Urinary Incontinence in Children: Causes and Treatment

Urinary incontinence is a pathological condition that is quite common in older children. The medical name of the disease is enuresis. Characterized by the inability to control his urination during sleep, as well as in other situations. What constitutes urinary incontinence in children, its causes and treatment should be considered in more detail. After all, this disease brings a lot of psychological problems to the child.

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Causes of overnighturinary incontinence in children

The appearance of enuresis is most often associated with an abnormal structure of the bladder. Also, the disease occurs in such situations:

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  • sharp urge to urinate;
  • reduced bladder capacity;
  • regular constipation reduces the functioning of the bladder;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • is a genetic predisposition to the disease.

Bedwetting in children is a common ailment among schoolchildren and preschool children. Timely appeal to a specialist will help to avoid chronic incontinence.

Causes of daytime incontinence

Urinary incontinence is most often observed in girls. It is associated with such factors:

  • a sharp urge to urinate;
  • uncontrolled urination with laughter;
  • ingestion of urine residues in the sexual organ of the girl contributes to the spontaneous excretion of urine.

Single incontinence in a child is not dangerous.

Types of the disease in children

Depending on the cause of the appearance of spontaneous urination, distinguish these types of this disease:

  1. Imperative incontinence. It occurs in children with excessively active bladder work, in which there is a sharp urge to urinate.
  2. Stress incontinence in children. It manifests itself in the period of the child's physical activity, as well as in such reflex actions as sneezing or coughing. The baby with this form of the disease has weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and urinary and fecal incontinence.
  3. Reflexive incontinence. It is a complication after traumas of the spinal cord and lower back. This type of disease is usually preceded by a prolonged retention of urination.
  4. Overflow of the bladder. Occurs as a result of prolonged retention of urination. In this case, urine leaves gradually. The child can not control this process.
  5. Complete incontinence. It is characterized by total uncontrolled urine output at any time of day. It is a consequence of some diseases of the kidney and urogenital system.

It's important to remember! Regardless of the form of the disease, immediate treatment of the baby is required! After all, this ailment brings a lot of suffering, both physical and psychological.

Features of the disease

Pediatric incontinence does not present danger and anxiety up to 4 years due to the fact that the bladder is not yet fully formed. That is, the baby at 4 years already begins to have a physical ability to control urination even in a dream.

The pathology of spontaneous urination is considered from 6 years. At this age, the child should respond clearly to his desires, even at night. If the incontinence at this age continues, then this factor is the reason for contacting the doctor.

A child at the age of 8 may suffer from this disease as a result of a violation of the central nervous system. On the basis of such abnormalities in children, incontinence can occur.

As for the disease in children 10 years and above, most often it occurs due to psychological factors. So, incontinence in adolescence manifests itself in such situations:

  • strong emotional overstrain, stressful situations;
  • excessive care or lack of attention of parents, as a result of which the teenager on a subconscious level wants to feel a small child;
  • weakened pelvic floor muscles;
  • strong sleep, occurs due to congenital features of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;

Urinary incontinence in adolescence is usually observed at night in a dream.

Treatment of disease

Than to treat an enuresis? In order to determine the correct and most effective way to treat a child, you need to contact a specialist. He carefully examines the child and prescribes the most effective therapy. Most often the doctor prescribes complex treatment, which includes:

  1. Tablets for children. Medication therapy is aimed at removing excessive activity and overexertion before bed. This will help ensure a full and quality rest. If spontaneous urination is associated with an infectious disease, then children or older children are given a course of antibiotics. In general, drugs are aimed at normalizing the work of the nervous system, which will promptly signal about the urge. The most common medicines are Radedorm, Pantogam, Glycine, Melipramine and others.
  2. Physiotherapy. For normal functioning of the bladder, procedures such as electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy, and massage are used.
  3. Psychotherapy. The essence of this method of influencing the disease is to communicate with a psychotherapist, who will teach you how to cope with the disease with the help of specific relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis.
  4. Compliance with the daily routine. It is required to distribute the child time for physical and mental activity and ensure sufficient rest. Also, you should try to protect it from stressful situations and emotional experiences. During the day, monitor the child's use of fluids.

It's important to remember! Strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations will help to save the child from this disease quickly enough!

Exercises to combat enuresis

Such treatment can be carried out at home. The essence of gymnastics is to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and the normal functioning of the bladder. The most effective exercises are:

  1. In order to increase the bladder, it is necessary to delay the process of urination after the first urge. Repeat this procedure several times a day. Thus, gradually the baby's body will learn to keep urinating during sleep.
  2. To strengthen the muscle fibers of the bladder, you should stop the process several times during urination. This contributes to the fact that the child learns to manage the process of excretion of urine.
  3. Before going to sleep, gradually relax your body. Children such an exercise can be offered to perform in a playful form.

In such ways, the baby will learn to control the urge to urinate.

Treatment with folk remedies

For a long time, enuresis was treated with medicines of traditional medicine, which are used in modern times. The main advantage of this effect on the disease is the absence of contraindications and side effects. There are many recipes, thanks to which you can save your child from urinary incontinence.


To prepare the medicine, the seeds of this plant in the amount of 1 tbsp.l. You should pour 1 cup of boiling water and press for 1 hour. At the end of the time, the broth should be filtered and taken at 100 ml once a day, preferably in the afternoon.

St. John's wort

It should take 1 tbsp.l.leaves of St. John's wort and 1 tsp.dried fruits of cranberries. Pour these medicinal plants 1 liter of hot water and leave to infuse for 3 hours, tightly covered with a lid. At the end of the time, use 1 glass of the received liquid 3 times a day.


For preparation, plantain seeds are needed, which should be ground to the consistency of the powder. Such powder should be consumed in dry form for 1 tsp.1 time a day, with plenty of water.


It will take 2 tbsp.l.of this medicinal plant in a dried form. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, wait until the broth cools and give the child 50 ml 2 times a day. Older children can double the dosage.

Very important role in the treatment of non-traditional medicine medicines is played by the individual intolerance of the baby to certain ingredients. Therefore, when choosing a specific prescription, you need to consult a specialist.

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