Chronic cholecystitis treatment at home

Chronic cholecystitis( inflammation of the gallbladder) develops very slowly, almost imperceptibly. Stones formed in the gallbladder cause inflammation of its walls and worsen the outflow of bile. You can treat chronic cholecystitis at home, without surgery, with medicines and folk remedies. It is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand.

Related articles:
  • Chronic cholecystitis about symptoms and treatment
  • Gallbladder cholecystitis: principles of the
  • diet Acute cholecystitis about symptoms, treatment and types
  • How to treat an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis?
  • How to treat cholecystitis in adults, symptoms of

Symptoms and signs of chronic cholecystitis

If a person has been experiencing dull, troubling pain in the right upper quadrant for a long time, then one can suspect the occurrence of chronic cholecystitis. In addition to such symptoms, nausea, eructation, insomnia or irritability can occur.

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Pain sensations in cholecystitis can move to different parts of the body and be perceived as problems with the liver, spine or heart.

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis at home. It is recommended to consult specialists and take a survey.

One of the main causes of the disease is unhealthy food, obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to improper feeding, exacerbation may result in shaking( for example, rough terrain), stress, long exposure to low temperatures and unusually high physical activity.

Important! It's interesting to know how cholecystitis manifests in women? Read here.

Attention! At the first suspicion of gallbladder disease, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist. A delayed visit to a doctor can threaten a serious violation of health.

Usually acute cholecystitis is treated surgically - remove the formed stones. Doing without surgery can be respecting the diet and a moderately active lifestyle. A good help to medicines will be treated with folk remedies.

Chronic cholecystitis - treatment without surgery

The first step in treatment is proper nutrition.

Traditional medical treatment of chronic cholecystitis is always supported by the appointment of a diet. It's good for one or two days to completely stop eating, but be sure to drink a lot - weak tea, juices in half with water, mineral water without gas.

When cholecystitis, to comply with the diet, many favorite dishes are prohibited: smoked sausages, fried meat, spicy seasonings, alcoholic beverages - anything that can cause irritation and push the inflammatory process. Even mineral water can be drunk only without gas.

Important! Learn more about the principles of diet in cholecystitis in our article.

Drug treatment

In the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, the doctor prescribes drugs that relieve pain( papaverine, no-spa, aprofen, spasmolithine) and antibiotics that reduce inflammation and promote rapid recovery. These drugs include: gentamicin, cephalosporins and ampiox.

Important! Which doctor treats cholecystitis, find out here.

Important! And the symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis in adults, read here.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis in pregnancy

Due to the delicate position of a woman and many contraindications during pregnancy, the treatment of chronic cholecystitis can be prescribed only by a doctor. The drugs have a mild cholagogue effect and basically contain plant components. For example, Khovitol - the preparation contains an artichoke extract. In addition, it is recommended to use traditional medicine, such as broths from corn stigmas, mint, rose hips. In case of an exacerbation of the disease, the doctor prescribes hospitalization.

Important! On the symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis during exacerbation, you can find out on the pages of our site.

Treatment of cholecystitis in children

Chronic cholecystitis in children is treated as a medicamental method, and with the help of folk remedies. Appointed such drugs: domperidone, magnesium alginate, fumarin, etc. From the traditional medicine recommended the same recipes as in pregnancy.

Treatment with folk remedies and herbs

Chronic cholecystitis is distinguished between two types - stoneless and with the formation of gallstones. In the latter variant, the cholagogue grass is forbidden - stones may move. When treating chronic stone cholecystitis with folk remedies, in addition to cholagogue, grasses with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action will be needed.

Warning! Using herbal decoctions and infusions at home, consider the nature of the disease. Wrong selection of herbs will worsen the situation. Only the specialist can make the correct diagnosis after a proper examination.

Therapeutic infusion for hypomotor dyskinesia

The condition in which the gallbladder increases in size, stretches, is called hypomotor dyskinesia. In this condition, herbs are added to the treatment package to increase the tone - yarrows and mountain pepper.

Variant of herbal composition with an extended gallbladder:

  • yarrow, mountaineer pepper, plantain, calendula - 5 tbsp.l;
  • oregano, St. John's wort, hips - 3 tbsp.l;
  • sheet of dandelion and burdock - 2 tbsp.l;
  • horsetail, nettle - 1 tbsp each.l.

Treatment composition for hypermotor dyskinesia

Hypermotor dyskinesia is a condition in which the gallbladder is spasmodic, that is, its volume decreases. In this case, the collection should be present herbs that reduce muscle tone - mint, chamomile, dandelion.

