How to treat angina at home quickly in children

Angina is an infectious disease that consists in the inflammation of the tonsils. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses begin to develop under favorable conditions, causing disease. It is important to know how to treat angina at home quickly in children, because it is children who are prone to frequent development of this disease.

Related articles:
  • Treating angina at home with folk remedies - quickly and efficiently
  • Quickly and simply getting rid of purulent sore throat at home
  • Treating follicular sore throat at home
  • Angina - which doctor should you go to?
  • Angina in an adult: treatment with antibiotics

Causes of the disease

The main causes of angina in a child:

  • cold season;
  • weakening of local immunity( overfatigue, malnutrition, stress);
  • has a history of a viral infection( influenza, SARS);
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media or adenoids. Angina develops against another foci of inflammation in the body;Undercooling is local or general;
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  • contact with a sick person( airborne transmission route).

Important! Improper treatment of sore throat leads to complications. So, home methods of treatment are actively used by parents after the campaign to the doctor and after the appointment of the main drug treatment for the child.

In what situations is an urgent hospitalization required:

  • the presence of chronic diseases( diabetes mellitus, bleeding disorders and others);
  • development of complications in the form of phlegmon neck, abscess;
  • child intoxication: problems with breathing, fever, convulsions and vomiting.

Home treatment depending on the type of the disease

Angina purulent

The course of treatment of purulent angina in a child - 10 days. It is based on antibacterial drugs( in tablets, syrup).

  1. It is obligatory to include in the complex of treatment mouthwash with Lugol.
  2. Do not give up absorbing tablets.
  3. To relieve pain, prescribe analgin.
  4. Within 5 days, it is necessary to drink Diazolin or Suprastin.

The child is better to comply with bed rest and diet( not to use sharp, salty, sour, sweet foods).Drink plenty of warm tea( do not injure the mouth with hot and cold drinks).

Viral angina in children symptoms and treatment

Viral angina manifests itself as fever, general weakness, digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, refusal to eat. To treat it is necessary with the help of compresses, rinses, a spray.

  1. The tonsils are treated with a solution of soda and furacilin.
  2. Rinse is recommended with sage infusion, decoction of plantain, a solution of water with salt and a few drops of iodine.
  3. For a compress it is necessary to take a cut of cotton cloth to soak it in cold water. Then wring out and wrap the neck of the sick child. Leave the fabric for 2 hours.

Catarrhal angina

The main symptom is elevated body temperature( 38-39 degrees), pain when swallowing, feeling nauseous. Most often, this kind of disease occurs after a previous flu, ARVI.With proper treatment, the disease will last for 10 days.

What to do for treatment:

  • comply with bed rest;
  • rich in drinking warm liquids;
  • every hour to gargle( for young children, treatment of the throat with a spray);
  • adequate treatment with antibiotics( strictly according to the doctor's prescription).

Fungal angina

First of all, it is necessary to take tests. If this is not possible, then try to provide the child with bed rest, let him drink more, prepare rinse solutions( with soda, salt and iodine, furacilin, aloe and calanchoe).Ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. Watch your baby's nutrition, he needs a soft and healthy food that does not irritate the throat, but also provides the body with vitamins and nutrients. Use antiseptics( Givalex, Miramistin), give vitamin B and C, include drugs to boost the immune system( Proteflazide).From the temperature you can take Nurofen and Paracetamol.

Herpes sore throat in children treatment at home

It is possible to use for the treatment of folk remedies, which are based on excreting sweat, relieving inflammation and strengthening the immunity of a sick child.

  1. Keep an eye on mouth hygiene. To clean the teeth, the child should use a soft toothbrush to avoid accidentally injuring affected areas.
  2. Provide the kid with an abundant drink of warm drinks: tea with raspberries, dog rose, sea buckthorn, cranberries, cranberries.
  3. It is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with broths of turn, lime and currant. You can also use a solution of soda or manganese.
  4. It is necessary to limit the baby in the diet, to exclude food that can irritate the herpetic wounds.

Follicular( lacunar) angina

This form of the disease is difficult. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, a fever is possible. On tonsils appear yellow abscesses.

What to do to treat follicular sore throat:

  • take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. That the doctor could appoint or nominate the most effective preparation, it is recommended to hand over a smear on bacterial crop for definition of sensitivity of bacteria to different kinds of antibiotics;
  • plentiful drinking regime, liquids should be warm;
  • reception of antipyretics.

Important! If this form of the disease has developed in a child under three years of age, it is necessary to refuse home treatment. Such a sore throat should be treated in a hospital environment under the close supervision of specialists.

Important! With purulent sore throat any compressions, hot or steam inhalations are prohibited.

Medication management

Many parents ask the question, which antibiotic is better to take. It is worth considering that antibiotics are prescribed after the result of the smear taken. The drugs are divided into three groups:

  • penicillins - Augmentin, Amoxislav, Flemoxin;
  • macrolides - Azithromycin and Sumamed;
  • cephalosplerins - Ceftriaxone and Cephalexin.

The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. If the antibiotic has approached the child, it should be easier on the third day of admission. If not, notify the doctor about it. Do not interrupt the course of treatment. Antibiotics should be drunk exclusively with water, in large volumes. Take it an hour before meals or 2 hours after eating.


Sumamed is a common antibiotic that is prescribed to children with angina. Children are most often prescribed it in the form of syrup. Dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the child. It can be applied to children from 6 months old, it is well tolerated. But it is not prescribed immediately, but in the case that other drugs did not help, so that the body does not get used, did not affect immunity.

Treatment with miramistin

Miramistin contributes to the destruction of bacteria, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effect. It can be used for fungal and purulent angina. For children who do not know how to control breathing - do not use Miramistin in the form of a nebulizer. The drug can be used to rinse the mouth and treat tonsils moistened gauze tampon.

