Human papillomavirus in men( HPV): symptoms and treatment

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The results of this viral disease are popularly called a wart. In a scientific way - Human Papillomavirus( HPV) or human papillomavirus( HPV).Infection with the virus leads to its multiplication in the body. Different subclasses( more than 60 types) affect different parts of the body and lead to different consequences.

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The virus is accompanied by the appearance of benigntumors - papillomas in intimate places or genital warts on the genitals. There are also so-called.palm juvenile warts. Worn benign.

Important! Not to be confused with birthmarks. It is worth knowing that this disease can be not only in men, but also papillomas in women is not uncommon.

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Symptoms of

The appearance of warts on the body is a kind of symptom of a larger violation. Namely - the defective work of immunity. Sprains can occur literally on any part of the body, for example, papillomas under the armpits or papillomas on the neck is a fairly common phenomenon.

Not every tubercle falls under the status of papilloma. The infection enters the basal layer of the epithelium and affects it. In men, the virus manifests itself in the form of clinical changes:

  • on the mucosa of the genital organ;
  • around and inside the anus;
  • inside the urethra.

There are several clinical and morphological types of human papillomavirus:

  • formation with exophytic growth;Genital warts visible from the eye;
  • flat warts;
  • intraepithelial formations growing in the thickness of underlying tissues.

Important! Smear tests may indicate the presence of a virus, however, it is not necessary that it manifest itself in the form of tumors and papillomas.

Why papillomas appear - causes of

Human papillomavirus can live in the human body for years and not cause any problems. He found ideal conditions for living in the tissues of the body, in the blood is not found. But as soon as antiviral immunity breaks down, the disease becomes more active, leading to the growth of the tumor.

Isolate certain subtypes of the virus, affecting the genitals:

  • low strain( 6 and 11);
  • medium strain( 31, 33 and 35);
  • high strain( 16 and 18).

Important! This differentiation depends on the incubation period of the virus and the degree of its carcinogenesis.

The virus is transmitted by contact: most often sexual. However, there are observations that prove that ordinary household contacts can lead to infection.

Factors causing activation of the virus:

  • subcooling;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of colds infections;
  • , sexually transmitted diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

The virus is divided into oncogenic and non-oncogenic. The latter causes condylomas and papillomas on the male's external genitalia. Oncogenic causes cancer.

Important! In men, the disease manifests itself extremely rarely.

To which doctor should

be treated. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to consult a urologist. The doctor selects an individual remedy for the treatment of papilloma.

A popular method of therapy is a mechanical effect. The laser is a common method. It is capable of removing the finest layers of the wart( up to several microns), reducing and increasing the area of ​​impact. High-precision exposure to a laser pulse removes the tumor layer by layer, without causing bleeding.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia for 2-3 minutes. In one procedure, up to 50 small papillomas can be removed. After using the laser on the skin, there is a crust that disappears after 2 weeks.

Another method of rapid removal - freezing or cryotherapy, does not require anesthesia. Frozen partially destroys the wart. This method deprives the papilloma of blood flow. So, in a few days she will fall off on her own. After the operation, it needs to be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Important! After the removal of genital warts, the recurrence rate is 25%.

Papillomas on the member

In 10-20% of men, papillomatosis manifests itself, localizing in the anogenital area, that is, on the genital tract. Male penis covered with skin is dotted with hair follicles, the inflammation of which is often confused with the papilloma. To avoid confusion and to understand exactly the cause of the pathology, consult a specialist.

Characterized by a chaotic location and different sizes. They have a "leg".

Important! The disease, localized on the penis, is a pointed anogenital wart.

On the head of

Papillomas are also found on the mucous membranes. At the head of the penis, human papillomavirus manifests itself in 50% of cases as genital warts. Often they are confused with a harmless and non-sexually transmitted cosmetic disorder - pearly papules. Condylomas manifest themselves as a non-uniform heterogeneous formation on a thin stem.

Important! Mostly young men suffer. The threshold of the disease starts from 17 years.

Papillomas in the groin

Papilloma in the groin does not always signal a sexual infection. It manifests itself in the form of acrochords and already familiar genital warts. These are small benign formations from 1 mm to several centimeters. Their appearance is reminiscent of cauliflower.

Over time, tumors proliferate, lengthen and become compacted drooping strands. They are not transferred to the genitals, leaving behind the territory of the pubic and anus. Have a pale gray shade.

How to get rid of papillomas at home

Human papillomavirus can not be cured medically. To withdraw the infection completely for today it is impossible. The struggle is directly with the tip of the iceberg - warts and papillomas. In many cases, immunity alone overcomes the disease. If this does not happen, a person tries to help the process of producing benign formations with improvised means. As a rule, these are preparations containing unreacted lime.

Important! Read more about the treatment of papillomas at home in our article.

Adhesive taping of the affected area and other methods aimed at suppressing the blood supply of warts are also in the process of self-medication lovers. It is believed that a benign tumor will lose its blood flow, which will allow it to be easily removed: cut off or ripped off. However, experts are skeptical about this method. They believe that this way a person will only start a more intensive growth of education.

The most gentle home method - a pencil. They need to lubricate the wart every day, after moistening the damaged area with water. Treatment is carried out from 10 to 20 days.

Another popular method is cauterization of celandine. Raspare the skin, apply a solution of celandine, until the disease finally disappears.

Important! Purity and pencil are purchased in pharmacies. About other methods, how to get rid of papillomas read in our article.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine in the fight against papillomas resorts to the juice of the following plants:

  • celandine;
  • walnut leaves;
  • the Kalanchoe juice.

Break the stalk of celandine and rub them problematic places. Do the same with the Kalanchoe juice. An auxiliary means will be a tincture from the leaves of walnuts: brew them and rub the skin.


An effective method is treatment of raw potatoes. Divide into 4 parts. One part to throw over the shoulder, the other - through the house, the third to lubricate the wart, and the fourth to bury in the ground. The disease goes away as soon as the potatoes rot.


Grate the affected area with beans, then dig it into the dung. Over time, the wart passes.


Soak garlic with onions in food vinegar for 2 hours. Rub rubbings.

Hydrogen Peroxide

In folk medicine, peroxides are well proven. Use the pharmacy version of it or buy perhydrol - 30% peroxide solution. Wipe her warts.

Important! If papillomas are formed on the mucous membranes, then do not use products that can cause chemical burn.

Consequences of

The manifestation of the virus can lead to carcinogenesis: cervical cancer in women, penile cancer in men, rectal cancer. With the infection in the papilloma, the disease is complicated. The virus provokes cancer of the area where the disease is localized.

An attempt at self-treatment with papillomas can result in complications and infections. Especially if a person tries to remove a wart on thin areas of the skin( eyelid), on the mucous membranes( the palate, the head of the penis), on the tongue.

Important! An attempt at self-removal often leads to an even larger tumor growth.

Prophylaxis of

Prevention of such a disease implies a decrease in risk factors, which will lead to activation of the virus: follow the immunity.

  1. Reduce unwanted sex. Use contraceptives during intercourse.
  2. At the first signs of changing the skin of the anogenital area, consult a specialist, for example, a urologist.
  3. In the fight against the virus vaccinations will serve well. It is effective to vaccinate before the start of sexual activity, because after the virus enters the body, the vaccine becomes powerless.

Modern experts conduct clinical studies, working on a vaccine that can cope with a virus already infecting humans.

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