care products;
  • rarer swim, try not to stain the spots.

Place the chopped celandine( leaves and stems of the plant) in a dark glass container, pour vodka to cover the grass. Put on insist for 21 days, shake it daily to avoid precipitation. Take 2 times a day before eating for a quarter of an hour 10 drops, dissolving them in a spoonful of water.


One of the fungal diseases of the skin is ringworm. It is a contagious disease that affects the skin, hair and nails.

Reasons for

Reasons for the appearance of ringworm:

  • weak immunity;
  • damage to the surface layer of the skin;
  • contact with a person suffering from ringworm.

Symptoms of

The main symptoms of manifestation are:

  • spots of red and pink;
  • peeling spots;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the affected areas;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • scar formation, in place of descending spots, but not treated;
  • if lichen formed on the head, hair falls out on this place;
  • the affected areas reach up to 10 cm in diameter.

If you do not take treatment or cure this type of deprivation, you may encounter the following problems:

  • formation of abscesses;
  • appearance of scars;
  • is the carrier and disseminator of a fungal disease.

If the lichen first appeared at an early age, in childhood and did not begin to be treated. He then becomes a chronic disease that will periodically tell about himself before the onset of adolescence. Often, the boys go through the disease on their own, but the girls will be forced to face it in the future.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to heal lichen? The cutting form of lichen is treatable, folk methods are quite effective, especially at the initial stage of development. You can use this method:

  • oil of oregano( you can buy in a pharmacy) to lubricate stains;
  • procedure is repeated 4 times a day for a week.


Pityriasis lichen, the second name is multi-colored, is skin diseases. The opinion about which type of skin diseases a multi-colored lichen belongs to is divided: some believe that it is fungal, others are microbial.

Causes of

The causes of the appearance of the rudimentary lichen are:

  • a weak immune system;
  • people with increased sweating;
  • accompanying a symptom of other diseases, in which a lot of sweat( tuberculosis) is allocated;
  • use of unsuitable cosmetics, excessive exposure to the sun.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of pityrious lichen:

  • spots with pink, yellow, brown tint;
  • individual spots merge into a single;
  • after sunburn the spots get white;
  • during the exacerbation of the disease the spots are flaky.

You can confirm the presence of the disease with iodine. A small area( 1-2 cm in diameter) is smeared with one layer of 2% iodine. If the stain becomes brown, then it is a multicolored lichen.

Treatment with folk remedies

The most effective method of treatment is chinese water. Even the most neglected lichen, one year old will disappear in a week.

  • 2 tbsp.l. Leaf blackberry mixed with 1 of calendula;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for an hour.

Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.


You can use buckwheat grease to lubricate stains. One glass of buckwheat pour 3 glasses of water and boil over low heat. Then strain, cool and you can moisten the swab.


Sunseed is an infectious skin disease( the second name is beach lichen).A person with this disease is not contagious.

Reasons for

The main causes of sunshine:

  • use of substandard cosmetics, non-natural products, synthetic clothing;
  • exposure to sunlight( in large quantities), abundant perspiration;
  • weak immune system, overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus, beriberi;
  • renal failure, thyroid problems.

Symptoms of

Symptoms that stand out in a sunshine:

  • single spots on the body that do not have a clear shape;
  • single spots move into a cluster of multiple spots;
  • on affected areas does not affect sunburn.

In its kind, the sunshine is similar to diseases of syphilis, vitiligo and leprosy. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between them. To do this, doctors prescribe additional tests.

Treating folk remedies

Treating sunshine is a long process. During this period, do not use cosmetics to care for the skin, so as not to irritate it and not provoke the disease. In the treatment of this type, antifungal ointments, salicylic alcohol are used. Assign multivitamins.

  1. It is enough to buy sea buckthorn oil or apple cider vinegar and to grease them with stains.
  2. You can finely cut the sorrel and suppress it, apply the slurry to the affected areas before recovery.


Shingles( second name - herpes zoster) is a viral disease. This lichen affects the skin and nervous system. The older people are more prone to the disease, who had chickenpox. Most people who suffer from shingles belong to the age group of 50 years. With age, the immune system weakens, so the propensity to this disease increases. Older people prefer folk medicine.

