Treatment of prostatitis in the home by folk remedies

In the treatment of various diseases, folk remedies are actively used even by doctors as an additional treatment. If it comes to inflammation of the prostate gland, then folk treatment is more important than ever. Moreover, it includes a lot of useful and all methods not only relieve prostatitis, but improve overall health. We already wrote about the symptoms of prostatitis in men, so we will tell in more detail how to treat prostatitis at home with folk remedies.

Related articles:
  • Prostatitis prophylaxis at home
  • Selecting medications for prostatitis in men
  • Detecting symptoms of prostatitis chronic form
  • Bacterial prostatitis: symptoms, causes, types and effective treatment
  • Acute prostatitis: symptoms, causes and folk treatment

Treatment of different typesprostatitis - what is the difference

Bacterial prostatitis

We have already written about the symptoms and causes of bacterial prostatitis, so consider its treatment. The cure for bacterial prostatitis consists of:

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  • administration of antibacterial drugs( penicillins, macrolides, fluoroquinols);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Naklofen, Nurofen);
  • alpha blockers( Tamsulosin);
  • sedatives( Afobazol).

It is important to follow a diet: to exclude fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, pickled food, semi-finished products, canned foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol from the diet. Traditional medicine recommends:

  • crush 100 g of aspen bark and pour 200 ml of vodka, put in a secluded dark place for 14 days;
  • take 2 times a day before meals for 1 tsp.for 10 days.

Congestive prostatitis

Important! Read more about the symptoms of congestive prostatitis in our article.

Congestive prostatitis can be treated successfully at home with admission:

  • pumpkin seeds( 30 pieces per day);
  • parsley( grind the seeds of the plant in a coffee grinder, take 2 tsp of the powder obtained and pour 100 ml of water, boil, take 3 times daily before meals);
  • black elderberry( squeeze out the berries, squeezed juice drink for 10 days before eating).

Chronic prostatitis

For treatment it is important to avoid hypothermia, in time to empty the bladder, do morning exercises, fight with constipation. Treatment of chronic prostatitis with a complex of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antidepressants;
  • antibiotics.

Important! Read more about the symptoms of chronic prostatitis in our article.

Acute prostatitis

After the detection of symptoms of acute prostatitis, it is urgent to start treatment. There is an effective way to treat acute prostatitis at home:

  • 500 g of fresh pumpkin seeds to twist in a meat grinder and mix with 200 g of honey, to collect balls with a diameter of 2-3 cm;
  • consumed 1-2 pieces per day, like sweets( stored in the refrigerator);
  • course of treatment: 1 month.

In this case, massage of the prostate is useful: you need to put on medical gloves, lie on your back, bent at the knees of your leg to dissolve in different directions. Anal hole and fingers lubricate Vaseline, slowly enter your finger into the rectum, when he rests you can start a massage( lasts a massage to 1.5 minutes).

Important! Read in depth how to find and how to do prostate massage at home.

Treatment of prostatitis at home

For the treatment of prostatitis in men at home, various means are used. It can be like folk remedies: decoctions, infusions, ointments;and medicinal preparations. Let's look at each method in detail.

Important! We already wrote about preparations for the treatment of prostatitis.

Which infusions of herbs and folk remedies will help treat

Of course, prostate treatment in men at home by folk remedies is necessary only after agreement with the attending physician. But, as practice shows, folk medicine has proven itself as a preventive and complementary method of treatment.


Garlic is used for many diseases, including prostatitis. Recipes for prostate treatment in men:

  • 2 cloves of garlic toss in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water( the procedure to perform at night), during the month take 100 ml 2 times a day on an empty stomach;
  • chop 3 cloves of garlic and pour 200 ml of milk, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes, strain and take 35 drops 4 times daily after meals.

Onion husks

In parallel with traditional methods of treatment, there is a large number of recognized folk recipes for the treatment of prostatitis. Decoction of onion husks to cure prostatitis:

  • husk rinsed, put in an enamel tank and pour 700 ml of boiling water, put on fire;
  • allow to boil for 5 minutes, then insist for 1 hour;
  • strain and take half a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Golden Hasp

For the treatment of prostatitis, a scheme for taking a balm of a golden mustache has been developed:

  • 10 days balm;
  • 5 days - juice of asparagus;
  • 10 - balm;
  • 5 - juice.

Balm should be taken 3 times a day for half an hour before eating 1 teaspoon, asparagus juice - 1-5 tbsp.l.

Recipe for oil balm: mix 150 alcohol extracts of a golden mustache with 500 ml of linseed oil, close the lid, shake for seven minutes.

