Rheumatism of joints - signs, causes and treatment

People with rheumatism got acquainted even in remote antiquity, but its true nature and clinic became understandable to doctors not so long ago. Quite a long time, official medicine considered rheumatism a joint disease, which complicates the heart.

After studies in 1836, there was undeniable evidence that rheumatism, in addition to the joints, mercilessly affects the heart and pericardium( heart bag).In honor of two researchers who independently established the pattern of heart damage, rheumatism of the joints became known as the Sokolsky-Buyo disease.

Causes of rheumatism

Why does rheumatism occur, and what is it? In most cases, rheumatism occurs in people who have suffered an acute inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract. Additional accompanying factors are hypothermia and high air humidity. Most often, people develop rheumatism of the joints, in medicine called rheumatic polyarthritis.

Acute articular rheumatism develops 10-20 days after acute or chronic streptococcal infection( sore throat, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis).This is a consequence of the production of specific antibodies in response to the appearance of toxins in the bloodstream of the pathogen. Such antibodies are designed to fight streptococcus, but mistakenly infect their own cells of connective tissue.

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Studies have shown that such reactions do not occur in all angina survivors, but only in carriers of the special protein of group B. According to physicians, about 2.5% of patients experience joint rheumatism within a month after an infectious disease.

Symptoms of rheumatism

The peculiarity of this disease is the fact that there is a clear connection with the transferred streptococcal infection. Symptoms of joint rheumatism appear after 2-4 weeks after the infectious process( tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.).The pain sensations in the joint are very strong and the motion in it is very difficult. Sometimes even a slight touch to it causes severe pain.

Disease mainly affects large joints of :

  • knee;
  • ulna;
  • wrist band;
  • shoulder.

In addition to the appearance of acute pain, redness appears on the joint site, and the temperature of the affected area rises. With the development of the disease the signs intensify, so the pains become stronger and more frequent, because of which the patient does not move much, and touching the joint brings even greater suffering. Also, the temperature rises not only on the affected anatomical site, but throughout the body, up to 39-40 degrees.

Quite often signs of rheumatism develop in several joints simultaneously, which greatly complicates the course of the disease and treatment. If at the time of rheumatism, then its development can be stopped, and therefore only two or three joints will be affected.

Diagnosis of rheumatism

If the symptoms of joint rheumatism are not significant, a complex of instrumental studies should be performed:

  1. Clinical and biochemical analysis of blood indicates an inflammatory reaction.
  2. Immunological analysis of helps to identify disease-specific substances that appear in the blood a week after the start of the pathological process and reach a maximum by 3-6 weeks.
  3. Ultrasound, ECG and Echocardiogram of the Heart assesses the condition of the heart, helps to exclude or confirm its defeat.
  4. Radiography of joints, arthroscopy, puncture and biopsy of intraarticular fluid are performed to analyze their condition.

Remember, the symptoms of rheumatism are the first thing you need to pay attention to. The patient may note that a few weeks ago he had had an angina or some other infectious diseases. In addition, with this disease, he will complain of a fever, fatigue, and joint pain. The last complaint, most often and is the reason for the patient's treatment to the doctor.

Treatment of joint rheumatism

Patients are treated in a hospital where complex therapy is provided, including:

  • bed rest for the first few weeks;
  • etiotropic therapy - administration of antibiotics of the penicillin group intramuscularly for 2 weeks;
  • anti-inflammatory treatment - use prednisolone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When the acute stage has passed, you may be assigned physiotherapy procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF;
  • paraffin applications.

Self-treatment of this disease in the home is fraught with serious consequences.

Prevention of rheumatism

Rheumatism is a disease which it is easier to prevent development than to struggle with its manifestations for many years.
To do this, take preventive measures:

  1. Timely destroy streptococcal infections in the body.
  2. Do not allow the body to subcool.
  3. Properly eat, provide the body with the right substances.
  4. Monitor the condition of the immune system.
  5. Pay attention to physical activity.

Rheumatic fever is a serious pathological process, which is accompanied by the formation of inflammation. This organ can be affected by various organs. Typical manifestations of the disease is pain and general malaise. Treatment of the disease should be complex and be prescribed only by an experienced specialist after thorough diagnosis. Only if all the recommendations are met can you win the disease.

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