Treatment of acne on the face at home

Acne on the face is a nuisance. But except for the spoiled appearance, often acne provokes strong inflammations, which are accompanied by pain. Treatment of acne on the face at home should start quickly, so that later there are no scars left.

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Why the acne appears

Everybody knows, that most often the eels are worried about adolescents. In adolescence, because of hormonal fluctuations, acne occurs quite often. But such a problem can arise in an adult with improper care of his skin, choice of wrong cosmetic products.

Common causes of acne in adolescents and adults:

  • improper skin care;
  • hormonal abnormalities in the body;
  • instagram viewer
  • life in a polluted environment;
  • constant experiences, severe stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • is an allergic reaction to medications;
  • lack of understanding about proper healthy eating.

It is only the doctor who can determine the exact cause of the appearance of acne, he will prescribe the correct course of treatment. Reviews say that after consulting a doctor, you can start some kind of home treatment. If you ignore this advice, you can face a deterioration in the overall condition.

Is it possible to put acne on the face of

The common opinion of physicians and cosmetologists that it is impossible to squeeze out acne at home, as there can be unpleasant consequences:

  • appearance of scars, scars;
  • may not be able to fully extrude the rod, which will lead to the formation of a new eel;
  • blood poisoning;
  • will remain a cosmetic defect that will heal for a long time and can not be hidden.

Home treatment for acne on the face

If you need to quickly remove acne from your face, it is better to seek help from specialists who will identify the cause, eliminate it and professionally make a cleaning. If the pimple is already ripe and you need to get rid of it urgently:

  • treat the skin soaked in hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab;
  • push on the eel's core, squeezing out pus;
  • treat the wound with alcohol;
  • then apply Levomekol ointment for healing;
  • at night make lotions from decoctions of herbs( chamomile, celandine).

Mask from aloe leaves

It is necessary to tear off the bottom leaves from aloe, which already have three years. In the gauze tissue make holes for the eyes and mouth. From the leaves squeeze the juice and

soak the fabric in it. Put the fabric on your face, put a towel on top. Hold ten minutes, treat every 3 days. Total number of sessions: two dozen.

Olive oil and citrus fruit

To prepare a universal anti-acne mask( suitable for everyone, regardless of skin type), take a dessert spoon of lemon and orange juice. Take fresh carrot juice in the amount of a teaspoon. Mix with a large spoonful of olive oil, add a large spoonful of brewer's yeast( powder).Now add a small spoonful of natural yogurt to the mixture.

Important! If the skin is dry, then the amount of vegetable oil should be increased. If the facial skin is oily, then the oil can not be added at all.

Now mix everything and apply a smooth layer on your face for 15 minutes. There will be not only a deep cleansing of the face, but also vitaminization, saturation with mineral salts.

Cosmetic clay

Any kind of clay that can be found in the pharmacy is suitable. Any curative clay can narrow the pores. You can also expect a softening of the skin, the removal of dead cells. But, what is most important with acne is a reduction in the production of sebum.

Protein mask

It is best to take proteins from domestic chicken eggs. To two whipped proteins add a dessert spoon of camphor alcohol( you can replace the same amount of lemon juice).Apply for 15 minutes with a cotton swab, then rinse with running water. There will be an effect of purification, narrowing of pores and bleaching of the skin.

Viburnum red

For the treatment of acne on the face offer the use of red grapes. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the berries and wipe the face with this juice. Folk healers claim that acne will disappear in a few days.

Honey and cinnamon

In equal quantities mix natural honey( not candied) and ground quality cinnamon. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with running warm water.

Decoction of herbs( inside)

In the morning and in the evening for the general health of the body to drink a decoction of birch leaves, sage and nettle. Take 0, 25 liters.

Parsley fresh or dry

Parsley leaves are brewed in boiling water. Then the broth cool and apply a mixture of grass on the face, covering his face with wet gauze. Mask is light, but very nutritious, leave on face for 50 minutes.

