Farsightedness of the elderly: treatment

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With age, serious pathological changes occur in the human body. They affect the visual apparatus. As a rule, hyperopia begins to develop at the age of forty. Once the ailment begins to manifest itself, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for professional help. Timely therapy will keep your eyesight up to the mark. This article will detail about such ailment, as long-sightedness, age, treatment and prevention measures.

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Brief description of the disease

Age-related farsightedness or presbyopia is one of the pathological disorders in the visual apparatus. For the ailment, it is characteristic that the focus of the parallel rays of light after refraction in the eye bottom is behind the retina. The disorder develops due to the fact that the human eye axis has a short or flat cornea that does not allow the rays to be correctly refracted. Presbyopia develops in people after 40 years, this process is inevitable. This disorder is formed with age, as the elasticity of the muscles of the eye and the lens is lost.

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Important! Unfortunately, hyperopia can develop in childhood. The disorder occurs due to congenital disorders or genetic predisposition.

A child may complain of rapid eye fatigue, irritability of poor school performance. However, at this stage, vision remains normal. It is important, as early as possible, to consult an ophthalmologist for advice to prevent the development of a pathological process.

The main symptoms of presbyiopia

Long-sightedness in the eyes of the people is called "long arm disease", and it is not surprising. The disease develops gradually, so over time, a person can not clearly view a variety of subjects near. However, putting your hands on, the clarity of vision improves. Unfortunately, it will not always be so! If you do not start therapy, the ailment will progress and the person will not be able to see anything at all. Presbyopia has such clinical manifestations:

  • eyes quickly become tired and blush;
  • appears soreness;
  • pain in the frontal part of the head, as well as in the nose;
  • near objects wine is not clear;
  • feeling of "sand";
  • is an inflammatory process of the eye.

Important! Hyperopia is a rather dangerous disease. If it is not treated, it grows into glaucoma.

The pathological process gradually increases intraocular pressure, which leads to serious pathogenic disorders.

Causes of development of senile farsightedness

With age, irreversible consequences develop in the body, which provoke serious diseases. To the main reasons for the development of presbyopia, the following root causes of senile disorders can be identified:

  • inferior synthesis of collagen proteins and elastin, reduces the efficiency of the muscles of the eye;
  • weakened the zinn ligaments, which bends the lens and provokes its compaction;
  • the lens loses its elasticity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • mechanical damage to the eyeball.

Often the reasons for the development of presbyopia are age-related, and a person can not influence them in any way. However, it is important to begin the therapy of the pathological process in a timely manner, as this will help to maintain the vision at the required level. Age-related farsightedness The combination of hyperopia and myopia is a rather complicated process in the visual apparatus. Incorrect processes indicate that the patient has presbyopia and astigmatism. These two diseases develop in many people with age, so a pathological disorder should be simply maintained in a qualitative way so that the clearness of vision does not decrease. As a rule, in this case the doctor recommends using two pairs of glasses. Some are meant for reading, and others are for good visibility into the distance. However, they can be replaced by one glasses - bifocular, they will perform two functions simultaneously.

Diagnosis of the disease

As soon as a person has felt deterioration of vision, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. At the reception, the doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis, using glass at the same time. Thanks to the research, you can accurately determine the degree of pathological process, as it will be clear through which glass he sees clearly. Supplement the diagnosis, the well-known Sittsev table, which is ideal for determining the clarity of vision in the distance. All of the above studies are called subjective, since they are based on the patient's state of health.

As a rule, the doctor does not restrict the examination to only subjective diagnostic methods. He always complements diagnostics with objective research. It includes such procedures: skiascopy and refractometry. Based on the data obtained, the specialist can erase an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective methods of treatment.

How to deal with the long-sightedness of the age - the most effective ways of

Starved hyperopia is not a disease! Pathological disorder is an inevitable change that develops in every person with age. However, this does not mean that you do not need to do anything. Vision needs correction and clarity of the picture. Depending on the severity of the disorder, the doctor will select an individual therapy regimen.

Eye correction with glasses

Glasses are a common and effective method that corrects vision. Most often, patients need two pairs of glasses, one intended for reading, and others for clarity of the picture at a distance. As a rule, with senile farsightedness, two types of glasses can be recommended.