Reasons for

The causes of herpes zoster are:

  • blood diseases, low immunity;
  • irradiation, chemotherapy, patients with HIV infection;
  • diabetes mellitus, organ transplant;
  • suffered severe injuries;
  • presence of some chronic diseases( hepatitis, cirrhosis, heart failure);
  • reception of hormonal preparations and immunosuppressants.

Symptoms of

The main symptoms that emit in herpes zoster:

  • headaches, burning in place of the rash before it appears;
  • vomiting, nausea, fever;
  • appearance of pink spots, without clear boundaries and shapes;
  • formation on spots of vesicles that are capable of bursting;
  • pain on the affected area;
  • may cause gastric disorders.

Consequences of the disease:

  • paralysis, impaired sensitivity;
  • frequent inflammation of any organs;
  • movement coordination disorder;Deafness, glaucoma.

This outcome can be a non-cured disease. The consequences also depend on the various forms that this disease has.

Folk remedies for treatment

In the treatment of prescribe drugs to enhance the immune system, antiviral medicines. It is better not to engage in self-medication, but to consult a doctor for advice.

  • will fry the onion at the stake, remove the top fried leaf and attach it to the sore spot for an hour and a half;
  • 1 tbsp.l.ash mixed with 100 g of honey and three cloves of crushed garlic, wipe the affected area.
  1. 1 tbsp.l.immortelle pour 200 ml of boiling water, wrap in a warm blanket and let it brew for 1 hour.
  2. Make compresses twice a day.
  3. Apply for 10 minutes, a dampened gauze swab or a napkin.

These recipes will help speed up the treatment process, but it is better to seek medical advice from a doctor. Do not neglect the traditional methods of treatment. It is often recommended that Acyclovir and Valociclovir are administered either orally or externally.

Colored lichen

Colored lichen is a fungal disease that affects the top layer of the skin. Most often this disease is exposed in the summer, in a hot period.

Reasons for

The main causes of color lichen:

  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic diseases( vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus and others);
  • contact with a sick person( but not all are affected).

Symptoms of

Symptoms of color lichen:

  • spots of pink, yellow, red and brown;
  • have a vague shape;
  • when sunbathing the spots do not darken, due to which they are more prominent on the body;
  • are more common in the area of ​​the back, chest, neck, armpits and shoulders;
  • initially appear by singleton, then combined into a common spot;
  • occasionally notice peeling on the skin;
  • increased sweating( in rare cases).

According to statistics, this disease is more susceptible to the male sex.
In order not to be confused with other skin conditions, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Folk Treatments

  1. One simple means is the juice of onions, which need to handle affected areas.
  2. 1 tbsp.l.stems of celandine pour two cups of boiling water. Leave to stand for 20 minutes. From the received infusion to do lotions.
  3. Aloe also helps with color deprivation, for the treatment to make a gruel from a leaf and attach to the site of the lesion.

White lichen

White lichen is a fungal skin disease. It often manifests itself from three to sixteen years, in rare cases in older age. This species is not dangerous. Although it is not sufficiently studied, there is no need to panic about this. As a result of which it arises - it also raises controversial issues. But there are some assumptions.

Reasons for

Causes of white lichen:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma or a predisposition to this disease;
  • pollinosis or predisposition to it;
  • Eczema;
  • fungus malassezia( to date the main reason).

Symptoms of

Symptoms of white lichen development:

  • appearance of white spots 1-4 cm in diameter;
  • spots affect the face, sides and bottom of the limbs;
  • may exfoliate during exacerbation;
  • in the cold period they become inflamed.

The disease is not aggressive, but it is necessary to visit a dermatologist. Who will prescribe tests and confirm the diagnosis. Symptoms of white lichen are similar to other diseases( vitiligo, pityriasis, mycosis).

Folk remedies for

It is recommended to bathe in warm water, use emollients, apply baby cream on the skin, lubricate problem areas with antifungal ointments.


The aloe leaf is cut( along), the problem areas are lubricated with juice. A good result is visible in a week.