These are the home ways to help get rid of acne. Moreover, masks and decoctions can be used simply to properly care for your skin. They are much more useful than store analogues. After all, the secret of domestic ways in their naturalness.

Features of treatment depending on the species

Depending on the type of urine appeared on the face, it is necessary to carry out various treatment measures. Let's look at each one in detail.


There is a fairly large number of reasons contributing to the appearance of whiteheads:

  • accumulation of sebum;
  • inadequate or inappropriate skin care;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • excessively dry skin;
  • fat content of the skin with excess;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • is an incorrect, unbalanced power supply.

The skin on which whiteheads appear is vulnerable enough, so for treatment and to clean it you must prepare yourself a scrub yourself. The recipe for the scrub of oatmeal and yogurt:

  • on the baking sheet, put the oatmeal flakes and dry them for 20 minutes;
  • when it will cool down to grind on a coffee grinder;
  • mix the yogurt( no additives) with the resulting flour until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

With the mixture obtained, massage the skin, leave for 5 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Face mask of aloe and apple, can be used to treat whiteheads:

  • leaves aloe put in the freezer for 3-5 hours;
  • after expiration of time, get it and unfreeze it;
  • remove the peel from the plant and grind it;
  • 1/2 of the apple grate;
  • mix the grated fruit with the plant gruel.

Apply the mask to the problem areas of the skin and leave a quarter of an hour.

Redheads on the face

The main factors and causes that affect the appearance of red pimples on the skin:

  • disrupted digestive system;
  • bad habits( smoking);
  • stress, overstrain;
  • hormonal changes in the background;
  • high fat content in consumed food;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • pore pollution, skin impurities;
  • hereditary factor;
  • the presence of chronic diseases.

It will be correct to consult a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment for redheads on the face. It may be necessary to take medications to improve the performance of internal organs. In the salons can recommend the procedure:

  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • vacuum cleaning;
  • mesotherapy;
  • ozonotherapy.

At home, do regular masks:

  • 2 tbsp.l.white cosmetic clay dilute to form a single mass with infusion of chamomile, apply on face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • whip the protein of two chicken eggs and apply on the skin, for a quarter of an hour.


Therapy and treatment of rosacea on the face depends on the stage and causes of the disease.

  1. The first stage: injections of nicotinic acid, taking vitamin A, B and C, wipe your face with infusion based on horse chestnut or chamomile.
  2. In the second and third stages, hormonal ointments are prescribed;gels, including an antibiotic;in some cases, taking antibiotics inside( Tetracycline, Unidox);electrocoagulation, laser procedure.


Important! The main advice on the treatment of internal acne - never try to squeeze them!

It is recommended to use a red spot to cauterize iodine with a cosmetic stick, it is important not to overdo it, because you can get a burn. Often, the causes of the appearance of acne are internal problems, so during treatment, observe a diet. Apply to the pimple alternately Ichthyol ointment, Levomecol and Vishnevsky ointment, and at night let the skin rest. Normalize the metabolism can be with the help of decoction of nettle, if you drink it for a month.


When referring to a doctor, the treatment of subcutaneous acne will have a specific pattern:

  • removal by mechanical action;
  • purging from accumulation of pus;
  • general analyzes;
  • medication administration;
  • prevention.

Having ascertained the cause of the disease, the specialist will begin to eliminate it, and then will clean it. When complicated forms are prescribed: ultrasound, ozonation, peeling. These procedures supplement the intake of vitamin A, B, C, E, antibiotics, zinc preparations and hormones.


If you want to treat the purulent acne yourself, you can use these tools:

  • ready mustard apply on the pimple 3 times a day and rinse after half an hour( the procedure to perform daily);
  • 1 tbsp.l. St. John's wort pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then filter and from the infusion obtained, make a lotion or rub the skin;
  • wipe skin with plantain juice.

