Gastritis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Gastritis is a disease characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. This is a common enough ailment that can develop into more dangerous diseases. Therefore, what appears to be gastritis, its symptoms and treatment in adults should be considered in detail.

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Causes of gastritis

There are many reasons why an adult can develop this disease. The most common prerequisites are:

  1. Enter the stomach of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. In the body of each person are certain bacteria, but if their number begins to increase significantly for one reason or another, it leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
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  3. Incorrect power. Unserious intake of food, that is overeating or malnutrition, leads to improper operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, irregular eating, eating harmful food affects negatively. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Ethanol, which they contain, in a significant amount falling into the stomach, leads to a violation of the acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Prolonged intake of potent medicines. They lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is required to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.
  5. Genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If at least one of the parents has a gastritis, then the probability that it will manifest in the born baby is very high.
  6. Decreased immunity. Cells of the gastric mucosa in this case lose their protective function. As a result, gastric juice has an irritating effect on the digestive system.
  7. Disturbance of metabolic processes.

From the above reasons for the development of this disease, it can be seen that it can cause both external and internal factors.

Symptoms of gastritis in adults

Depending on the form of the disease, a person may feel various ailments. Their severity depends on the degree of mucosal involvement. The most common signs of development of gastritis in humans are:

  • poor appetite or total loss;
  • severity in the digestive organ;
  • an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth, especially after eating;
  • nausea, usually leading to vomiting;
  • abundant salivation;
  • belching;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • of migraine;
  • dizziness.

Also in some cases, the patient may experience an increase in body temperature to 39 C.

It's important to know! These symptoms worsen during the period of exacerbation and are more pronounced!

Types of gastritis

Depending on the course and severity, the disease is divided into the following types:

  1. Erosive gastritis. The disease develops as a result of getting stale or poor-quality food in the stomach. Also, it can appear due to prolonged use of strong drugs. At the patient at diagnostics the strong puffiness and insignificant damages of a mucous membrane of a stomach is observed. This form is easily treatable. Inflammation is removed after a while after the use of harmful substances.
  2. Fibrinous gastritis. This form is characterized by the death of a small part of the cells of the gastric mucosa, after which a film is formed on the affected part. If you do not start treatment in time, the disease can lead to complete necrosis of the mucous membrane. Necrotic gastritis. Characterized by complete death of cells of the mucosa as a result of ingestion of harmful substances into the stomach. The ulcer of the stomach develops on the necrotic form of the disease.
  3. Purulent gastritis. Can develop for a variety of reasons. With this form, the patient has an increased body temperature and acute pain in the stomach. If you do not start a timely effect, the purulent form of the disease leads to fatal consequences.
  4. Acute gastritis. The first signs of the disease manifest themselves in the patient fairly quickly. Exacerbation is accompanied by unbearable pain in the upper abdomen, as well as other signs characteristic of gastritis. After taking medications, the symptoms gradually begin to subside.
  5. Chronic gastritis. The chronic form of the disease has a sluggish character. The patient can feel good for a long period of time. The mucous membrane slowly disintegrates. Maintain their condition in the norm is required with the help of regular medication, as well as observance of a strict diet that includes the use of exceptionally useful products that do not cause an increase or decrease in acidity.

It's important to remember! Regardless of the form of the disease, after its diagnosis it is required to begin treatment immediately!

Treatment of the disease

Than to treat inflammation of the stomach? Treatment in adults provides for a comprehensive use of medications, namely:

  1. Medicines that help reduce acidity. For this, the following drugs are used: Omez, Nexium, Famotidine, Ranitidine.
  2. Drugs aimed at reducing the activity of gastric enzymes. They also eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn. Examples of such drugs: Almagel, Fosfalugel, Geksikon, as well as their analogues.
  3. Preparations that perform a protective function for the mucosa from the harmful effects of gastric acid. They have an enveloping effect. The most effective means are: De-nol, Vikalin, Venter.
  4. Enzymes that improve digestion, helping to facilitate the process of digesting food. To do this, use such medications: Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, as well as drugs with a similar effect on the body.
  5. Drugs for the removal of spasms and pain relief during an exacerbation. Examples of such drugs: No-shpa, Papaverin, Trimedat and others.
  6. Antibacterial drugs. Used in cases where gastritis is caused by the ingress of infection or pathogenic bacteria into the stomach. They help to remove the inflammatory process. In order to choose an antibiotic of a certain group, you need to consult a specialist. He will appoint the most effective and safe remedy, taking into account the individual features of the course of the disease.

The patient is also prescribed complex vitamins. They are required for prolonged inflammation of the mucous membrane. As a result of this process, a person develops a deficiency of hemoglobin, iron and many other useful substances.

It's important to remember! Before using certain medications, consult your doctor! This will help to maximize the impact on the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

To remove the inflammatory process with gastritis, as well as to ease the condition during an exacerbation can help the means of alternative medicine. There are many recipes that are highly effective.

Birch bark

In order to eliminate belching and heartburn, 2 tbsp.l.finely chopped birch bark. Add 1 liter of hot water, not boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, the preparation must be filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times daily before meals.


It will take 1 tbsp.l.finely chopped burdock leaves. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to stand for 12 hours. The received preparation is taken 100 ml 3 times a day.

It's important to remember! Before using a certain traditional medicine is required with a specialist!

Diet for exacerbation of

Exacerbation of gastritis requires strict diet, which requires the complete elimination of such foods from the diet:

  • drinks and products containing caffeine;
  • fizzy drinks;
  • various sauces and spices;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries in raw form;
  • fresh bakery products from the highest grade flour;
  • sour-milk products with high fat content;
  • fatty meat and fish.

Thermal treatment of products with gastritis should be carried out by cooking, steaming or in the oven.

It's important to remember! For gastritis to develop the right menu it is better to seek the help of a qualified gastroenterologist!

Prevention of gastritis in adults

In order to avoid inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Proper nutrition. It provides for a regular meal. That is, avoid overeating and starvation. The food should be balanced. It is better to avoid eating in public places.
  2. Use only high-quality products. It is best to eat only cooked dishes. When choosing products in the supermarket, special attention should be paid to the shelf life.
  3. The meal should not be fast. Food should be chewed carefully, slowly.
  4. Avoid low-quality alcoholic beverages, especially in excessive quantities. A large amount of ethanol can trigger an inflammatory process and a burn of the mucous membrane. As far as smoking is concerned, this harmful habit itself is not capable of causing gastritis, but it can aggravate the condition at the time of its appearance.

If you strictly follow such rules, a person can protect himself from the development of gastritis.

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