Treatment of glaucoma in the home

Glaucoma, or "green water", refers to a disease in which there is an increase in eye pressure. In consequence, this ailment can lead to complete atrophy of the optic nerve. Therefore, glaucoma should be treated immediately, in order to do without surgery. Good in this case, home and folk methods of treatment. We'll talk about this in our article.

Related articles:
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Glaucoma causes

Glaucoma can be hereditary and acquired. The acquired arises from the increase in intraocular pressure. It appears as an independent disease, and on the basis of some other. Isolate a group of people who have the highest risk of disease. These patients are atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, myopia and a violation in the retina of the eye.

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Risk factors

  1. Stress, depression.
  2. Elderly age.
  3. Increased intraocular pressure.
  4. Chronic eye ailments.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Injury of the eye.
  7. Prolonged or uncontrolled use of antihistamines, antidepressants and psychotropic substances.
  8. Presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity or atherosclerosis.

Glaucoma can occur during the period of the fetus in the womb. The cause is the mother's illness( influenza, toxoplasmosis, endocrine diseases, parotitis, etc.).

Symptoms of

  1. Severe visual impairment.
  2. Rezi and pain in the eyes.
  3. Fogging.
  4. When looking at a bright light, people see iridescent circles.
  5. Frequent change of glasses.
  6. Pain in the area of ​​the eyebrow.
  7. Narrowing of the visual field.

Symptoms in Attack of Glaucoma

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Puffiness of the cornea.
  4. Enlargement of the pupil.
  5. Scalping pain in the eye.
  6. The eye becomes stone.

Treatment of glaucoma at home

Treatment of the disease should begin with a visit to the doctor. At each appointment, the doctor must monitor the intraocular pressure and severity of the disease. Along with a regular visit to the ophthalmologist, you can also apply home treatment methods.

Important! It is interesting to learn how to treat congenital glaucoma in children, read on the pages of our site.


That marijuana has the property of lowering the internal eye pressure is established in Los Angeles. During the experiment, it was found that the pupils normally respond to light. And also visual acuity and visual fields do not change, tearing off decreases. The experimenters noted that it does not cure, but it also prevents the disease from progressing. Its action is similar to drops. But drugs based on marijuana were not invented.


Vitamins A, E, C, B must necessarily be taken in the treatment of glaucoma. They can be used in the form of tablets, drops, as well as vegetables, fruits, berries. For example, if you drink a glass of carrot-apple juice daily, it will cover the daily norm of vitamin A and C.


This product is one of the most effective in the fight against glaucoma. Blueberries protect the eye veins and blood vessels, reduce pressure inside the eye. Berry is even able to stop the development of cataracts. So, every day eat blueberries in any form( decoctions, infusions, fresh berries).

Know! Glaucoma can cause blindness if you do not resort to treatment in time.


Finely slice the aloe leaf and pour the gruel ¾ cup hot water. Stand for 3 hours. Strain several times. Rinse your eyes with infusion every 6 hours( except for night time).


This product is intended for ingestion.0.1 mg of mummy is dissolved in 250 ml of warm boiled water. Drink before bedtime. The course is 20-25 days. It is even more effective to wash the mummy with beet juice.


Methods of treating the disease involve the use of potatoes. This tool will reduce pain in the eyes and prevent impaired clarity. So, take the middle tuber of pink potatoes and grate it on a shallow grater. In the slurry, add apple cider vinegar( 1 tsp).It is used as a compress on the eyes. Execute the procedure once a day.

Herbal Infusion No. 1

Take 1 part of hawthorn, 4 parts of dill seeds and the same amount of pine bark.3 tbsp.l.mixture brew a liter of freshly boiled water and put in a water bath( for 10 minutes).Pour into a jar or thermos and stand for 2 hours. First three days use 50 ml of the drug every 3 hours. The second - 70 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Remember: treatment with folk remedies requires a lot of time.

Herbal infusion No. 2

Take 30 g cocklebur, 35 g grass mistletoe white, 40 grams oregano. Pour the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. Stand for 2 hours. Pass through the cheesecloth and drink 1/3 cup every 4 hours( except night time).

Herbal Infusion No. 3

Take 6 leaves of dry walnut, 5 g of rose hips root, 10 g of rose hips, aloe root, half a teaspoon of sugar. Brew a mixture of 500 ml of boiling water. Stand for 30 minutes. Drink half a month for 20 ml at night. This drug calms intraocular pressure.

After the crescent, take a break, and then repeat the procedure again.

Herbal Infusion No. 4

Take 5 tbsp.l.nettle and 1 of the lily of the valley. Pour the mixture with cool water( 200 ml).Put the infusion into a dark place for 9 hours. When the product is ready and filtered, enter half a teaspoon of soda. Apply as a compress 2 times a day.15 minutes will be enough.

Herbal Infusion No. 5

You will need a large leaf of a golden mustache. Finely cut it and brew 1 liter of boiling water. Defend the day in a dark place at room temperature, wrapping the container in a warm blanket or towel. Pass through the gauze and drink every 3 hours before eating( for 30 minutes) for 20 ml. The course is 1 month. Then the treatment should be suspended for 1 week and again.

The golden mustache is also used as eye drops. To do this, finely chop the leaf of the mustache and squeeze out the juice from it. Blow in the eyes for 10-12 days.2 drops in each eye will be enough.

