Alcoholism: treatment with folk remedies without the knowledge of the patient

Most drinkers do not want to understand the hopelessness of their addiction and do not consider themselves sick. It is extremely difficult for close people to live with an alcoholic who does not want to get rid of his addiction. How to help him cope with the disease? Treatment with folk remedies without the knowledge of the patient often helps to cure alcoholism.

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Advantages of

therapy Family scandals, persuasions and quarrels end up in the fact that a close person, not indifferent to the fate of a drunkard, decides to help him anonymously, with the help of folk methods. Therapy of these methods is based on the beneficial properties of herbal medicine, which uses herbs, the composition of which can suppress alcohol poisons, purify the blood and the body. Apply honey, tea, herbal preparations in the form of infusions and broths.

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Traditional medicine uses environmentally friendly components, without chemistry and requires precision in quantity and dosage. The combination of substances is selected in such a way that it causes a reflex of aversion to alcohol intake and gradually eliminates the physical and mental needs in it.

Advantages and basic principles of secret treatment in people's ways from alcoholism are based on the method of conditioned reflex, have a comprehensive approach that is encouraged by the doctor in consultation with them. The advantage of treatment at home is convenient, in the case when the patient does not want to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital, and in a familiar home environment, if desired, he will be provided with good care and supervision. Alcoholism is stress for the body, and at home there is confidence and the possibility of friendly support.

Which of the folk methods are suitable for saving a particular person from drunkenness, should they solve the not indifferent close people, having consulted with the doctor in advance.

Which doctor treats alcoholism?

Therapy for alcohol dependence is professionally handled by a narcologist. Having decided on the need for anonymous treatment for alcoholism, it is better to consult with him. This will prevent the onset of medical and legal consequences( the patient may die if complications arise with unsuitable folk therapy, and close people will respond).

The doctor will determine the propensity to allergies in the abuser, his individual tolerability of herbs on the basis of anamnesis and recent analyzes, the presence of concomitant diseases, will tell about the pharmaceutical effect of the selected remedies.

The narcologist can differentiate between the concepts and can not, make a record in the patient's card( if it is provided for), and take the signature of the interested relative that, in view of the inadequacy of the patient and his reluctance to inpatient therapy, the patient will be treated by outpatient treatment.

Important! Than treatment is dangerous without knowledge? It consists of an unintentional overdose and may result in resuscitation. The accuracy of the method and the symbiosis of interaction with the narcologist are necessary.

Traditional methods of combating alcoholism

Home remedies for drinking depend on the principle of reflex vomiting. The states of disgust for alcohol are so excruciating and strong that a drunkard can take a serious decision at such moments - stop drinking. The main thing, unobtrusively, try to convince him of stopping the abuse of alcohol.

How to give the patient such medications? Folk remedies are added to food, drink, and a bottle of alcohol. Apply a lot of different methods.

Mushroom dung for the treatment of alcohol dependence

A special non-toxic fungus, called a dung beetle, is used very successfully. To taste it is something close to champignons, you can safely eat it. The action of the fungus in the body lasts 4 days. Use a fresh light mushroom( cut is stored up to three days).

Such mushrooms can be cooked usually: fry, stew, cook. A ready-made dish is offered to a drunkard. He should eat them, while drinking alcohol can not, otherwise, this combination will cause instant poisoning. We need to wait until the mushrooms are digested and their substance will suck in the blood.

Only mushrooms are intoxicated with regard to alcohol. That is, as soon as a person takes a dose of alcohol, he will begin to vomit and tear. The alcoholic will think that this is due to drinking, he will have a desire to stop drinking.

You can cut the dung beetles in small pieces and dry them in a frying pan without oil, stirring often. Dry mushroom grind in a coffee grinder to a powdery state, and then add unnoticed to food the resulting powder.

When drinking alcohol, a drunkard, after a few hours, will become ill: the complexion will change, vomiting and diarrhea, severe thirst, blurred vision. Then all the symptoms will disappear, and will appear again the next time you drink.

This method is secretly treated for 10 days, using 3 g of dried mushroom per day. More can not be poured because of the toxicity of the fungus.

