Flattening 2 degrees: symptoms, causes, treatment

Flat feet - a disease characterized by a pathological change in the shape of the arch of the foot, it becomes fatter. At the very beginning of the disease, this change is insignificant, later it progresses, many symptoms appear, discomfort, the patient begins to fully experience the harm of flat feet. Flattening of the 2nd degree is the next stage of the disease, in which the clinical manifestations become more pronounced.

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Flattenence of 2nd degree: what does this mean?

At the initial stage of flatfoot symptoms and visual signs of the disease are not enough expressed, many patients begin to write off pains in the legs and back for usual physical fatigue. At the second stage of the disease, the symptoms and external deformation become much more noticeable.

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In the second stage of deformation, the arching of the arch of the foot can be seen during routine examination. Pain sensations caused by flat feet become more noticeable, often changes can be noted in the person's walk. The foot becomes more elongated, a person may notice that the shoes he wore before become small, you have to buy a bigger size.

How serious is flatfoot in the second degree? If you do not tackle flat feet at this stage of the disease, it will progress further. The third stage is very difficult to tolerate, it provokes the development of other pathologies. Do not start deformation to such an extent.

Important! If the arches of the foot are absent completely, this indicates the development of the third degree of the disease.

Causes of

Platypodia can develop at any age, causes are usually associated with a person's lifestyle, the level of physical activity, the shoes that he wears. The longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot are quite complex systems supporting the entire human body. To damage the normal functioning of this part of the musculoskeletal system can be quite easy.

The main reason is excessive load on the arch of the foot. It can become such under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Weight gain. People with overweight are more likely to develop flat feet. Especially if a large body mass is combined with a "standing" work, when a person spends a lot of time on his legs.
  2. Incorrectly matched shoes. Especially the development of flat feet is affected by high-heeled shoes, because of this in adult women are more likely to diagnose the disease. When wearing such shoes, the load on the foot is not distributed correctly. In addition, in children during the formation of the musculoskeletal system, shoes without comfortable orthopedic lifting can be triggered by the appearance of flat feet.

Also one of the indirect causes of flatfoot can be called lack of optimal physical activity. People who because of work or for other reasons spend a lot of time sitting, the arch of the foot, the muscles weaken, the risk of developing the disease increases. Also, these muscles may be weak due to a hereditary factor.

Symptoms of

The second degree of this disease is characterized by the appearance of intense intense pain in the legs. Usually, the arches of the foot begin to hurt, and a painful sensation can occur in the area of ​​the heel, ankle. The main difference in pain sensations from the first degree: at the very beginning of the disease they arise only after physical exertion, at the second degree they are present and in a state of rest.

In addition to pain, flat feet of the second degree can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain from the foot and ankle begins to rise higher, to the shin and knee;
  • fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, manifests by the end of the day;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • changes gait, the appearance of clubfoot, difficulty walking.

In teenagers and children, flat feet can more strongly affect the musculoskeletal system, they can also note the appearance of back pain, in the lumbar region. Also, against the background of the disease, the following pathologies may develop: arthrosis of the joints of the lower limbs, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and others. They can indirectly indicate the arisen platypodia.

How to determine the flat feet of the 2nd degree

First of all, you need to pay attention to your own feet. With this disease, when it progresses, the foot becomes flatter and broader. Often this forces the patient to buy new shoes for a larger size, since the old one no longer fits.

Diagnosis with a doctor is mandatory before prescribing suitable therapy. To confirm the diagnosis, examine the arch of the foot, measure the height and angle of the arch, calculate the index of Friedland. For a person with a flat-footed second degree, these indicators are as follows: the angle of the vault is up to 141 - 155 degrees, the height of the vault is 24-17 mm, the Friedland index is 25-27%.

Important! All measurements should be entrusted to an orthopedic specialist.

In addition to the study of the foot itself, additional examinations can be prescribed if other pathologies develop on the background of the disease.

Whether the army is taken with a flat-foot

Flat-footedness is a serious enough disease that requires constant monitoring and restriction of loads on the diseased legs. However, with this disease of mild degrees, the army is nevertheless taken without any restrictions, regardless of which troops.

When flat feet of 2 degrees in the army do not take only if other pathologies develop against the background of deformation of the foot. For example, a draftee with a flat-foot 2 degree with arthrosis is considered unfit. In this case, the stage of the concomitant disease should also be not weaker than the second.

Therefore, when deforming the foot during the commission for the army, first of all pay attention to the pathologies that developed on its background. The category of validity for such patients is unfitness for service in peacetime.

Treatment at home

Almost completely to return the foot to a normal healthy position can only be in childhood, while the leg is still developing, the disease itself is not started. Then the basis of treatment is the wearing of special orthopedic shoes, which does not allow the disease to progress, and therapeutic gymnastics, which helps to support the muscles of the foot in tone.

In this massage and other procedures are auxiliary. In a more mature age, a full range of possible means is needed to combat flatfoot, it will not completely get rid of it, but with the help of therapy it will be possible to stop the progression of the disease and to weaken most of the symptoms. In adults, the treatment consists of the following:

  1. Use of orthopedic insoles for shoes. When choosing a suitable model of insoles, you must pay attention to the presence of the necessary instep and roller in the area of ​​the anterior arch of the foot. At the same time with the second degree of the disease orthopedic shoes are not required by order, it is sufficient to choose a comfortable model of ordinary footwear and insoles to it.
  2. Shoes with flat feet should be maximally anatomically comfortable for a person. It should be abandoned high heels, let's say an exceptionally small rise, approved by orthopedists.
  3. If you have excess weight and other pathologies that have contributed to the development of the disease, you need to deal with these problems.

It should also be constantly observed in the orthopedist and monitor progress. Massage and physiotherapy are not mandatory procedures, however in some cases the doctor can recommend them for the best result.

Do I need an operation?

When deforming the second degree, surgery is usually not required, it is used at the third degree, when conservative methods achieve a positive result does not work. There are many different types of intervention, choosing the most appropriate method of reconstruction in each individual situation.

The operation is also indicated if flat feet caused serious changes in the spine and other organs. However, at the second degree this happens extremely rarely, especially if the treatment was started on time, all the recommendations of the doctor are strictly observed.

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