Birch tar

The recipe produces an effective result if it is used in the first days of the disease:

  • 3 tbsp.l. Birch tar is dissolved in 3 liters of boiling water( preferably in a plastic bucket or bowl), mix thoroughly;
  • sit above the container with the prepared solution and steam for 10 minutes.

Important! Contraindicated if the cause was a sexually transmitted infection or hemorrhoids.

Aspen bark

When searching for information about folk methods for getting rid of prostatitis, the aspen bark always comes first. It is important to collect the bark on time, at the beginning of spring, when the nutrient juice is actively moving( until the leaves are blossoming).You can take only one, the thickness of which is within 5 mm.

Collected bark should be dried, and then 100 grams to crush, add vodka( the liquid should completely cover).Infuse for two weeks, and then tincture drain and take inside. It is enough to use infusion of bark of aspen three times a day, the course of treatment lasts a month.


Effective recipes from Ivan-tea with prostatitis:

  • 1 tbsp.l. Ivan-tea chop, pour 200 ml of boiling water, allow to stand for 40 minutes, filter, take 3 times a day for half an hour before eating 1 tbsp.l.;
  • 1 tbsp.l.mixed flowers and leaves of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water in an enamel saucepan, cover with a lid, cover with a warm blanket, leave for the night, drain the infusion in the morning, take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Aloe with honey

It is not necessary to talk much about these products, they are used quite often in folk medicine. With regard specifically to prostatitis, you need to take 500 grams of aloe leaves( age of sheets from three years).Stir and mix with 0.5 kg of honey. Then mix the mixture with 500 ml of red dry wine. Send to a dark place for 5 days, insist.

As a medicine for prostatitis, take a tablespoon several times a day for 30 days. After a one-week break, treatment of prostatitis with aloe and honey can be repeated.


Hirudotherapy is a very popular remedy today, with a minimum of contraindications. Leeches with the treatment of prostatitis affect the body in three ways:

  • mechanical( reducing the volume of blood in the prostate gland);
  • reflex( improve blood flow);
  • biological( injection of useful substances into the body with the help of saliva).

Also leeches contribute to the dilution of blood, which relieves the symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist.


Men can use soda with prostatitis in the form of an antibacterial agent. Use 2 ways of using: baths and lotions. For both variants, the solution recipe is prepared equally. Recipe: 1 tbsp.l.soda diluted in 1 liter of boiling water and add 1 tsp.iodine. The prepared solution is allowed to cool slightly before use.


Tincture perfectly helps to cope with many symptoms of the disease of the male gland. You can take the roots and leaves of the plant. In a ratio of one to ten, pour alcohol 50%.Take tincture of 20 drops once a day. This method of folk treatment is absolutely not suitable for hypertension, insomnia.


Propolis has a lot of useful and healing properties, therefore it is successfully used in various ways for the treatment of prostatitis.

Recipe: Shredded propolis should be placed in a glass container and filled with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2, put for 2 weeks in a dark and cool place, periodically shake the bottle with the contents, after the time drain the tincture.

To be applied: 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals, 35 drops of tincture are bred in 100 ml of warm milk.

The roots of the aralia of the Manchurian

It is quite difficult to get the healing roots, but if it does, then it's a sin not to use them to treat prostatitis. In particular, it takes 20 grams of roots to pour 100 ml of alcohol 70%( you can replace alcohol with vodka).Tincture is taken in an amount of not more than three dozen drops, but three times a day.

The product perfectly helps to restore sexual function. With febrile conditions and heart problems, this means of folk treatment of prostatitis is strictly contraindicated.

Fennel fruits

Fennel is a type of onion. You need to take 100 grams of onion fennel and a liter of port. Pour and leave to infuse for three weeks. Then strain and take 100 ml before meals to reduce the manifestation of symptoms of prostatitis and get rid of the disease.

Which broths will help

Strawberry orchis

Take two grams of tubers and grind into powder. Then pour 500 ml with water and boil for ten minutes. Then leave for half an hour and strain. For treatment, use three times a day for 100 ml. Great for restoring sexual function.

Branches of hazelnut

For the recipe, take twigs from a tree with leaves. They should be well rinsed, then pour water and boil for 20 minutes, let it brew. Correctly brewed broth is red on the verge with a brown tinge. Pour the liquid into a bowl, and breathe the steam.

Herbal collection number 1

You can safely take a mixture of leaves of birch, cowberry, nettle, horsetail field, gooseberry and sage leaves, and we have already written about the beneficial properties of these herbs. Greens are taken in the same proportions and filled with a glass of boiling water. Send to the fire, cook for 13 minutes, and then insist for several hours. Treated up to three times a day after meals, drink a collection of 50-100 ml.

