Methods of treatment of sinusitis without punctures

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1 Types of ailment

Classification of genyantritis by type of pathogen is as follows:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal.

Allergic sinusitis is manifested by abundant mucus from the nasal passages and nasopharynx, swelling of the mucous membrane. The reasons are not exactly established, but among the most probable provoking factors, one should note the individual sensitivity to various substances contained in the external environment and produced by the body. A person with allergic sinusitis constantly says "nasal", experiencing severe discomfort due to shortness of breath. The treatment of this pathology deals with the allergist doctor

The disease of the viral nature occurs quite often, as the agents of acute respiratory infections and influenza easily penetrate into the maxillary sinuses, causing inflammation. Nasal discharge is clear, watery. The congestion of the nose is moderately expressed, the headache passes after taking symptomatic remedies. At observance of a confinement and prescriptions of the attending physician the symptomatology gradually passes or takes place.

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If the common cold is "on the legs", the likelihood of joining a bacterial infection is high, which in a short time leads to a deterioration in the clinical picture. The patient is in a fever, the pain spreads to the upper jaws, gives in the teeth, whiskey, forehead with walking and any movements. It is difficult to drain mucus from the nasal passages. After the procedure of instillation of vasoconstrictors, separation of viscous, dark yellow exudate with an admixture of blood is observed. Breathing is briefly eased, but there is no improvement in general condition. The patient speaks in the "nose", even when the breath is completely restored. Treatment in the presence of the above signs must begin in an emergency, otherwise life-threatening complications may develop.

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2 The choice of the direction of therapy

Until recently, in the treatment of sinusitis, punctures of the maxillary sinuses were actively used, followed by pumping purulent contents and washing the cavities with an antiseptic solution. The radical method did not always lead to the expected result, and therefore a repeated procedure was required.

The question of how to cure maxillary sinusitis without a puncture is relevant not only for patients, but also for specialists. The use of radical techniques leads to serious stress associated with the expectation of pain and discomfort, which significantly reduces its popularity. And, in fact, the procedure is very unpleasant( although, honestly, it can not be called painful in any way), and many patients are not well tolerated. For this reason, most people prefer to use all alternative methods to prevent surgical intervention.

Is it possible to effectively combat a dangerous disease in a conservative way, and how to treat maxillary sinusitis without a puncture is an actual topic in otolaryngology. Yes, of course, the disease( including purulent form) lends itself to conservative treatment. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the stage, the nature of the disease, the rate of progression, the individual anatomical features of the structure of the maxillary sinuses. There are several treatment schemes without punctures. Let's consider the basic techniques.


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3 Treatment of acute pathology without puncture

After receiving radiographic confirmation of purulent or serous sinusitis and having established the type of pathogen, the doctor prescribes antibiotics( at least 7 days), symptomatic drugs( antipyretic, analgesic), antifungal and antihistamines. Reception of antibacterial drugs( if they are selected correctly), as a rule, quickly brings relief to the patient, which is expressed in the active withdrawal of purulent mucus, cleansing of the sinuses, eliminating edema. The temperature decreases, the headache passes, the appetite is restored.

On the fourth day, many patients feel so good that they forget to take an antibiotic, or deliberately refuses it. This error leads to the resumption of the pathogenic process, which proceeds with even greater intensity than the primary disease.

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Treatment of maxillary sinusitis without punctures is rarely. In the best case, the patient is helped by less traumatic procedures - washing the nasal sinuses using the "cuckoo" method, Yamik. After suctioning of purulent exudate from the maxillary sinuses, drugs injected into the cavity block the reproduction of the pathogenic medium. The relief comes quickly, and if the doctor's prescriptions are followed, the patient recovers within a week.

4 Folk remedies

Doctors do not approve of treatment of sinusitis at home, because it is impossible to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, often there are exacerbations after the use of "faithful medicine" and grandmother's recipes. Popular means used at home are the juice of plantain and cyclamen, tuya oil, camphor alcohols in the form of compresses, homeopathic preparations. Perhaps the listed formulations increase the effectiveness of the main drug, but in no case can be considered as the main component of therapy.

Relapsing maxillary sinusitis is associated with the following factors:

  • congenital anomalies of the nasal septum( anatomical defect);
  • reduced immunity;
  • the transition of the acute form into a latent( chronic) pathology;
  • incorrectly chosen treatment technique.

If within a year the process is resumed 2-3 times with transition to a purulent stage, it is possible to draw conclusions about the chronic process. The task of the otolaryngologist is to destroy the pathogens of infection, to strengthen the defenses of the body, to increase the immune status. Thus, the question of whether it is possible to treat sinusitis at home is not entirely correct. You can eliminate negative symptoms and improve your health a little, but completely getting rid of the disease is extremely difficult.

Even if the patients independently receive a course of therapy with the inclusion of an antibiotic, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, because they do not know what type of pathogen triggered the disease( type of bacterium, virus or fungus).Accordingly, medicines and methods of treatment are incorrectly chosen, which causes great harm to the body.

Chronic fungal antritis requires long-term comprehensive treatment. This complex form of the disease, developing against the background of constant exacerbations of the infection or after a jaw injury( stroke, unsuccessful tooth extraction, burn, frostbite, etc.).

In genyantritis treatment should be carried out sequentially, and within the course prescribed by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to warm the nasal sinuses, breathe over the steam, and even soar your legs - these "folk" methods lead to a rapid spread of infection in the body. Only after passing the antibacterial therapy, the doctor-Lor can prescribe physiotherapy, quartz irradiation, fine-dispersed inhalations and other additional techniques that increase the effectiveness of the main course.

Punctures in modern schemes of treatment of sinusitis are rarely used due to the large number of effective methods used in conservative therapy. Fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations, balanced diet, bed rest are the main conditions that ensure a quick recovery, minimizing the risk of complications.

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