1 Signs of the disease
Often people do not go to the doctor, thinking that they suffer from a usual rhinitis that will soon pass on their own. What is the difference between sinusitis and what are its signs?
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Symptoms of the disease are as follows:
- stuffy nasal sinuses, which is constantly present;
- various procedures( including vasoconstrictor) to facilitate breathing help for a short time or not at all;
- from the nose there are discharges of a purulent nature;
- pain and pressure in the bridge of the nose, especially when bending;
- shortness of breath interferes with sleep;
- elevated body temperature, often to critical levels;
- antipyretics reduce heat, but only briefly;
- febrile condition, chills;
- lack of appetite;
- weakness, malaise.
In this condition, the patient can always sleep, but do not feel better. Pus, accumulating in the area of the maxillary sinuses, provokes severe headaches.
With these symptoms, you should not waste time, you should immediately seek medical help. Early detection of the disease and competent treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of punctures.
The following situations can serve as the causes of this disease:
- nose trauma;
- nasopharyngeal viral and bacterial infections;
- prolonged rhinitis;
- problems with teeth and oral cavity;
- hypothermia of the body;
- weakened immune mechanisms.
2 Reasons for puncture
Sinusitis is a protracted process of constant accumulation of purulent secretions in the maxillary sinuses, and they do not leave the enclosed space. The amount of pus increases, presses on adjacent walls, the infection begins to spread to other organs and systems.
Puncture allows for effective drainage, i.e., nasal discharge from the maxillary sinuses. Once the pus is removed, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs becomes effective, and the patient is on the mend. Without this operation, the disease can lead to serious consequences.
Is it always inevitable for a diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis? Some patients, even before having performed an operation, refuse it, because they feel fear and uncertainty about the outcome. In addition, there are a lot of myths about this procedure, for example:
- Having made one time perforation of the maxillary sinuses, it is necessary to perform it again and again. This is fundamentally wrong, since in some cases one puncture is sufficient to get rid of maxillary sinusitis.
- It is the puncture that becomes the main reason that the disease flows into a chronic form. But very different factors lead to chronic sinusitis.
- Some people stop the question, is it painful to make a puncture in genyantritis. During the procedure, a person can feel that there is a foreign object in the nasal cavity, and this is an unpleasant but quite tolerable sensation. Also, the puncture itself is accompanied by a crunch, but apart from the possible fright, it carries nothing.
Some patients after the operation complain of pain in the region of the maxillary sinuses, but discomfort disappears after a few hours, and if you take painkillers, then even faster.
Puncture of the maxillary sinuses causes a number of questions and doubts, but without it, in patients with sinusitis, the risks of various complications increase dramatically.
3 Technique of operational actions
A sinus puncture in sinus or maxillary sinus puncture is a surgical operation that is the most effective way for a speedy recovery. It is possible to conduct it for diagnostic purposes, to exclude infection or to examine the fluid contained in the sinuses, and enter the drugs inside.
The operation itself is not complicated and does not take much time. Before its carrying out it will not be necessary special preparation, and at presence of the doctor-professional it becomes safe.
Puncture is performed in several stages:
- Anesthesia. Vata, wound on a thin instrument, is saturated with an anesthetic - lidocaine. Then it is injected into the sinuses of the nose and the site of the future puncture is treated.
- Piercing of sinuses. To do this, use a special needle of a sufficiently large size, the end of which is bent. She is pierced by a septum of bone, located between the nasal passageway and sinus. This procedure is painless because of the action of the anesthetic.
- Washing of the maxillary sinus. The doctor, without removing the needle, attaches a syringe to it. Using it and saline, the specialist rinses the cavity of the maxillary sinuses, washing out the purulent accumulation. At this time, the patient is required to sit, opening his mouth, with his head tilted forward. This pose helps to avoid getting mucopurulent discharge in the throat.
- Final stage. After the end of the procedure in the sinuses are injected with anti-inflammatory effect and antibiotics to eliminate inflammation.
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In some cases, catheters can be inserted to provide permanent drainage. Through them, drugs are introduced, and this method contributes to a quick recovery.
After operation, the sinuses are cleared of pus and pressure on the inner walls of the nose is eliminated. As a result, there are severe symptoms of sinusitis - fever, swelling of the mucous membranes, restoring breathing through the nose.
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After the operation, a control radiography is performed to make sure that there is no pus in the sinuses.
The doctor then prescribes various post-operative procedures, such as rinsing the nasal passages with antiseptic solutions. Furacilin or potassium permanganate( manganese) is suitable for these purposes, the duration of therapy is 5-6 months.
As an additional measure, you can rinse your nose and throat with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the same stage, you can use various folk remedies, but only after consulting a doctor.
4 When is the procedure prescribed for
? The sinus puncture is prescribed in the following situations:
- In the absence of efficacy of conservative therapy. If the prescribed medications and physiotherapy procedures did not cause outflow of secretory secretions, the only way to get rid of sinusitis is a puncture.
- If the patient is in serious condition. Often, patients do not rush for help to a doctor, which leads to various complications. In this case, it is precisely the puncture of the maxillary sinus that will help to quickly get rid of unbearable pain.
- If an increased level of secretion occurs or appears in the sinuses of the blood. Typically, these symptoms are identified during radiographic diagnosis or computed tomography.
- If obstruction of sinus anastomosis is observed. In this case, only mechanical intervention will help.
- It should be noted that in the chronic form of sinusitis puncture is a unique opportunity for sampling fluid for laboratory examination.
Soskob mucous sinuses, which is taken to identify the causative agent of infection, can be done only during the operation. Clarification of the cause of the disease is the key to the successful selection of suitable medication.
If all the indices contribute to the appointment of a doctor of the puncture of the maxillary sinuses, then it is worth to reconcile with this idea. Moreover, the operation is not so terrible as it is sometimes described.
5 Possible consequences of surgical intervention
It is necessary to agree that the puncture of the maxillary sinuses is an operative intervention, therefore after it negative consequences and complications can arise:
- Fainting is possible with a large amount of saline administered.
- Inflammation in the cheek - if the puncture is incorrect.
- Visual impairment - in case of air entering the maxillary sinuses.
Most of these consequences are the cause of incompetence and inexperience of doctors.
This list can be supplemented with the following conditions:
- otitis media - ear inflammation;
- meningitis - inflammatory processes of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord;
- embolism( obstruction) of blood vessels;
- emphysema( bloating) of the facial soft tissues.
Severe consequences arise only because of a medical error, so it's best to contact an experienced specialist.
6 Contraindications to the
There are a number of cases where it is inappropriate to perform a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. The puncture is contraindicated in the following conditions:
- Severe diseases not associated with upper respiratory tract infection.
- Young children( up to 3 years).
- Pathologically incorrect formation of nasal sinuses( in this situation a sinus puncture is possible, but in another place).
- Acute stages of infectious diseases.
Despite possible complications and some trouble, a sinus puncture is not a terrible and painful procedure.
In addition, there is no similar treatment of sinusitis, which can quickly rid of this ailment, eliminating all the unpleasant symptoms.
Thus, if the operation is strongly recommended by a doctor, then you should not abandon it only because of the fear of far-fetched pain.