Blood pressure: upper and lower - large difference

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Systolic and diastolic pressure show how well the heart and blood vessels work. But there is another important criterion of good health - pulse pressure, deviation from physiological values ​​may indicate the development of serious diseases. Arterial pressure is upper and lower - a big difference, why are there such deviations in the indicators? How can you improve your well-being quickly?

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Pulse pressure deviations - what does it mean

When measuring pressure, not all people pay attention to the difference between upper and lower pressure - pulse pressure. Normally, these indicators in middle-aged people should be in the range of 30-50 units, in the elderly, slight deviations in the larger side are allowed.

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Important! Short-term changes in pulse pressure can be caused by external factors, fatigue, physical stress. Normally, the condition should improve within 10 minutes. The doctor should be consulted if the increase is observed within 2 weeks.

Increasing the pulse pressure indicates excessive tension of the heart muscle, which will cause its rapid wear. With a significant decrease in indicators, the brain suffers from oxygen starvation - a person feels very dizzy, often there are faints.

In the elderly, diastolic values ​​often decrease, while the upper pressure remains normal - isolated hypertension. The disease is manifested by a worsening concentration of attention, tremor of the extremities, irritability, apathy. With such a pulse pressure, a person constantly tends to sleep, he reacts negatively to bright light, even a slight noise can irritate.

If the pulse value deviates from the norm, an experienced cardiologist will be able to understand how much cholesterol narrowed the vascular bed, determine the condition of the walls of blood vessels and arteries. Preliminary can be diagnosed with stenosis, atherosclerosis, ischemia, the presence of inflammatory processes.

The main causes of the development of the pathology

When measuring the pulse pressure, it is necessary to take into account which indicators are increasing. This will help to diagnose more quickly and accurately.

Causes of increased pulse values:

  • with a strong increase in systolic parameters myocardium works in intensive mode, which can lead to its hypertrophy;
  • a significant decrease in systolic values ​​indicates a poor vascular tone, high cholesterol, the presence of serious kidney pathologies;
  • stress, emotional fatigue - to normalize the indices, you must take soft sedatives;
  • severe anemia;
  • abnormalities in the thyroid gland;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

A large difference in pressure values ​​can be caused by excessive physical exertion, sudden increase or decrease in air temperature, viral diseases. For more accurate diagnosis of the condition, it is necessary to carry out measurements on both hands at the same time, before the procedure it is necessary to rest, for half an hour not to drink coffee, to refrain from smoking.

High pulse rates often occur in pregnant women - all organs work intensively, which increases the burden on the heart. Future mothers often have anemia, thyroid functioning is disrupted, which also negatively affects the rates.

Often a big difference is noted when the measurement is incorrect - it is necessary to measure the pressure three times with an interval of 2-3 minutes, record the smallest results in the diary. If within a week the situation does not improve, you need to see a cardiologist.

Important! When measuring the pulse pressure, it is necessary to make measurements on both hands. The difference on the right and left hand should be no more than 3-5 units. An increase in the indices indicates atherosclerosis, the presence of vascular defects, hypertension, ischemia, and impaired cerebral circulation.

What to do with a large difference in readings

Treatment of high pulse pressure begins with a thorough diagnosis to identify the underlying cause of the disease. Picking up medicines is quite difficult, because often deviations occur only in one of the indicators, the arc remains normal.

The basis of treatment of increased pulse pressure is based on folic acid preparations - this vitamin normalizes the content of homocysteine ​​and cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the load on the heart muscle.

Beta-blockers - Nadolol, Propranolol - will help normalize high blood pressure, which will help reduce systolic parameters. Improve the condition can be with the help of ACE inhibitors - Fosinopril, Captopril.

Important! Do not self-medicate with high pulse pressure. Drugs can reduce not only the increased rates, but also normal, which will lead to the development of serious complications.

Potassium helps to improve the condition of blood vessels and heart - in large quantities this element is found in cream and cedar oil, natural orange juice, nuts. At high pulse rates, you should include more porridge from the millet, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet.

To restore the lack of potassium, vegetables - boiled potatoes, all varieties of cabbage, fresh carrots and beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, beans will help. Useful for heart muscle bananas, dried apricots, melon and watermelon, dairy products with an average fat content, cod, lean beef and pork.

Hawthorn will help improve the emotional state, establish sleep, strengthens the heart muscle, improves the elasticity of the vessels. Brew 220 ml of boiling water 10 g of crushed fruits or flowers of the plant, leave in a closed container for 5 minutes. Take 120 ml three times a day for 6-7 weeks.

Vegetable juices can be used as prevention and treatment of vascular and heart diseases - they contain little sugar, normalize pulse values, help to fight excess weight.

Juice useful for the heart:

  • beetroot - it contains organic acids that accelerate the process of processing fats, activate the production of blood cells;
  • carrot - one of the best tools for preventing the thinning of blood vessels, pressure spikes;
  • cucumber - normalizes the content of potassium, magnesium in the blood, helps to normalize the pressure.

In a day, you should drink 400 ml of vegetable juices individually or as a mixture.

Than the big difference of parameters

is dangerous. Such pathological condition negatively reflects on a physical condition of the person. With regularly high rates increases the likelihood of heart attack, stroke. High pulse pressure at low diastolic values ​​indicates the development of tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive system.

High pulse values ​​occur in diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis - especially it is dangerous for people of advanced age. It is necessary to control weight, since obesity is the main cause of pressure changes.

Any deviation of pressure from the norm may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Prevent increased pulse values ​​will help contrast shower, walking at a fresh age, quality sleep, regular moderate exercise. It is necessary to completely abandon pernicious habits, to use tea and coffee in limited quantities.

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