Variant of herbal collection for spasms of the gallbladder:

  • dandelion, mint - 4 tbsp.l;
  • plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile - 3 tbsp each.l;
  • sporish, initial letter - 2 tbsp each.l;
  • celandine, nettle, birch leaf - 1 tbsp.l.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis with herbs

Many decoctions have a not very pleasant taste. If you add a little honey to them, it "sweetens the pill".

Important! Using recipes with honey is not suitable for those who are allergic to this product.

For cholelithiasis they use:

  1. Decoction of fennel fruit. For two tablespoons of fruit, you need two glasses of hot water, keep the broth on low heat for fifteen minutes, then allow the liquid to cool. A filtered product is drunk for ½ cup four times a day. The course is designed for 2 - 3 weeks.
  2. Infusion of crimson creeping. In early spring or autumn, you need to collect the roots of the plant and dry it in the shade. Finely chopped root( 4 tsp) is poured in cold water( 200 ml) and left for twelve hours, then the liquid is drained off. The remaining root is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and 10 minutes later.filter. It is necessary to merge both liquids together, and use the resulting infusion of ½ cup 4 a day.

With diarrhea the following infusion will help:

  • immortelle sandy( inflorescence);
  • the herb of St. John's wort;
  • leaves of mint;
  • motherwort.

Each plant takes one tablespoon, prepare the infusion and drink 100 ml for half an hour before meals.

In case of constipation, the following collection is recommended:

  • fennel( fruit);
  • buckthorn( bark);
  • peppermint( leaves);
  • yarrow( grass).

Fennel and buckthorn take on a teaspoon, peppermint and yarrow - over the dining room. Brew with boiling water, insist. Take the drug twice a day for one glass.

Important! Before starting the use of medications, be sure to get acquainted with the contraindications. Directory - herbalist can be found on the Internet or purchased at the store.

Composition based on vegetable oil

Oil with bay leaf

You can take any oil( sunflower, corn, olive).For 200 g of oil take 30 g of crushed laurel leaves. The composition is aged for 3 to 6 days. Then you need to strain the oil. Take with a drink( tea, kefir, milk) for 10 to 15 drops 3 times a day.

Olive oil, honey, lemon

You need a kilogram of honey, a glass of olive oil and four lemons. Lemons to grind( it is possible blender), preliminary from two lemons it is necessary to remove a crust. Then mix all the ingredients. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the drug must be mixed. Take the drug for 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 30 minutes.before meals. It is recommended to repeat the course 3 - 4 times a year.

Use of vegetable, fruit and herbal juices

Fresh juices are included in the recommended diet. They can be drunk in a diluted form( approximately 50:50).Juicy carrots, lemon and orange are especially useful. Drinks should be freshly squeezed and diluted with warm water. In the case of lemon juice, you need to dilute to a pleasant acidity - too sour drink can do much harm.

Aloe juice

Well suited for the prevention of bouts of pain. This plant has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and resorptive action. It is recommended to take 5 ml( about a teaspoonful).For the preparation of juice, the plant is suitable for at least three years. The flower is not watered for a week, and then the lower leaves are cut. They need to be thoroughly washed, cut and squeezed through gauze. If the entire sheet is not used immediately, it can be removed into the refrigerator. However, over time, the healing properties of the cut sheet deteriorate.

Warning! Aloe is not recommended for pregnancy.

Black radish juice

Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day. The course should not be more than 20 days.

Attention! Black radish is contraindicated in exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease, kidney and stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

The following formulations have a pronounced cholagogic effect:

  1. Lemon + salt. The juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of salt is bred in a liter of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach after waking up. It cleans the gallbladder well.
  2. Lemon + juices of carrots, beets, cucumber. Take the lemon juice( 0.5 cup).Then squeeze and mix the juices of carrots, cucumbers and beets. This cocktail is topped up with a glass. The mixture is drunk in small portions throughout the day. The product is good for removing small stones and sand from the gallbladder.

Hazards of herbal remedies

The recipe for herbal medicines used in folk medicine is time-tested, but this does not mean that any recipe can be used.

In case of chronic cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis is used. The fee may include tansy, immortelle and corn stigmas.

If gallstones have already formed stones, the cholagogue can build them from the spot, cause colic and even lead to surgical intervention. Immortelle and corn stigmas - herbs with strong choleretic action, - should not be included in medical treatment for cholelithiasis.

Important! Using ready-made recipes of medicinal mixtures necessarily correlate their composition with your disease!

The pantry of nature is rich and generous. It helps to strengthen and maintain our health. But do not forget: prevention is the best treatment. A healthy lifestyle, attention to one's body, moderate physical activity combined with natural resources will make our life richer and more qualitative. Be healthy!

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