Cold allergy: on hands

Hands are one of the least protected parts of the body. It is they who transfer bacteria to themselves, and also get hit first. The most pronounced allergy to cold: on the hands there are traces of allergic dermatitis, which will never pass independently, if not to exert due effort. Therefore, it is important to study this issue in detail.

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Allergies to cold on the hands

Cold allergy is divided into two types:

  • acquired;
  • is hereditary.

The first type is much more common. The reason for this is a decrease in immunity, which entails the body's reaction. The slow metabolism, which occurred in a low temperature, provokes the production of histamine. He is the cause of the allergy, the culprit of redness, skin peeling, and other characteristic symptoms.

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Hereditary allergy, as a rule, manifests itself from the very childhood. It is characterized not only by the usual symptoms, which are lower, but also more severe:

  • abdominal pain, heart;
  • low pressure in the cold;
  • is a pre-occlusive, shock state in a low temperature environment.

The prevalence of the location of the consequences of an illness is due to the fact that the hands are practically not protected by humans. Many neglect elementary rules while walking in the cold, forgetting to wear gloves. As a result, the skin is exposed to negative influences, being in extreme conditions. Some manage to take snow in their hands, take photos, and all this - in the cold. In addition, the limbs are constantly lowered - the outflow of blood is difficult.

A weighty reason for an allergic reaction is the effect of detergents on the skin. Each person in normal quantity has its own microorganisms, which form a protective film, not allowing microbes to penetrate. Soap washes this layer, as a result, hands crack and dry much more often.

Several other causes of allergy to frost:

  • lack of nutrients in the body( vitamins, micro- and macro elements)
  • seasonal diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • is an inherent skin sensitivity.

Symptoms of an allergy

How does the cold allergy look like? First of all, the following symptoms stand out:

  • on the skin of the hands there are red rashes that gradually become inflamed;
  • brushes unbearably itch and itch;
  • visible small bubbles with colorless fluid or without, blisters, swelling;
  • hands swell at the slightest impact of cold on them, and swelling can be worse when returning to a warm room;
  • combing of the affected skin leads to the appearance of blood, as a consequence - deterioration.

The last stage is the visibility of the crust on the hands. She often cracks, causing additional pain. Probably the emergence of secondary symptoms similar to colds - swelling of the mucous membranes, cough, throat swelling, tearing.

Important! Do not self-medicate. Most likely, an infection has already entered the cracks - it requires additional impact. The specialist must establish an allergen( external stimulus), and then take any measures.

Are the symptoms of cold allergy in children different, and if so, how is it manifested? The fact that the skin of the child is unusually tender, sensitive, so the slightest rashes immediately hurt. Some symptoms may vary - there are more vesicles, infection occurs faster due to a weak immune system. On the fingers of the hands there are small reddening, which instantly become irritated and turn into bleeding cracks.

Treatment of cold allergy - what to do?

Treatment of cold allergies on the hands requires a special approach. This applies especially to children and pregnant women - not all drugs are suitable for these social groups, which complicates the search for a drug several times. Carefully study the instructions, as well as pre-ordinate the application with a specialist, in order to avoid negative consequences for the child.

Drugs are aimed at strengthening the immune system, destroying the most vivid symptoms of allergies. Medications are only for this, they can not cure and eliminate the problem completely. It requires separation of the victim and irritant, as well as compliance with the rules of prevention for the rest of his life.

Often, doctors combine several types of practices to promptly eliminate symptoms. Treatment is usually performed as follows:

  • elucidation of the irritant, removal of the patient's contact with it;
  • use of vitamin complexes, strengthening therapy;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • for complications - anti-inflammatory drugs.

Definition of the allergen, vitamin complexes

The main step on the road to recovery. The decrease in immunity is sometimes caused by uneasy conventional colds, often manifested in the cold season, but also by more serious problems. Often, doctors found a stomach complaint - ulcers and gastritis - complaining of a cold allergy.

No less important step is the stimulation of the body with vitaminized medications - Duovit, Centrum. Due to their use, the vessels are strengthened, the immune system returns to normal. As an improvement in microflora, a hand cream is prescribed.


Antihistamines( Zirtek, Suprastin) quickly eliminate allergy symptoms. Only the doctor is entitled to prescribe them, because the drugs are divided into several generations. Each species has its own contraindications:

  • the first generation has the effect of drowsiness, helps patients with respiratory problems;Second-generation medications
  • are forbidden for people with heart disease;
  • is a third generation useful for asthma sufferers;
  • 4 has a small list of contraindications, mainly not recommended for pregnant women and children.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Ointment from allergies is the most common form of release of drugs in this category. They are prescribed to many patients, since the consequences of cold in the majority still reach the stage of inflammation.

Than to smear? Levomekol - if there is a contamination of the damaged area, in more difficult cases, Solcoseryl ointments, Triderm are used.

Important! Information is spread that expensive drugs can be replaced with cheaper ones. This is strictly prohibited. Only a few drugs can restore useful microflora and cure damaged skin. Unintentional intervention, the action of unnecessary components will aggravate the situation.

Folk remedies: what to treat?

The use of folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor in advance. Some components of home remedies cause complications. Possible negative consequences in the form of a transition to another form of allergy - a specific ingredient.

The recipes listed below are the most accessible to a wide range of victims. Find the necessary components will not be difficult.

Treatment with onion

This remedy is the most effective in treating the effects of cold allergy. Ingredients are known for their anti-inflammatory effects, and honey is used in many healing folk recipes.

  1. Wash the head of an ordinary onion, grind it enough to squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add the juice to the juice.honey, as well as squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Use it once a day, a half to two hours after eating.

Tincture of nettle

To prepare the tincture you need: nettle and vodka.

  1. 50 g of nettle need to pour 400-500 ml of vodka.
  2. Put the received liquid infused, the period is ten days.
  3. You must consume the mixture for at least one month( until complete recovery).

How to treat allergy with celery

Celery is an incredibly useful remedy. It is used in the treatment of many diseases, not only cold allergies:

  • with skin ailments;
  • for problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • with difficulties with sleep.

Freshly squeezed celery juice take 0.5 tsp.three times a day, before eating.

Prevention of cold allergy on the hands of

To take care of your hands, you need to start from the very beginning, so that later there are no questions how to treat the illness that has appeared.

  1. At the first signs of lowering the temperature, heat, and apply a fat cream on the skin of the hands, you can even use a baby cream - it will be good for this purpose.
  2. Start tempering in the summer to make it easier to survive the winter. Do this gradually, watch for well-being, so as not to hurt yourself more.
  3. Forget about cold drinks and food.
  4. At the slightest sign of hypothermia, go to a warm room.

Important! If you are frozen, do not rub your hands with snow. So you injure the cold-affected place more severely.

Cold allergy is a serious problem that can not be taken up by sleeves. To successfully combat the manifestations of the disease, follow the doctor's instructions, do not forget to monitor the health of your hands yourself, use a special cream. Well-being!

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