Extrude these pimples( like any other) is not recommended at home. But if you still decide, you should wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap, do not press it with your bare hands, so as not to injure your skin( use a handkerchief), prepare a wound dressing remedy.


A simple and effective way to get rid of blackheads is soda:

  • 2 tsp.soda diluted with water until a homogeneous mass( it turns out like a scrub), light massaging movements rub the resulting paste into the skin for several minutes;
  • then rinse with water and wipe with a tonic.

Get rid of germs and cleanse the skin with lemon and honey: beat half a lemon with a fork so that it becomes soft and let the juice, add 1 tsp to the pulp.honey, apply the product on the skin and leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse.

Treatment of acne on the face of women

Before treatment at home, consult a doctor and take the necessary tests, possibly a subcutaneous tick or problems with metabolism, thyroid disease. The disease must be treated outside and inside. Important tips:

  • adhere to the diet( exclude, sweets, flour, spicy, alcohol, caffeine);
  • , before applying make-up, rub the skin with a tonic;
  • try to limit yourself from stressful situations.

Modern methods of treatment offer:

  • ozone therapy;
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents containing erythromycin, chamomile, salicylic acid;
  • chemical peeling;
  • laser cleaning;
  • ultrasound cleaning.

In adolescents

Treatment of acne on the face of adolescents can be carried out with prescriptions of alternative medicine:

  • it is necessary to cut fleshy aloe leaves, rinse them thoroughly and put them in the refrigerator. After five days, grind the plant and mix with water in a ratio of 1: 5.Allow the liquid to boil for 3 minutes. A ready infusion to wipe the face after washing;
  • 1 tsp.sage leaves pour 150 ml of boiling water, put on for half an hour to brew, filter and make lotions on problem areas.

Medication at home

In order not to aggravate the condition of the skin, treatment should be selected by a specialist. The initial treatment for acne on the face includes antiseptic creams, ointments and gels( Quotlan, Tsindol, Streptocide, Metrogil), along with taking medications that will fight bacteria. The choice of funds will depend on the type of skin( dry, normal, combination, fat).

  1. Adsorbents are then selected to improve metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract( Lactofiltrum, Polysorb).
  2. The next group of drugs is antibiotics. For external use, the most common Baziron AC and Zinerit. If there are no noticeable improvements after a two-week course of treatment, then stop using the drug.
  3. The last group is hormonal drugs that are prescribed in rare cases( Isotretion, Yarina, Diana 35).

You can choose tablets only after the results of the research. Medicines are divided into three groups:

  • Supplements, vitamins( Clearasil, Bioton, Collagen, Zincteral, Vitacharm, Mumiye);
  • antibiotics( Ampicillin, Polysorb, Trichopol, Nystatin, Unidox solute);
  • hormonal preparations( Jess, Clayra, Yasmin, Regulon, Diane 35, Novinet).

Ointment for acne and acne on the face

Effective and popular ointments for acne control are:

  • Salicylic( dries, bleaches pigment spots);
  • Zinc( dries, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and soothes the skin);
  • Synthomycin( antiseptic);
  • Vishnevsky( draws pus, heals small scars);
  • Tetracycline( antiviral, destroys staphylococci and streptococci);
  • Sulfur( use with extreme caution, fight with tick);
  • Ichthyol( used for ripening ulcers).


Pick the right anti-acne cream:

  • Avene( for dry, faded skin, soothes and regulates sebum secretion);
  • Azelik( with oily and combination skin, relieves inflammation and improves the appearance of the skin);
  • Floresan( drying and anti-inflammatory);
  • Klerasil( for oily and combination skin types);
  • Clindovit( has a wide range of applications for skin problems);
  • Differin( removes inflammation and heals scars);
  • Vichy( suitable for dry skin, cleanses, moisturizes, prevents new rashes);
  • Ovante( for light skin, is an anti-inflammatory drug, prophylaxis for the appearance of new acne).

As you can see with timely treatment begun to get rid of acne easily at home. For this, complex treatment by all methods can be used.

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