All about wet deprivation

Wet lichen( corrosive, eczema) is a chronic skin disease.

Causes of

Causes of this disease:

  • non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • consumes heavily greasy food;
  • genetics, disruption of the endocrine and nervous system;
  • low immune system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy, peripheral nerve damage.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease:

  • formation of vesicles on the skin that are capable of bursting and reappearing;
  • red spots, sometimes with a blue tint;
  • on the affected areas the skin is peeling and cracking;
  • on the affected areas may form ulcers;
  • , with the help of water, itching.

This disease is peculiar to any age. It affects symmetrically the hands, feet, forearm. The child often seizes the skin of the face, buttocks and chest.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is recommended to use anti-viral medications. And also take drugs that improve the functioning of the nervous system.

  • take a birch mushroom, set it on fire, and smoke smoke a disease;
  • from the misted up windows to remove a liquid and put on problem sites;
  • 15 g of burdock root pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and allow to boil for 10 minutes. Let the broth brew for half an hour. Do lotions on problem areas.

Home treatment - universal recipes

Before you start to treat lichen at home, you should determine which type of infection you or your family members have become. But there are also such popular recipes with which you can cure absolutely all kinds of lichen, regardless of how the disease looks.

Warning! If a person is infected, then before using any method of treatment, a dermatologist's consultation is needed.

Recipes using tar

  1. Common birch tar removes lichen, it is mixed with cow oil in proportions one to one. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the areas that are affected by the disease. The medicine has a sharp enough and unpleasant smell, this composition is recommended to be applied before bedtime. Afflicted deprive places wrapped in cotton cloth or bandage.
  1. For this recipe, you need about 150 grams of tar, which is mixed with yolks from two eggs. In addition, the mixture should be added fresh cream in the amount of 100 g. The prepared product is rubbed into diseased skin areas in the morning and in the evening. Such a composition helps even with those deprived, who stubbornly do not want to go.

With test

Mix the dough with yeast. When it rises, a small part of the mass is applied to the sore spot. Cover with a food film or cellophane bag and rewind with a cotton cloth. The compress is held for two hours. After the end of the procedure, rinse thoroughly with water at room temperature. Usually, lichen passes on the third or fifth day.


Iodine helps in the treatment of depriving, but leaves a memory of itself in the form of a burn. He kills an infection, a fungus, but with it it is necessary to be pointed. Use iodine after consulting a doctor. It is better to use it as an addition to the main drugs( ointments, tablets, candles).

Methods of application of iodine:

  • rinse the affected area with soap, carefully peel off the peeling layer and apply iodine - repeat the procedure after 5 days;
  • can alternate iodine and zelenok for 10 days.

Recipe with peas

One glass of peas is washed and poured with three glasses of ordinary boiled water. The resulting mixture is boiled on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. The broth is smeared on the affected areas of the lichen several times a day until complete recovery. You can do compresses with this compound.

Attention! Peas can be replaced with buckwheat. The effect will be the same.


Apple cider vinegar is a good antiseptic. They are recommended to treat pityriasis. And you need to use apple cider vinegar. During the week, lubricate affected areas 5 times a day.
You can do compresses and with ringworm. It is necessary to perform the procedure 6 times a day.

Treatment with cranberries

Squeeze fresh juice from cranberry and lubricate the affected area.

Horse sorrel

This ointment will help even from depriving on the head. One tablespoon of chopped horse sorrel is thoroughly mixed with one tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting composition is imposed on the affected area two times a day. Ointment should be kept on the skin for about a quarter of an hour. The mixture is washed off with water at room temperature.

Recipe with burdock( burdock)

Prepare a tincture of burdock and the resulting broth lubricate sore spots or make lotions until the fading disappears.

Smoke treatment

This remedy is very effective. Take a log from the pine( preferably if they are with a lot of resin).From it, you need to nibble the rays. Luchiny ignites, then extinguish and direct smoke in the direction of the affected area of ​​the skin. The procedure is repeated about three times a day until complete recovery.


