Hernia of the esophagus - symptoms, treatment and diet

Hernia of the esophagus is a very serious disease. If you do not contact your doctor in time, this ailment entails many other illnesses. Among the pathologies of the stomach and intestines, the hernia occupies one of the leading positions on a par with cholecystitis and ulcers. Let's look at the symptoms of a hernia of her esophagus and how to treat it, what diet to use.

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Herniation of the esophagus - what is it

The esophagus passes through the aperture in the diaphragm. With the increase of this opening and hernia begins. Later part of the stomach moves into the cavity of the chest, the lower part of the esophagus begins to bulge. If the disease is not treated, then in a few years the risk of oncology of the esophagus will increase several times. Also, the disease worsens the work of the heart, intestines and lungs. There are a large number of different types of hernias.

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Important! We have already written about the symptoms and treatment of a stomach hernia.

Than another hernia is dangerous:

  • the inflammatory process of gastric mucosa begins;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • esophagus is shortened;
  • can occur infringement of a hernia.

According to statistics, most often this disease occurs in the elderly. Women are prone to the appearance of a hernia more than men.

Important! On our site you can see the types of inguinal hernia, as well as its symptoms and treatment.

Symptoms of

In most patients, a hernia is detected accidentally during an ultrasound and an x-ray of the peritoneum or thoracic cavity. Pathology does not have a pronounced clinical picture. If there are external manifestations of the disease, then this indicates a neglected stage of the disease. That can lead to serious complications.

There are certain problems in the body that need to be addressed for timely diagnosis. Often physicians record complaints of pain in the abdominal region of the aching nature:

  • discomfort concentrated in the solar plexus or navel, can give in the lower back, between the shoulder blades;
  • pain increases after eating;
  • vomiting, belching, deep breath brings relief.

Important! What is Schmorl's hernia, find out in our article.

Of the other symptoms, patients report frequent eructations and heartburn, a violation of the swallowing of solid foods. In the mouth often appears stomach contents without nausea.

One third of patients who had a hernia diagnosed initially addressed to a doctor with complaints of heart pain. Hernia is often accompanied by persistent bronchitis, a hoarse voice, pain in the tongue.

Important! Traditional treatment in combination with diet and folk remedies allows you to quickly get rid of pathology.

Causes of

Most often, the appearance of a hernia is associated with age-related changes in the connective tissue of the ligaments. Patients over 60 esophagus may increase by a few centimeters. Which leads to the formation of a hernia gates.

Chronic constipation, prolonged cough, abdominal injuries, heavy physical work can lead to a chronic or simultaneous increase in intra-abdominal pressure. That will lead to bulging of the abdominal cavity.

Often a hernia can be congenital, caused by a short abnormal esophagus.

Important! What is caused by the development of umbilical hernia and its symptoms? Read here.

Other common causes of hernia provocation are:

  • thinning of the fat layer at the bottom of the diaphragm due to a sharp weight loss;
  • pregnancy - in this state the position of the internal organs is changing;
  • atrophy in the left liver;
  • swelling in the thoracic or abdominal cavity;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

Hernia can also occur as a result of surgery on the esophagus.

Important! On our pages you can learn about the treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine.

Types of the disease

Depending on the characteristics of the physician distinguish several varieties of pathologies. For each type, individual treatment is necessary. Incorrectly diagnosed leads to ineffective treatment, the appearance of concomitant diseases.

  1. Slipping( wandering) hernia. The organs from which the hernial protrusion consists consists of moving to different planes with each change in the position of the body. In this case, a thin shell of connective tissue( a hernial sac) is formed.
  2. Fixed( axial) hernia. Displacement of the whole stomach or its separate part occurs along the vertical axis. Change position does not affect the size, protrusion does not self-adjust.

Important! It is the protrusion of large size in the thoracic region that speaks of an axial variety of pathology.

  1. A parasophageal( near-esophageal) hernia. In the chest cavity the bottom of the stomach moves, the bowel loop and the omentum.
  2. Mixed hernia is characterized by the symptoms of a sliding and fixed pathology.
  3. Congenital hernia. With a congenital pathology of the short esophagus, the cardiac gastric department is located in the sternum. The gastric mucosa is in the distal esophagus.

The volume of protrusion of the hernia is divided into 3 degrees:

  • hiatal hernia of 1 degree - the stomach is slightly raised, a small part of the lower part of the esophagus enters the aperture opening;
  • for the 2nd degree is characterized by a slight displacement of the cardia relative to the diaphragm, the entire lower intestine is located in the sternum;
  • with 3 stages of the cardia, the lower part of the esophagus, the bottom and the body of the stomach create a hernial protrusion.

Important! Symptoms and treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine are described in detail here.

Diaphragmatic hernia of the esophagus

The danger of this hernia is that the organs penetrating the sternum squeeze and disrupt the work of the heart and lungs.

A hernia of the diaphragm can be a long time to be in a chronic stage, without causing trouble to the patient. Acute stage - the patient complains of heartburn, belching, shortness of breath and burning sensation in the chest area.

Diaphragmatic pathology can be:

  • traumatic - appears due to injury or surgery;
  • is not traumatic;
  • true - characterized by the presence of a hernial sac, may be impaired;
  • false - occurs at the initial stage of the disease, the hernial sac is absent.

Important! Symptoms and treatment of a spinal hernia can be found in our article.

Slipping hernias of the esophagus

This type of disease is difficult to diagnose. Because the symptoms are not clearly expressed. The difference between this hernia and the displacement of organs occurs not along the esophagus, but along the axis. In this case, the upper part of the stomach participates in the formation of a hernial sac.

The cause of the appearance is a pathological change in the ligament that holds the gastrointestinal canal.