Tincture of green bugs

This method is very popular. Make an alcohol tincture for 15-30 green bugs, living on raspberry bushes by picking them in a bottle and pouring 0.5 liters of vodka with infusion in 3 days. This tincture causes nausea and vomiting.

Offer 50 g of this remedy to the patient so that he does not guess. The main thing is not to betray yourself, you need to be calm and balanced, giving drugs.

Never and never is talked about a method. There must work the power of persuasion in the need to stop drinking. Tincture completely avoids drinking.

Treatment of alcoholism with salt

This recipe is very well proven. A spoonful of salt( 30 g) is dissolved in 100 g of 60% alcohol, defended in the dark for 3 days and added to the liquid and food 7 drops per day.

Gradually, there is an aversion to alcohol.

Infusion of thyme from alcohol dependence

When using thyme, in combination with alcohol, there is a strong gag reflex. Thymus is treated for a week, and in-kind therapy is stretched for a month.

The infusion is prepared in the usual way:

  • 3 tbsp.l.herbs are insisted in a glass of boiling water for a couple of hours and anonymously poured into a bottle of alcohol. Vomiting is called after half an hour of taking the remedy.

Important! Grass thyme is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tincture of red pepper from drunkenness

This recipe is very well proven in the development of aversion to alcoholism:

  • in a 0.5 liter bottle of 60% alcohol fall asleep 1 tbsp.l.powder of red pepper from the pod, put in the dark for 2 weeks of infusion, periodically shaking. Then drop 3 drops of the infusion on each bottle of alcohol.

The addict has headaches and nausea with each use of a regular portion of booze.

Bay leaf in the fight against alcohol addiction

Folk medicine has been used for a long time by the leaves of the laurel. Bay leaves are brewed from fresh or dry raw materials:

  • 4 g of raw materials are thrown into a glass with boiling water, hold for 10 minutes with low heat and cool;broth drink on the throat.

Also laurel is good in combination brewing with a lover in the form of tea.

There are a lot of different recipes for dependence on alcohol, but the above are considered basic.

Additional prescriptions of folk remedies against alcoholism

Well cause aversion to alcoholic herbal tea, infusions or decoction. Herbal therapy is harmless, affordable, has a diuretic and choleretic action, perfectly cleanses the body of toxins from the decomposition of ethanol. Their use is well combined with a bath and thermal baths, which improve blood circulation and remove wastes.

In the fight against drunkenness, they use:

  1. Wormwood and centaury. These herbs are mixed equally and make the broth in the usual way. Give to drink several times a day, divided into equal portions.
  2. HoneyThe natural product is eaten instead of sweet as much as they want( it saturates the body with useful trace elements).
  3. Decoction from the root of sorrel. The roots are washed and boiled, consumed throughout the day.

You can brew herbal preparations in the form of tea with bearberry, bitter wormwood, and hoof. Portions of herbal tea are imperceptibly poured into vodka.

Recipes of therapeutic juice

The healing juices are saturated with vitamins, they cope well with alcohol intoxication. You can use vegetable juices from carrots, tomatoes, beets, celery, pickles, as well as any fruit.

Apply such recipes from addiction to alcohol:

  1. Cabbage juice. Squeeze fresh juice from the fresh cabbage in the amount of one glass, add to it the same amount of pomegranate juice, stir and drink the drunkard during the day before eating.
  2. Treatment Serum. This drink perfectly cleanses the cells of the body, gives strength, energy, tone and improves mood, suppressing the urge to get drunk.

Preparation of whey from alcoholism

In 8 liters of a container, 1 liter of 3.2% kefir is poured, barley, rye, wheat and oats flour is added, grinded buckwheat and mango( 40 g of each substance);the bucket is filled to the top with water, covered with gauze and put on for 72 hours at room temperature;then everyone exfoliates and is forced to drink during the day for 3 glasses.

It is also recommended to eat 1 kg of sour apples a day or take apple juice from them.

Treatment by an anonymous method is necessary when a person does not want to recognize his addiction to a green snake. It is necessary to convince him to be treated.

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