  1. Bifocal glasses. They have two zones, which does not provide for a regular change of glasses. However, they have one significant drawback - this is the blurred vision in the middle of the lens. If there is no clarity, or the glasses constantly slide off the bridge of the nose, it means that they are picked up incorrectly.
  2. Progressive glasses are a modern and more convenient option for vision correction. They perform the same functions as bifocals, but they have several advantages:
  • there is no obvious boundary between the panes;
  • clear vision is improved at any distance.

However, these glasses have some drawbacks. They include a narrow field of view, at the edge of the lens, optical vision changes, which leads to distortion.

Contact lenses how to correct vision

People with hyperopia can recommend several options for contact therapy. All of them are quite effective, but they have some peculiarities.

  1. Monocorrection or monotherapy is used for patients who have excellent binocular vision and a small difference in lenses between visual clarity in the distance and near. In this case, one contact lens is selected for a good view of the long distance, and the second - for the near.

Unfortunately, this method is not ideal, since there is no binocular vision, which is responsible for the volume and depth of the image. With these lenses is forbidden to drive a car!

  1. Multifocal contact lenses provide excellent clarity of vision at any distance. Thanks to a unique design, they allow you to clearly see all three zones: central, peripheral and transitional. These lenses are recommended to use if a person with age had hyperopia.

Medication Therapy

Treatment with medicines is aimed at performing several functions: to remove irritability, dryness and inflammation, as well as nourish the eyeball. As a rule, to achieve this goal, they recommend using vitamin eye drops. They will not only stop the development of hyperopia, but will gradually restore sight. Usually, ophthalmologists recommend such drops:

  • Okovitis;
  • Focus;
  • Vita-Yodourol;
  • Myrtleitene forte;
  • Vizin;
  • Taufon;
  • Viziomax.

How to cure hyperopia - surgical treatment

Modern medicine provides a lot of surgical operations that will help restore vision. All of them are absolutely safe, and they bring excellent results. As a rule, an ophthalmologist can recommend such operative procedures:

  • laser vision correction. The procedure is carried out by a laser beam, which changes the shape of the lens. Thanks to this vision is completely restored;
  • LASIK exposure is done directly on the cornea;
  • during the operation, an implant of the lens is installed.

Before proceeding to the operation, the patient is recommended to undergo a course with the help of contact lenses. If they do not provoke unpleasant sensations, then the person is advised to have surgery. After the procedure, the sensitivity and brightness of the images are lost on the cornea. However, the replacement of the lens restores vision completely.

Treatment of age-long-sightedness with folk methods

Is it possible to cure hyperopia with unconventional medicine? For today it is not proved, that with the help of traditional medicine it is possible to restore sight. However, many doctors recommend "grandmother's methods" as an additional therapy. There are several recipes:

  • 500 ml of steep boiling water is poured into a container and 2 tbsp is added there.l.eyes. Insist, until completely cooled down and filter. Take the broth 4 times a day for 125 ml;
  • it is believed that lotions from mature sweet cherry perfectly treat hyperopia;
  • in equal quantities leaves and cherry branches are poured with boiling water and insist. Then filter and take 0.5 st.three times a day;
  • 3 tbsp.l.roots of araus should be crushed into powder and pour 250 ml of vodka. The tincture is placed in a cool place for 7 days. At the end of time, the medicine is filtered. Take 20 drops, 4 times a day before meals.

Effective gymnastics for the eyes

Many effective exercises have been developed that do not allow the development of hyperopia. Below are the most common species.

  1. It is necessary to sit comfortably. Slowly turning his head to the left, and then turning his eyes to the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. The hand must be bent and the index finger placed 20 cm from the eyes. Within 5 minutes you should look into the distance, then slowly look at your finger. Repeat 10 times.
  3. The left arm is raised to the level of the eyes and the fingers are made slow circular movements clockwise. During the movement of the eyes it is important to repeat to follow the fingers. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Sit on the stool, straighten your back and relax. It is necessary to close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, and then open and relax your eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Sitting a chair you need to relax. Watch faces, then slowly look at the tip of the nose for 5 seconds and look again into the distance.


For prevention purposes, it is necessary to follow simple rules that will keep your vision at a proper level for a long time. It is important to take care that the workplace is well-lit. While working at the computer and with papers, you need to rest every 40 minutes. It is important to massage the collar zone, this will ensure blood circulation and, accordingly, eye nutrition. Do not forget to relax the muscular apparatus and look from one point to another.

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