Number of recommended procedures:

  • for children aged 5-6 years( 1 every 4 days);
  • for children 6-12 years( 4 times a day until complete recovery);
  • is over 12 years old( 6 times a day).

Treatment with acyclovir

Acyclovir is the right choice for herpetic sore throat. It practically has no contraindications and is excreted from the body together with urine. The main thing is to drink more fluids. This antiviral drug, which is used in conjunction with other drugs that have other therapeutic effects on the body. Acyclovir can be used after consultation with a doctor. Dosage varies depending on the body weight and age of the child.

If you do not want to give your child strong drugs, you can treat a sore throat without antibiotics and take advantage of other medications and medicines, and also use folk remedies. Treatment without antibiotics includes:

  • rinsing of the mouth;
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • reception of vitamin;
  • physiotherapy.

From the recipes of traditional medicine, use this: rub 1 kg of beet on a large grater, extract the juice from the resulting mass, add 1 tbsp.l.vinegar in 250 ml of juice. Put juice to infuse for 4 hours. The resulting liquid gargle 3-4 times a day.

Obligatory rinsing of the mouth

If the doctor has determined the possibility of carrying out treatment of angina at home quickly in a child, then regular rinsing of the mouth is mandatory. It should be understood that this is an additional, not the main, method of treatment. Quickly and effectively eliminate the disease can only antibacterial drugs.

Than to rinse the mouth( or lubricate the tonsils in young children):

  • solution of soda and salt. On a mug of warm water dissolve a small spoonful of soda and salt;
  • ready-made pharmacy products( you can use it after three years): "Lugol", "Ingallipt", "Geksoral" and other drugs;
  • 0.01% Miramistine solution;
  • in a mug of warm water dilute two large spoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • iodine solution( a few drops of pharmacy iodine are diluted in a circle);
  • dissolve two Furacelin tablets in a glass of warm water;
  • decoctions of sage and chamomile, calendula( you can use the collections based on these herbs);
  • for lubricating the tonsils should not use antiseptics: they can damage the protective layer of the mucosa. The rest of this category is suitable;
  • absorbable tablets, you can use: "Tharyngept", "Strepsils", "Grammidine" and others.

In some cases, with angina, Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to be taken orally, but for children under 12 years old, these procedures should be contraindicated. To use the spray is also undesirable. But the rinsing of the throat can be done with an alcohol or oil solution of Chlorophyllipt. Before this, it is recommended to teach the child to gargle with water. You can also lubricate the tonsils with alcohol or oil solution - this is the safest option for the child. Dosage, the number of procedures should appoint a doctor.

What to consider when choosing children's products( up to three years)

Some sprays for children under three years old just do not fit, it's always written in the instructions. So, before buying a drug in the instruction you need to look into it. Breastfeeds are best used sprays not for their intended purpose, but treat them with a nipple, and give suck.

Teach a two-year-old child to gargle with a throat. Small children can not keep a pill in their mouths for long. So, when choosing a specific means of local treatment, you just need to consider the needs and level of development of the baby.

Use of antipyretic drugs

In the case, how to treat angina at home quickly in children, without antipyretic drugs is indispensable. They will help to bring down the temperature for a few days, but this is enough to allow antibiotics to start the main treatment.

Important! Drugs from heat can not be taken for more than three days in a row. It is best to use Paracetamol, Panadol, Ibuprofen to treat children.

When to knock down the temperature with angina is mandatory:

  • if the temperature is more than 38 degrees. Before this, you do not need to knock down the temperature: in this state the body produces antibodies that fight the disease on their own;
  • if the temperature is accompanied by vomiting, and for babies in this situation it is best to use rectal suppositories;
  • if children are already one year old or more and they normally tolerate heat, the temperature should be brought down when it reaches the level of 38.

Popular methods for lowering the temperature

It is necessary to prepare a clean towel, soak it in water and wipe the child. If the baby is already over a year, then you can wipe it with vodka. Need to give a lot to drink, will help the broths of black currant, cranberries and raspberries. Drinking will increase sweating, which will help reduce body temperature.


Useful properties of kerosene in angina: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, kills parasites and relieves infection. Use it must be very careful not to hurt your health. If possible, it is better to resort to other methods of treatment. Especially if it's a child.

Important! Handling tonsils with kerosene is a very complex process that can lead to serious consequences. And when rinsing the prepared solution with kerosene, the child may accidentally swallow some liquid.


You also need to give your child more foods that contain vitamins. Since swallowing with angina is difficult, it is recommended to make a puree based on fresh fruits and vegetables, cook compotes, fruit drinks, squeeze fresh juices.


Briefly about important stages of treatment and behavior:

  1. Isolate the child from other family members. Create silence, reduce the amount of light.
  2. Allocate a separate dish, personal hygiene products. After each meal, wash dishes, pour boiling water.
  3. In the room arrange ventilation, every day to conduct a wet cleaning.
  4. Baby toys wash in hot water with soap.
  5. Bed and underwear change every day. Especially if the child sweats heavily. Refuse for the time of fever from diapers.
  6. Drink plenty to lower the temperature and remove toxins from the body. Give warm milk with butter and honey, kissel, warm fruit and sour juices.
  7. Giving the mashed liquid food.

Angina and cough in children

An effective way to treat cough with angina is a recipe for alcohol and honey. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, since honey is an allergic product, and alcohol is not available to everyone.

  1. To prepare, take 1 tbsp.l.honey and art.l.alcohol and mix.
  2. Give the child a cough for 1 tsp.

This mixture encourages expectoration, dilutes and soothes.

It is worth remembering that many ways how to treat angina in children at home can be actively practiced only with three years. For children of a smaller age, treatment in a hospital is recommended.

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