Bartholinitis: photos from women

All women try to pay much attention to intimate personal health. Manifestations of pathological disturbances are alarming, therefore, with the first unpleasant symptoms it is important to consult a gynecologist. One of the most common diseases, which brings a lot of complications, is bartholinitis( photo) in women. About this disease and methods of treatment will be discussed in this article.

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Overview of the pathology

Bartholin glandIs a paired organ that is located at the entrance to the vagina. Its main task is to maintain the necessary humidity within the female appendages. Iron produces a special secret or lubricant, which makes painless intimacy intimacy.

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Sometimes iron can inflame and provoke such a disease as bartolinite. As a rule, it affects only one side. This pathology is caused by a variety of infections that lead to the clogging of the secret and the formation of a cyst. In the neglected state, the lubricant turns into purulent secretions, which provokes the development of an abscess. However, the bottom complication does not always appear, but the gland nevertheless remains dense and enlarged in size.

In some patients, the abscess is opened by itself and pus is released from it. This process, of course, facilitates the general condition of a woman. However, it is important to continue therapy, otherwise a relapse and transition to a chronic form is possible. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor and begin timely treatment, otherwise the disease will progress and lead to serious complications.

Photo of the disease

Causes of the appearance of the disease

The main causes of bartholinitis are various infections. Harmful microorganisms penetrate into the body of a woman due to a decrease in the immune system. However, more often infection occurs during sexual contact. As a rule, the disease causes such conditionally pathogenic organisms:

  • Trichomonads;
  • streptococcus;
  • gonococcal;
  • Klebsiella;
  • E. coli;
  • Staphylococcus aureus.

Bartolonitis in women develops on the background of other diseases, which significantly reduce the level of immunity. The risk of infection increases if the patient is diagnosed with such accompanying pathologies:

  • elevated blood sugar is an excellent medium for the development of harmful microorganisms. In addition, a reduced number of white blood cells, which dramatically reduces the immune system, and the body remains without reliable protection;
  • IDS( immunodifitsit) is congenital or acquired, against a background of various diseases;
  • non-observance of the rules of intimate feminine hygiene, which provokes the development of dysbiosis of the vagina;
  • a large number of sexual partners, as many infections are sexually transmitted.

Important! The disease can develop in a healthy woman who has a single sexual partner. The infection appears from hypothermia, a lack of vitamins, the transferred stress and after intimacy during menstruation.

The main symptoms of bartolinite

Clinical manifestations of the disease directly depend on the stage of development of bartholinitis. Physicians distinguish two main forms of pathology, which are clearly manifested by severe symptoms.

  1. Acute bartholinitis always flows quite hard and brings a lot of discomfort to a woman. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms:
  • malaise and weakness in the body;
  • body temperature increases to 39 °;
  • the area of ​​the gland swells and turns red;
  • feels pain and discomfort in the perineum;
  • develops suppuration and inflammation;
  • appears severe itching and burning.
  1. Chronic bartholinitis occurs without pronounced symptoms. However, the disease is always aggravated after a long stay in the cold, during menstruation or with various ailments. During a period of exacerbation, a woman feels such manifestations:
  • blunt aching pain in the affected area;
  • tenderness with intimacy;
  • when walking, you feel discomfort and pain;
  • labia become inflamed and increase in size;
  • a cyst is formed, which is opened on its own in a week.

Important! It is forbidden to open an abscess on your own. This threatens the fact that pus may remain in the cyst, which will lead to the repeated development of bartholinitis or even the infection of blood. It is good to clean the abscess only by a specialist, during surgery. At the first symptoms of the disease you need to urgently go to the gynecologist.

Bartholinitis in pregnancy

Usually, the disease develops against the background of infections that have a detrimental effect on the unborn child. With this ailment, the protective systems of the future mother will not always be able to fully work and prevent a pathogenic effect on the fetus. Infection of the baby occurs in utero. Infected blood penetrates the placenta, then into the umbilical cord and into the body of the fetus.

If the infection occurred before the 13th week of pregnancy, then, as a rule, this leads to the death of the child. In the event that the disease struck the child later, certain organs and systems will definitely be underdeveloped. Bartholinitis adversely affects the health of the baby's future, which can provoke physical and mental disorders.

Important! At the first symptoms of a pathology a woman should urgently consult a doctor. In infectious diseases, the doctor offers two solutions: abortion or careful therapy, which also affects the fetus. However, each woman is offered individual solutions to the problem. In this gynecologist takes into account many factors.

Diagnosis of the disease

For the qualitative therapy of bartholinitis, it is important to find out the root cause of its development. Only after a careful examination is prescribed treatment, which eliminates the root causes of the disease and its unpleasant symptoms. Initially, a woman is required that she come to a gynecologist. The doctor will carefully examine the affected area and prescribe a number of instrumental examinations and laboratory tests. As a rule, when a doctor suspects Bartholinitis, the doctor recommends:

  • a smear test from the vagina, for infection;
  • bacteriological culture, taken from the secretions, to select an acceptable antibiotic;
  • a thorough examination of pus from the dissected abscess;
  • definition of sexually transmitted infections.

Based on the findings, the gynecologist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause that triggered the disease. After that, the doctor will select individual therapy, to restore the woman's intimate health.

How to get rid of bartolinite forever: effective methods of treatment

To restore intimate health, there are many medications and old folk methods. However, a woman should not engage in self-medication, with the first symptoms you need to see a doctor. To recover, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist

as soon as possible. Medication therapy of pathology

Modern medicine provides many quality methods for treating bartholinitis. The scheme of therapy directly depends on the stage and complexity of the disease. If an acute form of pathology is diagnosed, a woman is recommended for treatment in a hospital, under the supervision of an experienced medical staff. The chronic form of the disease, without exacerbation, is well treatable at home. However, it is important for the patient to visit the doctor, in order to control the recovery.

How to treat the disease? As a rule, a gynecologist recommends taking some effective medications, as well as attending physiological procedures. Joint therapy will help to recover faster. The doctor prescribes such treatment regimens:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process( Ibuprofen, Baralgin);
  • antibiotics( Trichopolum, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Ermithromycin, Tinidazole, Amoxiclav);
  • analgesic medicines( Analgin, No-Shpa);
  • regular spraying of affected areas with disinfectants( Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) or herbal decoctions( chamomile, calendula, oak bark);
  • ointment( Vishnevsky, Levomekol);
  • physiotherapy( microwaves and UHF).

In acute bartolinitis with a large abscess, an operation is recommended for a woman. During the procedure, the cyst is opened, and purulent clusters are carefully removed from it. After that, properly clean the gland and treat it with peroxide. If necessary, install a drain so that no liquid is collected.

Folk methods of treatment

There are many effective recipes of folk medicine for the treatment of bartholinitis. Below are the most common and effective "grandmother's" methods.

  1. Aloe. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 200 g of leaves and crush them thoroughly, until the formation of gruel.400 ml of dry red wine is added to the resulting mixture. All mix and cook on a water bath for at least an hour. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered. Take medicine for 1 tbsp.spoon three times a day before meals.
  2. Regularly make sedentary baths with broths of medicinal herbs from chamomile, calendula or sage.
  3. Saline. To prepare 8% of the liquid based on salt, you need to take 3 tbsp.spoons of rock salt and carefully dissolve it in 1 liter of purified water. The medication is wiped off the affected area, make baths and lotions.

To avoid the development of bartolinite, a woman should observe intimate personal hygiene, visit the gynecologist on a regular basis and refuse from promiscuous sexual intercourse. Be healthy!

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