Sinus tachycardia: symptoms and treatment

Heart pathologies of various types are among the most frequent and dangerous diseases. Among all arrhythmic disorders, the most dangerous is sinus tachycardia. Knowing the symptoms and treatment of this disease can avoid many serious problems.

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  • How to treat tachycardia at home
  • Correctly choose medications for the treatment of heart tachycardia
  • Symptoms and causes of tachycardia in pregnancy
  • Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies
  • How to treat tachycardia at home

Sinus tachycardia what it is

This pathology develops as a result ofdisturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle. Sinus tachycardia is not a disease, but simply signals an accelerated rhythm of the heart muscle. Such a process in absolute people can be observed during stress and excitement, after intense physical exertion.

Is this dangerous? No, provided that tachycardia does not acquire a pathological character. With a constant tachycardia, the heart wears out quickly, because he has to work idly. Blood does not have time to fill the heart, lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm becomes uneven.

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Dangerous and prolonged oxygen starvation, which provokes ischemia of the heart and brain. All internal organs begin to suffer from oxygen deficiency, there is a need for emergency medical care.

Without proper treatment, uncoordinated ventricular contraction( fibrillation) will develop. That will lead to zero efficiency of pumping blood. In this case, medications will be powerless.

There are several varieties of sinus tachycardia:

  • congenital, acquired - often in adolescents and girls;
  • pharmacological - occurs under the influence of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and epinephrine;
  • is adequate pathological form - arises from anemia, fever and pressure, thyroid problems;
  • inadequate - an increase in the heart rate occurs in a calm state without any irritants. The patient has weakness, shortness of breath, often dizzy.

Important! Dangerous symptoms are a frequent increase in heart rate to 90-180 ulars per minute, which appears continuously for at least three months.


is manifested Symptoms of the disease may differ, depending on the stage of the ailment. Many manifestations are subjective, often occur unnoticed, poorly traced. All this makes it possible to attribute sinus tachycardia to very dangerous diseases.

What symptoms can manifest:

  • heart palpitations are well felt, it seems that it is trying to jump out of the chest;
  • even minor physical exertion leads to the appearance of shortness of breath and chest tightness;
  • dizziness and weakness can be so strong that you can lose consciousness;
  • sinus tachycardia often accompanies ischemic heart disease, with a pain in the sternum;
  • increases the sensitivity of the nervous system.

An abnormal heart rhythm can be manifested by lack of air, insomnia, disability, poor appetite. Due to poor blood supply to organs, hypotension occurs, and limbs often become cold.

All these signs indicate that the treatment of major ailments should be started immediately.

Important! Frequent attacks of sinus tachycardia can indicate the development of coronary atherosclerosis.

Reasons for

Due to increased emotional excitability, sinus tachycardia is more common in women and in young people with increased excitability and emotionality.

  1. The cause of the ailment are various heart congenital and acquired defects, psychoses, neuroses.
  2. In women, tachycardia can cause disturbances in the functionality of the endocrine system - anemia, kidney colic, hypoxemia.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes also negatively affect the heart rhythm. The high temperature leads to an increase in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  4. Tachycardia can occur due to angina, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sepsis.

Tachycardia and pregnancy

Sinus tachycardia in pregnancy is often a normal condition that causes physiological changes in the body.

The reason for the increased heart rate may be:

  • the appearance of an additional circle of blood circulation between the fetus and the mother;
  • restructuring of all the organisms of a woman caused by a change in the hormonal background;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • toxicosis;
  • thyroid problems;
  • excess weight.

The problem rarely develops in the early stages of pregnancy. Failure in the heart rate is noted at the end of the second, third trimester.

A future mother should not panic and take medication herself. Tachycardia is not dangerous for mom and baby in most cases. But only the doctor can make definitive conclusions and prescribe medicines.


Children often have an accelerated heart rhythm without special pathological abnormalities. Palpitation in children can increase to 100-160 beats per minute with fever, intense physical exercise, in stuffy rooms. If the heart rate stabilizes within 5 minutes - there is no cause for concern.

For newborns, a dangerous symptom is an increase in heart rate to 160 beats per minute. Tachycardia in infants occurs against anemia, acidosis, hypoglycemia and pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels. The mild manifestation of tachycardia occurs within the first 12 months of life, medical intervention is not required.

Tachycardia can develop with various mental and physical strains, often in teenagers. Also in the pubertal period, there is an endocrine alteration of the body, which can also lead to the development of tachycardia.

Such pathological changes require the intervention of a physician, because they can develop into pathological tachycardia, vegetovascular dystonia, heart failure.

Young people of military age often have a question - do they join the army with a sinus tachycardia. If the disease is not accompanied by other concomitant diseases and heart failure, the draftee is considered fit for the army service. The final decision is left for the commission.

Important! Every second child has sinus tachycardia

Home treatment

Self-treatment with folk remedies allows you to do without rigid therapeutic methods, installing a pacemaker.

Recipes of alternative medicine are aimed at replenishing the deficiency of vitamins, helping to normalize the number of heartbeats. For treatment use teas, decoctions and tinctures.

Infusion of hawthorn

Inflorescence of the plant( 20 g) should be filled with boiling water( 220 ml).Insist in a sealed container for 20 minutes.

The resulting broth is divided into 2 portions, which should be drunk during the day before meals. You can use this tool for a long time, until significant improvements are made.

Lemons and garlic

  1. Rub 10 cloves of garlic.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from 10 lemons.
  3. All shift, add 1.1 kg of honey.
  4. Cover the container with a lid of polyethylene.

After a week, the medicine will be ready. In a day you need to eat 20 grams of vitamin drug.


Boil a glass of water, cover 5 grams of herbal raw materials. Continue to cook on low heat for about a quarter of an hour.

After this, the broth is covered with a lid, allow to cool completely. A strained medication should be taken 15 ml three times a day.

Calendula and Valerian root

Mix 15 g of dried calendula inflorescences and chopped valerian root. Blend the mixture into a thermos, pour 400 ml of steep boiling water. The broth will be ready in 3 hours.

The drug should be taken 4 times a day for 110 ml. The therapy can be continued for 20 days. The second course is possible in a week.


A sudden attack of tachycardia requires immediate first aid. It will help to save your own or someone's life.

  1. Access to the air - go outside, open the windows, unbutton the collar.
  2. Try to sit down - an attack can cause a darkening in the eyes and dizziness.
  3. Apply a wet and cold compress to the forehead.
  4. Well reduces the frequency of cardiac reduction following exercise - you need to strain the press, hold your breath.

Before the appointment of drug treatment for tachycardia, it is necessary to reduce psychoemotional stresses, to fill a lack of iron, to drink vitamins.

Preparations for sinus tachycardia:

  • use beta blockers - concor, aegiloc to reduce excitation and eliminate stress;
  • if the disease is accompanied by extrasystole, sodium inhibitors - rhythmomanium;
  • atrial fibrillation is eliminated by potassium channel blockers - Cordarone;
  • antiarrhythmic drugs - adenosine, verapamil;
  • sedative drugs on herbs or synthetic - new-passit, diazepam;
  • antioxidants, contributing to the restoration of coronary blood supply - preductal, mexiore.

Important! If tachycardia is caused by congenital heart defects, ischemic disease or rheumatism, medication may not be effective. It will require cardiosurgery.

Preventive measures of sinus tachycardia consist in timely early diagnosis. Do not ignore the signals of your own heart. It is necessary to eliminate non-cardiac factors affecting the heart rhythm - drinks with caffeine, stress, bad habits. The food should be balanced. Physical activity - regular and moderate. Lifestyle - healthy and positive.

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