Then take a break for 3 weeks and then repeat the treatment.

Herbal Infusion No. 6

Take the cumin, the fruit of anise, dill( in the amount of 10 g of each product).Brew the mixture half a liter of boiling water. Stand for 2 hours, pass through gauze. Eat half a glass 3 times a day. From this infusion can do and compresses. Apply the drug to the diseased eyes for 10 minutes at night.


When glaucoma is useful not only blueberries, but also other berries. It is recommended every day to eat 10 berries of red currant, strawberry or mountain ash.

Know: sunglasses when going out on a glaucoma are a vital factor.

Honey and aloe

Squeeze juice from one sheet of aloe and add 1 tsp to it.natural honey. Mix in 20 ml of water. Drip the mixture in the eye for 1 drop at night. Use the tool until you feel an improvement.

Honey and cinnamon

Take 500 g of honey, add 20 grams of cinnamon to it. Mix and take 10 g 3 times a day before meals( for 25 minutes).

Honey in the eye

Get a glass stick in the pharmacy. Pull back the eyelid and carefully place the honey. Close your eyes and rotate the pupils for one minute. Carry out the procedure in the morning and at night.

Important: for glaucoma should be from lifting weights.


Pure celand grass juice diluted 1: 1 with water. In a warm state, apply the remedy to the diseased eye with a bandage or gauze 2 times a day. During an attack, this procedure can not be carried out.


Grinded anise grass should be taken in an amount of 1 tbsp.l.and brew with a glass of freshly boiled water. Defend 5 minutes. Using a warm anisic infusion, rinse the eyes 3-4 times a day.

Dill compress

For this remedy you will need a small linen bag in which to place 20 g of dill root. Lower the bag into boiling water and bring the water to a boil. When the product cools down, compress on your eyes before going to bed for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure until you feel the improvement.

Remember: with glaucoma should provide a full sleep.

Dill for drinking

Take 5 g of dill seed. Pour them well and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Drink 20 ml 4 times a day. After take a break - 10 days, then continue the treatment.

Important: , when using this product, drink diuretics.


This plant is very important in the treatment of glaucoma. Use it for food, adding to salads, dishes, making decoctions and infusions.

Glaucoma. Necessary Diet

When treating this terrible disease at home, it is important to follow a diet. You should limit yourself in eating sweets and products containing starch.

It should not be in the diet: puddings, sweets, jams, tomatoes, white fresh bread, refined cereals. Avoid meat, salty and fatty foods, seasonings, spices, hot sauces, strong coffee and tea.

In the diet of a patient with glaucoma should be such products: leafy vegetables, carrots, seafood, fish, parsley, dill, colorful paprika, cabbage( green, red), nuts( any), apples, citrus, whole grains, honey and eggs.

Remember: for glaucoma should avoid stress and emotional states.

Salad for good vision

Take cabbage white( 50 g), radish( 15 g), carrots( 30 g), fennel( 10 g), parsley( 10 g), beetroot( 20 g), corn or olive oil - 20ml.

Other methods of treatment


There are three methods of treating glaucoma: medications, surgical intervention and laser. Drops are the most common way to maintain internal pressure. They are divided into three groups:

  • substances of synthetic and plant origin - holinomimetiki, which are used in closed-angle glaucoma;Prostaglandins are prescribed with open-angle glaucoma;and simpametiki
  • affect not only the eye nerve, but also the nervous system as a whole. This group includes drops "Karbahol", "Epifrin", "Xalatan".Drug-based drugs
  • are designed to reduce watery moisture. It includes "Azopt", "Betoptik", "Timolol", "Okuril."
  • combined preparations - reduce the amount of watery liquid and reduce the outflow.

Important! On how to treat glaucoma in people in old age, read here.

Glaucoma treatment with homeopathy

Treatment with homeopathy can be used together with a conservative method of treatment. Used to reduce eye pressure and create a barrier to its development. Treatment with homeopathy should be conducted under the supervision of an oculist homeopath. Preparations are selected individually for everyone. More popular among them is Traumeel, Apis 6, Likopodi

Massage with glaucoma

For the treatment of glaucoma, you can do self-massage. To do this, gently nail the peri-ocular region and eyelid area with nails. The hand should be completely relaxed. For the procedure, use 2, 3, 4 fingers. Massage 3-4 times a day for 2-5 minutes.

Know: can not be used for glaucoma for more than 200 ml of water.


Sit on a chair. Relax. Keep your eyes on the point at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Close your eyes with your hands for one second. The eyelids should be open and point to the point. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Left, right. ..

Take a comfortable position. Direct your eyes left and right. Exercise as many as you want. It improves blood flow and trains the eye muscles.

Lifting the feet

Sit on the edge of the chair. Put your feet on your heels. Bend them and unbend them.

Chest tightening

Place your hands on your chest. Take a deep breath. On exhalation, start pressing your hands.

Inhale, exhale. ..

Place your hands on your abdomen. On inhaling, stick your belly forward, in exhalation - retract.


Try to draw figures with your eyes. First in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The larger the numbers, the more rapidly will eyeballs move.


It is very important to keep the posture when glaucoma. Try not to slouch and do not slouch.

Remember that when glaucoma should be limited to watching TV, studying at the computer, reading.

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