Axial hernia of the esophagus

This pathological change is often manifested in young people who neglect physical exertion. Congenital platypodia and Marfan syndrome can provoke diseases.

Other causes of hiatal hernia - prolonged vomiting, intense cough, accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum.

Important! How to cure a hernia of the lumbar spine? Read in our article.

Wandering hernia

The sliding protrusion is cardinal, cardiofundal, gastric subtotal and total. Often there is an infringement, surgical intervention is required.

When the hernia suffers a sharp rise in temperature, which is accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath and profuse sweating. The patient is sick, vomiting can cause bile.

Important! The doctor should diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. To what expert to address at a hernia, learn here.

Treatment with folk remedies

Natural methods of treatment are aimed at eliminating the main manifestations of the disease - heartburn, belching, constipation, bloating. Of the natural ingredients make teas, decoctions, infusions. Effective use of special herbal dues.

A special breakfast prepared from flaxseed seeds is good.

  1. Mix 12 g of seeds with 35 ml of water before going to bed.
  2. In the morning the mixture is heated, but not boiled.
  3. Eat well by chewing the seeds.

Important! It is interesting to learn about the treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine at home, read here.


From heartburn

Mix 7 g licorice root and dried orange crusts. Strain with a glass of boiling water. Place on low heat, evaporate until volume decreases by 2 times. The resulting beverage is divided into 3 portions, taken before meals for a quarter of an hour.


It will require one of the herbs:

  • shredded hay leaves;
  • rhubarb root;
  • buckthorn.

Any raw material you need to take 14 g, pour 210 ml of water, bring to a boil. Take 105 ml at bedtime.


From hernia and heartburn

Pour 240 ml of water 30 g of ashberry inflorescences. Bring to a boil on low heat. Completely cool, pass through a fine sieve. Drink 85 ml before each meal.

From bloating

Prepare a chamomile broth from 10 g of herbs and 220 ml of boiling water. Drink chilled and strained for 110 ml between meals.

Important! On the treatment of intervertebral hernia at home by folk remedies can be found in our article.

Teas and drinks

You can prepare tea from mint, gentian, slippery elm, calendula from a hernia. Tea is prepared from 5 g of raw material, which must be filled with 220 ml of boiling water. Cover and allow to cool slightly. Tea should be drunk 4-5 times in breaks between meals.

  1. Fresh onion juice helps with constipation. It should be drunk 10 ml before meals for 21 days.
  2. Juice made from fresh potatoes saves from heartburn. Drink 45 ml twice a day. This will help reduce acidity, the mucosa will be protected from damage and irritation.
  3. Mix the milk( 100 ml) and the alcohol tincture of propolis( 60 drops).Divide into 2 doses, drink before eating.

Important! Some homeopathic and medicamentous agents are incompatible with medicinal herbs.

Medical treatment

With hernia of the esophagus, the drug treatment occurs in several directions.

For each symptom, there is a certain group of drugs:

  • elimination of excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach - antacids( maalox, almagel);
  • restoration of the correct passage of food in the digestive tract - prokinetics( domirid, motilium);
  • decrease in the amount of hydrochloric acid - blockers of histamine receptors( ranitidine, famotidine);
  • neutralization of bile acid priee popadpnii vzheludok - bile acids( urochol, ursolfak).

Important! To avoid moving food from the stomach to the esophagus, sleep on the right side.


Proper nutrition is an integral part of a complex of therapeutic measures. For unhindered passage of food you need to eat often, regularly, in small portions. Food should be soft, frayed, thermally treated.

Prohibited products of

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the diet products provoking flatulence - cabbage, legumes, whole milk, kvass and products from yeast dough.
  2. Fried, spicy, spicy food, sweet pastries, confectionery products increase acidity. The same properties are in citrus, sour berries, bananas.
  3. Marinated, salted foods, too hot and cold food irritate the stomach lining.
  4. Products with high content of fiber and connective tissues - radish, hard fruits, meaty veins, cartilage.
  5. Pasta, semolina, peeled rice, walnuts - products that cause constipation.

Allowed products

  1. Spices that help reduce bloating and improve digestion - cumin, dill, fennel, rosemary, thyme.
  2. Bread can be eaten only in dried form.
  3. Porridges should be viscous and wiped. Vegetable dishes only from boiled products.
  4. Dairy products - curd, one-day kefir. Meat and fish should be steamed or boiled.
  5. Sweets - honey, jelly, jelly, dried fruits.
  6. You can drink special or green tea, natural sweet juices.

Important! The most useful snack is grated carrot with vegetable oil.


Physiotherapy exercises include exercises that help strengthen and relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

  1. Lie on your right side, head and shoulders put on a small hill. On inhalation - stick out vividly. On exhalation completely relax. Exercise should be done slowly for 10 minutes. In a week, you can begin to breathe out with an exhalation.
  2. Get on your knees. Do an inspiration on the side. On exhalation return to the starting position. After a few days, this exercise should be done standing.
  3. Lie on your back. Breathe in while turning the body to the side. On exhalation take the original position.
  4. Jumping in place.

Important! Hernia of the spine can be cured without surgery. Details can be found here.

In addition to therapeutic gymnastics, you can do yoga, pilates. Walking at a fast pace is good. At the same time, the back should be straight, the muscles of the press are slightly strained.

To relieve the bouts of pain, you can drink a glass of water and jump down a small hill. This will help the stomach to get in place.

Timely preventative measures and healthy habits will help to avoid the appearance of a hernia of the esophagus. To do this, you must not allow sharp changes in body weight, sleep on a raised cushion. Physical load - moderate, stool - regular, clothing - free.

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