Herbal collection №2

In this case, folk doctors recommend in equal amounts to take buds of birch, cuff, roots of ayr, wheat grass, celandine, field horsetail, chamomile flowers, flax seeds, hawthorn fruit. Cooking, like, the first herbal collection. The same rules will be applied when treating prostatitis.

The use of pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis

If you ask someone what folk methods they know for home treatment of prostatitis, many will call it pumpkin seeds. It's all about the unique composition: they contain zinc, which is necessary for a male body( especially for prostate problems).

How to apply pumpkin seeds to prostatitis:

  1. You can just eat three dozen cores during the day. It is important that the seeds were without additives: salt, spices. You can not eat on an empty stomach. Of 30 seeds a man receives a daily dose of zinc.
  2. You can make a sweet mixture of pumpkin seeds.0.5 kg of seeds peeled twisted in a meat grinder and add 200 ml of honey. All mix and form candies. Keep in the fridge and during the day eat up to ten pieces of sweet balls. It is important to dissolve them in the mouth, and not swallow quickly.


Use of parsley in the treatment of prostatitis:

  • two large spoons of parsley root chop and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Leave until completely cooled, and then drink 100 ml as a carminative;
  • two large spoons of parsley seeds pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes and allow to cool. The broth is taken on a large spoon up to 6 times a day;
  • a small spoon of crushed seeds to insist in a glass of water a day. Take 50 ml to four times a day for treatment and for the prevention of prostatitis.


Fresh juices from prostatitis:

  1. Juice of fresh radish or horseradish is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of male illness. It is enough to drink two large spoons of any of the proposed juices three times a day.
  2. Asparagus juice is great for removing symptoms of prostatitis. It can be drunk without restrictions. A day is recommended to drink at least 600 ml.

Recommendations of doctors in the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies

Of course, any doctor will say that the methods of people's treatment need to be coordinated with him. But to be afraid of it it is not necessary, more often, doctors actively go on such methods of treatment and preventive maintenance. Moreover, they even prescribe additional enemas. Find out which doctor treats prostatitis, who to turn to, you can in our article.

Doctors do not deny the fact that many plants have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. So, I advise cowberry, St. John's wort, string, licorice, horsetail, birch.

To restore the sexual function, which suffers with prostatitis, doctors advise to drink herbs. It can be meadow cornflower, tansy, parsley, cattail, chamomile or melissa.

Drug treatment

Treatment of prostatitis with medications includes the administration of various drugs, including antibiotics:

  • alpha-blockers( Gentamycin, Prazonin);
  • hormonal preparations;
  • muscle relaxants( Midokalm, Baclofen);
  • immunomodulators( Polyoxidonium);
  • rectal suppositories( Viferon, Prostopinum);
  • antibacterial drugs.

In the treatment of antibiotics, preference is given to fluoroquinols and macrolides, since they are the ones that can accumulate in the necessary concentration in the prostate tissues.

  1. Fluoroquinols: Levofloxacin( Eleflox), Ciprofloxacin( Cyphran), Ofloxacin( Ofloxin).
  2. Macrolides: Azithromycin( Sumamed), Clarithromycin( Fromilide).
  3. Less commonly used: penicillins( Augmentin, Amoxislav);cephalosporins( Ceftriaxone, Suprax);tetracyclines( Unidox solute).


All candles for the treatment of prostatitis have one of the properties: relieve pain( nonsteroidal drugs), relieve spasms( based on papaverine), eliminate the inflammatory process( contain antibiotic).The most popular and effective:

  • Vitaprost( removes inflammation and swelling);
  • Ichthyol( used for relapses of chronic form);
  • Diclofenac( analgesic, eliminates inflammation and edema);
  • Voltaren( has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect).

Apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis at home

Therapy for prostatitis in men is based on physioprocedures. To date, there is a large range of devices that can be used not only in clinics, but also at home:

  • Vitafon( vibrocaustic device);
  • by Almag 01, Ermak( magnetotherapy);
  • Electron, Darsonval( electrical medical devices);
  • Chibis;
  • Mavit;
  • Simple.

Each of the drugs has common contraindications: exacerbation of a chronic disease, prostate tuberculosis, a malignant tumor in the gut or prostate if an inflammatory process occurs in the rectum.

Magnet treatment

Often a magnetic field is used to treat prostatitis. To do this, you need a powerful magnet with a diameter of about 5 cm, and the thickness should be 2 cm. The procedure is carried out before night sleep, the magnet is placed in the crotch and turns over from the left side to the right for 30 minutes.

These are the main common and, many doctors recognized, ways of treating prostatitis at home in folk ways. It is important when choosing the method to coordinate it with a doctor, so that people's treatment does not run counter to conservative treatment, but only helps to prompt recovery.

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