Allergies to the skin, red spots are itching: treatment

Eruptions on the skin cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Constant itching, dryness and peeling of the skin are characteristic satellites of allergy. To get rid of all the symptoms you need only under the supervision of doctors. Do not self-medicate! The article details how the allergy is manifested on the skin, how to act, if the red spots are itching, what treatment should be used. What if the allergy is periodic?

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These questions have answers here!

Causes of an allergic reaction

To select the optimal treatment for all types of allergic reactions of the body, you first need to determine their origin. The causes of allergy in the form of red spots can be:

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  • plant pollen;
  • household dust;
  • food products;
  • animal wool;
  • Chemicals;
  • cold weather;
  • sunlight.

Also, spots appear with direct contact of the skin with the pathogen, the nature of which can be very different. Often, rashes appear due to nervous tension, stress. It is especially important during the surrender of the session to the students, during the execution of the responsible work.

Allergy in the form of spots on the skin also appears when using antibiotics or other medications. This is due to a malfunction of the microflora of the stomach. The appearance of rashes on the body can also be hereditary. If you suffer from allergies, then your children are also at risk.

When pregnancy is also often allergic to the skin. The reason for this may be a change in the hormonal background of the body. You have to be careful in the choice of food and cosmetics. A pregnant woman needs to be doubly careful when choosing cosmetics and food. Since the treatment of allergies in pregnant women is extremely problematic because of contraindications for taking antihistamines.

If the immune system fails, an allergic reaction may occur. For example, a person up to a certain age never had a rash on his body. He had a viral illness, and later began to detect the appearance of red spots on the skin from time to time.

In a child, the presence of irritation on the skin most often indicates an incorrect input of artificial complementary foods. Therefore, pediatricians recommend introducing new foods into the diet very slowly, starting at half a teaspoon per day.

The most common pathogens of allergic reactions are mentioned above. But some types of allergens can not be determined. In medicine this fact is called "unclear etymology", in simple words - of unknown origin.

It is important to note that in infants, an allergy is most likely to food. In adults - on alcohol, drugs, animal hair.

Types of red spots on the skin

The reaction to allergens can be very different. Some have extensive red spots, others have blisters, others have small blisters. Photo spots can be found in the Internet. Unites their unbearable itch in the area of ​​the rash. Below is a table with the classification of allergic diseases and their symptoms.

Name of the disease

Reasons for the appearance of


Psoriasis Stress, nervous tension Extensive red spots on the legs, elbows. There is itching. On the body, the red spots gradually increase in size.
Gastrointestinal obstruction Disturbance of the stomach or the entire digestive system Red spots on the skin of the face, itching can be felt
Dermatitis Direct contact with the causative agent of allergy Skin edema, redness, peeling, itching, small bubbles on the affected areas
Allergyon cold Sharp change in air temperature, usually its decrease Dryness of skin, redness of hands and face
Eczema Stress, food, chemicals, microbial infectionsand Appearance of red spots on the skin of hands. In neglected cases, after scratching, bleeding microscopes and cracks appear.
Hives Food, cosmetics, stress, weather Small dots that form red spots on the body, itching occurs

Treatment of skin allergies

The first step in treating stains in adults on the skin is to find out the cause of their appearance. For this, a dermatologist-allergist appoints a test for allergens. The second stage is the complete elimination of contact with the allergen.

The third stage - the appointment of drug treatment. The doctor for the removal of an acute condition prescribes antihistamines: Fenistil, Suprastin, Loratadin, Gystan, Parlazin. When allergies against the background of stress in addition appoint sedatives: motherwort, valerian, Afobazol, Novopassit.

If it turns out that the food is an allergen, completely eliminate it from your diet. The causative agent is a cosmetic or detergent? The only salvation is to remove it from household use.

If the allergy is in the form of peeling spots on the skin of the hands, the body, you must additionally apply an ointment with an antiseptic effect: triderm, celostoderm. Allergy to cold, spots on the face after a long stay in the winter on the street? Be sure to lubricate open areas of skin with protective fat cream, olive oil before going out.

Not the last place in the fight against allergies can become immunomodulating drugs. They stimulate the human immune system, thereby erecting the body's natural barrier to confront different types of allergens.

Than to treat an allergy in young children? Babies mostly suffer from dermatitis. The nature of its occurrence can also be different. Often, provoking factors are: food, powder, cream or clothing. The allergist will prescribe the child an antihistamine in the form of drops. Pills baby will be hard to swallow. For example, a solution of Fenistil. To treat red spots apply cream. Depanthenol, Bepanten, Panthenol, usual children's cream with chamomile. It will relieve irritation and itching, promotes rapid healing of cracks and wounds.

Folk remedies for the treatment of allergies

To save the family budget on expensive medicines, people suffering from allergies resort to simple folk remedies that can be prepared at home:

  • grind the eggshell to a powdery state, add lemon juice, take ½ch.n.per day;
  • take activated charcoal( 1-2 tablets per day);
  • to eat honey combs in the absence of allergy to honey;
  • take the juice of the dandelion stalk to 1 tablespoon.3 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal;

To relieve the itching and stains on the skin, you can use the following folk medicine recipes:

  • apply compress of leaves of boiled cabbage for 2-3 hours, helps with hives and eczema;
  • take a bath with the addition of celandine and calendula oil, will help to eliminate itching and sinking wounds;
  • use compresses from mummies. To do this, a piece of mummy with the size of the little finger is dissolved in a glass of warm water and applied to the affected areas;
  • excellent healing effect gives a bath with the addition of wormwood oil;
  • sea buckthorn oil or juice will quickly get rid of red spots on the skin.

To ensure that the allergy does not result in serious consequences, and you can do without surgery, at the first signs, contact specialists. Only a doctor can make the right diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment!

Important! Folk remedies are used as ancillary ways to combat allergies. Do not skimp on your health!

To prevent an allergic reaction, the most important is the complete exclusion of contact with the pathogen. If you remember this fact, then the allergy in the form of red spots will not bother.

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