Acute tonsillitis in the child

Acute tonsillitis, otherwise known as angina, is an inflammatory disease located in the palatine tonsils. This disease is usually of an infectious nature, the incidence is rather high. Often there is acute tonsillitis in a child, while in children such diseases often occur more heavily than in adults.

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  • Symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies
  • Chronic tonsillitis: tonsillitis
  • Treatment of acute tonsillitis
  • Symptoms and treatment of bacterial tonsillitis
  • Treating chronic tonsillitis at home

Reasons for

The main cause of tonsillitis is infection of various species. The most common bacterial infections are streptococci, most of the acute tonsillitis is provoked by this pathogen. There may also be viral infections, but a little less often.

The incubation period of most infections is several days, then the main symptoms of the disease begin to develop. Outbreaks of this disease, along with ARVI occur in the fall and spring, in these seasons, the incidence of angina is increased. Also at risk are people who spend a lot of time in a large team, people with weakened immunity.

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That's why children get sick so often: their immune system is not yet fully formed, while they spend most of the time in the company of other children in school or kindergarten. In this regard, children often require additional enhanced prevention, especially allergies or in the development of other systemic diseases.

There is another cause of acute tonsillitis, but it does not occur so often. In this case, angina is only a complication of another disease, an infection that affects the body. With secondary angina fight primarily should be the disease that provoked tonsillitis.

Important! To accurately identify the causative agent of the disease should consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

Is acute tonsillitis?

Because in most cases this disease is provoked by an infection, it can be extremely contagious. However, it should be borne in mind that a high probability of infection is present in people with weakened immunity. A completely healthy protected person, the infection is likely to bypass.

To reduce the likelihood of infection in a child, it is necessary to strengthen its immunity in the cold season, with a local epidemic in the school or kindergarten - to try to drive or monitor the implementation of all prevention rules. In order not to get infected from the child at home, it is often necessary to ventilate the premises, not to drink or eat from one dish with the baby.

Symptoms of

Acute tonsillitis occurs in different forms, but all have similar symptoms. The most obvious symptom is a sore throat that makes it difficult to swallow. In this case, often increase cervical lymph nodes, there is a foreign body sensation. Other symptoms that speak of tonsillitis are:

  1. Increased temperature. It does not always occur, with severe forms of angina can rise to 39 - 40 degrees. Accompanied by chills.
  2. Symptoms of intoxication. The heavier the case of the disease, the more active the intoxication will be. There is nausea, sometimes reaching vomiting, headache and dizziness, in severe cases there is confusion. It can be accompanied by various disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The appearance of a raid on the tonsils. The plaque may be different depending on the type of angina. In more mild cases, the plaque is loose, does not extend beyond the tonsils, it can be cleaned without provoking bleeding. In more severe cases, the plaque is dense, dark shades, if it is scraped, the tonsils begin to bleed.

These are the main symptoms of acute tonsillitis in a child. Usually they last for several days, then gradually fall off with proper treatment. In the absence of treatment, the disease may begin to worsen.

Consequences of

Acute tonsillitis rarely has serious consequences. In general, otitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which develop against the background of angina due to infection, can last for a long time in the lymph nodes.

There are also a number of diseases that can occur in a few weeks after acute tonsillitis, if the treatment was wrong, the inflammation itself was difficult. These include articular rheumatism, rheumatic carditis and other such diseases.

Important! Without the necessary timely treatment, the acute form can pass into the chronic with constant exacerbations.

Treatment of

Treatment of acute tonsillitis is aimed at eliminating the infection that caused the disease, if it is bacterial, fighting the symptoms of angina and strengthening immunity, which is especially important for children. Various medicines and folk remedies are used.


Antibiotics are used to control bacterial infections. They are required only if it is established that angina is caused precisely by this type of pathogens. For this, before treatment, you need to donate blood for analysis, remove the smear from the tonsils for sowing.

Dr. Komarowski confirms that antibiotic treatment is not always required with angina. It is necessary to be convinced that from reception of similar preparations will be more advantage, than harm, after all frequently wrong reception of antibacterial agents negatively influences an organism of the person as a whole.

The most common antibiotic against infections that cause acute tonsillitis is Amoskitsillin. Preparations on its basis are allowed for admission to children from a young age, it is most effective in cases of angina, with almost no side effects. An example of drugs based on it: Flemoxin, Solutab, Amoxiclav.

In addition to antibiotics, various drugs are used to help remove pain and inflammation in the throat, most often they are available in the form of sprays or resorption tablets. The most common include Grandaxin, Tantum Verde, Jox, there are also resorption tablets based on natural ingredients, sage or eucalyptus.

Important! The temperature of 39 and above is often found in children with a disease in order to knock it off, it is enough to put a cloth impregnated with cold water on the forehead, and it should not be given antipyretics immediately. If the heat lasts more than two to three days, you should call an ambulance.

With proper treatment, the symptoms of the disease will begin to disappear after a few days. If improvement is not observed, you should contact a specialist. Also it is worthwhile to know that if acute tonsillitis is extremely difficult to tolerate, it may be necessary to lie in a hospital.

Traditional medicine

Among folk remedies, there are many different recipes for rinsing solutions that will help to remove inflammation and severe pain. Such remedies are often recommended by doctors, they are extremely effective.

  1. Salt solution is the most simple and useful way to rinse. A glass of warm water needs one spoonful of sea salt. The procedure should be repeated at least twice a day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile. To make it, you need to brew a spoonful of dried grass in a glass of water, let it brew for 30-40 minutes, then you can rinse your throat. Chamomile has a more pronounced soothing effect compared to salt.

Also with angina recommend drinking Morse from cranberries or eating cranberry jam, honey, lemon and other citrus fruits are useful. They will help raise immunity and improve overall health.

If treatment has been started in a timely manner, acute tonsillitis will pass quickly and without complications. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor and make sure the safety of the selected products.

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