Hemoglobin: the norm in men by age, table

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Hemoglobin is a necessary substance for the normal functioning of the body, for various diseases its quantity may decrease or increase, which leads to various disorders. It is necessary to know the norm of hemoglobin in men by age, the table will help you navigate in the meanings.

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It should be noted,that men are more likely to have elevated hemoglobin than lowered hemoglobin. Anemia, a condition where there is not enough iron in the body, usually occurs in women due to certain physiological characteristics. In men more often there is a different situation.

High hemoglobin in this case also leads to a rather dangerous condition, with its excessive amount of blood becomes too thick, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. The increased likelihood of a clot in the end can result in a heart attack or stroke. In addition, sometimes elevated hemoglobin is caused by a dangerous pathology, it is important to identify it and cure it in time.

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What should hemoglobin be in men?

The hemoglobin content in the body is usually primarily dependent on age, with normal limits usually high enough. In this case, when you identify abnormalities from normal values, you need to pay attention to the state of the person as a whole.

Age Hemoglobin level
20 years and in men over 30 130 - 172
In men after 40 130 - 171
In men after 50 130-170
In men after 60 125 - 174

Important! The level of hemoglobin can significantly decrease after heavy blood loss.

If the test results indicate a deviation from these indicators, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, especially if the values ​​are much higher than normal. It should also be noted that for women the values ​​are usually different.

Elevated hemoglobin in men

High hemoglobin in men, from 180 and above, occurs in representatives of the stronger sex quite often. However, these values ​​can talk about serious diseases that can lead to the development of severe complications. It is worth considering if hemoglobin is elevated, what does it mean:

  1. Long stay in extreme conditions. The level of iron and other substances that affect this state can increase under the influence of constant stay at altitude, for example, in the mountains, with strong permanent physical exertion.
  2. Dehydration. With severe exhaustion and a lack of fluid in the body, the level of hemoglobin increases.
  3. Various oncological diseases. When the tumors are formed, the composition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis are often disturbed, as a result of which iron rises. However, in this case, anemia may also occur, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  4. Burns. With burn diseases, the level of iron in the blood increases, which leads to the development of elevated hemoglobin.
  5. Various pathologies of the heart and lungs. With different diseases with malfunctions of the lungs and the heart, the level of hemoglobin increases, blood can condense, which in turn leads to other complications.

Therefore, when detecting high hemoglobin, a full-fledged examination is absolutely necessary, it is required to exclude possible severe pathologies. The increased amount of iron in the body usually leads to the following symptoms:

  • appearance on the skin of red areas, increased skin peeling;
  • dizziness, headaches, increased heart rate and pressure;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia or vice versa extremely long sleep;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • with elevated hemoglobin, the blood in cuts is usually extremely quickly curtailed.

Important! With an elevated level of iron, it is usually useless to have different diets, it is necessary to take medication, identify the causes of this condition.

How to lower hemoglobin?

Before the beginning of treatment, a complete examination is performed, during which the cause of increased hemoglobin is clarified. Usually begin to treat the disease that caused this condition. For treatment to be most effective, a lightweight diet with reduced iron content can be recommended, it is also advised to drink more liquid.

Various vitamin complexes, various drugs that reduce blood clotting, for example, acetylsalicylic acid, can be prescribed from the preparations. During treatment, one should constantly monitor the fluctuations of iron in the body.

Low hemoglobin in men

Anemia occurs in men less often, women have more factors that provoke a lack of iron and other essential substances in the body. Usually the causes of low hemoglobin are as follows:

  • large blood loss, for example, in trauma;
  • improper diet, deficiency of iron and other mineral elements in the body;
  • permanent long-term use of drugs that dilute blood;
  • various diseases, in which the process of hematopoiesis is disturbed.

These are the main causes of anemia, in most cases, it leads to a lack of iron, which helps to fill the diet. Anemia can have many unpleasant consequences, it leads to a decrease in working capacity, a decrease in blood coagulability, in case of anemia, the overall level of immunity usually decreases drastically.

Symptoms of anemia can also speak of other diseases, so it is absolutely necessary to take blood tests. Usually anemia occurs in men with a reduced body weight, with an unhealthy lifestyle. Attention should be paid to the following signs of this condition:

  • sleep disorders, constant fatigue, and insomnia may occur;
  • permanent weakness, cold hands and feet, chills;
  • darkening in the eyes with sudden movements, frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • pallor of the skin, decreased quality of the skin and hair, nails;
  • reduced blood clotting, even small scratches heal for a long time and with difficulty;
  • incomprehensible convulsions in the limbs, pain in the muscles.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible and take the necessary tests to help identify anemia. Usually you need to take a blood test, but you may also need a checkup from a cardiologist or neurologist.

It is worth remembering that signs of anemia can occur after donating blood. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists after the fence.

How to raise hemoglobin?

With a reduced amount of iron in the blood, you should also undergo a test that will help determine the cause of anemia. Most often with this condition it turns out to cope with a diet that includes more products containing a lot of iron and other essential minerals. Usually it is advised to eat more meat, cereals, legumes, nuts.

If the lack of iron is too great, coping with a single diet with it will be extremely difficult. In this case, it is required to take special preparations against anemia, which contain iron. Besides, vitamins of group B and C are usually prescribed. Vitamin C is necessary, so that these drugs are better absorbed, it improves blood quality. At the same time, during the treatment, it is advised to avoid dairy products, since they on the contrary contribute to the insufficient assimilation of the necessary substances.

In addition, usually generally advised to move to a healthy lifestyle. When anemia is advised to spend more time in the fresh air, pick up a suitable kind of physical activity. Lack of exercise negatively affects the work of the heart and blood vessels, the body as a whole.

Do not treat anemia or elevated hemoglobin alone, this can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to identify the cause of this condition before starting treatment, otherwise it can be harmful and provoke a deterioration of well-being.

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