Squeeze the juice from celandine and mix with vodka in equal proportions. With the help of this composition, any kind of lichen is easily cured.

Using tobacco tar

For this recipe you will need a used smoking pipe. A small delay is necessary to pull out its contents. This tobacco is smeared with stain stains, so that the skin can be completely cleaned and refreshed. The remedy is very effective, and several procedures are sufficient for complete recovery.

Gold mustache

This folk remedy for depriving very effective. For the recipe you need not the plant itself, but the mustache of the plant. Of these you will need to squeeze out the juice and moisten it. The solution can be used as compresses.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. When making medicinal forms, you need to wear gloves.

Recipe for calendula( marigolds)

Traditional medicine advises to wipe the herpes of any kind with juice obtained from fresh marigold flowers. The disease passes quickly enough and without much trouble. Especially recommend this tool for use in young children, because the juice of marigolds for them is safe unlike other medications.

Copper vitriol

Treatment depriving of vitriol is carried out this way:

  1. Half a teaspoon of copper sulfate is mixed with one tablespoon of dense rustic sour cream( you can take it from the store).
  2. The mixture is infused for three hours. Ointment is smeared on sore spots.

Interesting! This remedy is noteworthy in that it can heal stains with stains in just one procedure.

Wheat oil

Millet in the amount of one or two tablespoons is calcined on a hot frying pan. A black oil with a characteristic odor should appear. When the oil has cooled down to its normal state, it can lubricate the lesions. Usually, several procedures are sufficient until complete recovery.

Effective recipe with cranberry juice

Cranberries bite and extract a juice moistened with a lichen stain. After a day, the disease completely disappears.

Fir oil

You will need vodka and fir oil in any equal proportions. The mixture is shaken thoroughly before use. Wet the cotton pad or fleece and apply to the affected area on the body, while taking a bit of healthy skin around, about 2 cm. Hold for about 5-10 minutes. After that, the cotton pad is removed and smeared with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly or any fat cream. Such procedures need to be done about five times a day.

A glass of unrefined vegetable oil is well mixed with crushed leaves of aloe or calanchoe, a small piece of laundry soap grated, 50 g of wax and 50 g of rosin. The whole mass is cooked on low heat and filtered.

Treatment with medicines

Lishay is treated with various drugs, tablets and ointments that have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties.


The most popular ointments that are prescribed to patients:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Acyclovir( tablets can be used);
  • Gerpevir( you can use tablets);
  • Oxoline;
  • Sulfur;
  • Tebrofen;
  • Exoderate;
  • Synaphlan;
  • Miconazole.

In case of complicated forms, an antibiotic may be prescribed. Together with the treatment of taking drugs to boost the immune system, vitamins.

Treat lichen ointment is quite cautious. Do not neglect the doctor's instructions. All lichens have different manifestations, consequences, but the ointments are appointed the same. It depends on the course of the disease itself.

Important! Any of the listed products can cause allergies. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

For complex forms, hormonal ointments are prescribed:

  • flucinar;
  • sinalar.

Important! They should be used only for the purpose of a specialist, they are able both to bring a positive result, and to give complications.

Children under 16 years of age are often prescribed sulfuric or salicylic ointment. Since other means are not recommended not to harm the health of the child.


For the treatment of lichen there is a wide range of medicines. All of them are aimed at destroying the fungus, bacteria, microbes.
Often recommend drugs:

  • Candide( in the form of candles or tablets, depending on the affected area);
  • Nizoral, Terbianfin;
  • Orungal, Itraconazal;
  • Rumikoz, Neurobion;
  • Thermicon, Famvir;
  • Exifin, Complym B;
  • Laferobion, Acyclovir( the most common drug).

Timing of treatment depriving a person of

. For treatment, deprivation takes a lot of time mainly from one to three weeks. It will take a longer period( 1-2 months):

  • with strongly weakened immunity;
  • is the advanced stage of the disease, not treated with lichen.

The treatment options are also influenced by the terms. A good effect can be obtained from treatment with a combination of medications with folk remedies. It is also important for the result, that the treatment is done internally and externally.

Now you know how to cure a person's lichen at home.

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