Types of human papillomavirus: 16, 18, 31, 33, 51, 52 and 56, photos and treatment

The word combination of human papillomavirus or HPV occurs quite often and some people believe that infection with this microorganism causes the appearance of only papillomas on the body.

But not everything is so welcome, the infection of HPV sometimes leads to the development of a fairly serious disease - cancer. Assume how the infection in the body will behave, but only knowing the type of papillomavirus.

Types of human papillomavirus

Studies conducted in recent decades have shown that HPV is transmitted only from one person to another, and this can be both an infection carrier and a patient with severe clinical signs of papillomatosis.

It is established that the papillomavirus is divided into types, there are more than one hundred. Depending on the type of virus that has got into the body, all external and internal changes will occur in the future.

The separation of HPV by types allowed the development of tactics for treating patients with microorganisms detected by means of assays.

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Photos of various types of papillomas

It is necessary to know that infection with one type of papillomavirus is not yet a guarantee that the organism is infected from other subspecies. That is, a person can be simultaneously a carrier of several types of HPV, some of them may not represent any danger, others increase the likelihood of cancer.

The virus is transmitted in several ways, the main one of which is genital. Infection is possible when several people use one towel, razor, scissors. A pathogen can be transmitted by a woman giving birth to her child, there is a risk of self-infection, that is, the transfer of the virus from one part of the body to another.

The microorganism is so microscopic that it easily penetrates through the slightest cracks on the skin, scratches and scratches. According to the latest data, up to 90 percent of the world's population is infected with different types of the virus.

The virus does not always activate immediately. That is, he can be in the body for a long time in a "dormant" state, from which a number of provoking factors lead him.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts ยป

Oncogene classification of

Oncogenic classification is a division of types of viruses, which takes into account the probability of developing cancer tumors depending on the subspecies. The total is used in practical medicine by the unit in three groups.

The first group of

Non-cancer group, it includes HPV 1,2,3,4,5.If one of these subspecies is exposed in the analyzes, then it can be considered that the development of cancer from this microorganism does not threaten you. But do not forget that in the future it is possible to infect other types.


HPV 6,11,42, 43,44 belong to the group with a low probability of developing cancer cells. Under the influence of some provoking factors, these types of pathogen of papillomatosis can lead to mutations of cells, which in turn pushes them to develop a malignant tumor.


HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,59,68 this group of viruses with high oncogenic activity. It is proved that if they are present in the body of a woman, the risk of a possible cancerous process in the cervix and mammary glands increases manyfold. It was found that in men oncogenic subtypes of HPV can cause bladder cancer.

Naturally, not always the presence of these stamps indicates that there will be a cancer. But with the slightest change in the state of health and when there are various sprouting on the mucous membranes and skin, a complete examination should be carried out in a short time.

What is the danger of 16 and 18 types?

The risk of developing oncogenic diseases has been increased many times, if two types of papillomavirus are detected in humans, these are 16 and 18.

A study of women with cervical cancer has made it possible to pinpoint that in more than half of the cases the direct cause of cell mutation is a type 16 virus.

For a long time after infection, a woman may not assume that she is carrying a dangerous microorganism for her health. And only under the influence of some external and internal influences the virus activates and starts its work in cells, changing their DNA.

As a result, cells begin to intensively divide and on the skin, genitalia, mucous membranes of the mouth, the inner surface of the thighs form papillomas and genital warts. The type 16 virus also affects the development of a woman in the body, such a precancerous condition as cervical dysplasia.

Genital warts caused by the virus 16 and, more rarely, 18 types, grow very quickly. Individual elements can merge with each other, and then a large, cauliflower-like growth occurs. The presence of such tumors in the vagina leads to their trauma and inflammation, which is manifested by the corresponding symptomatology.

Infection of men with 16 and 18 types of papillomavirus also does not pass without a trace. This microorganism may be inactive for a long time, but when it develops, men face infertility and impotence. Type 16 virus also leads to the formation on the skin of the genitals of bovine papulosis - spots, erythema, plaques.

Virus strains numbered 16 and 18 are capable of causing men and Bowen's disease, it is manifested by the formation of a red plaque on the skin of the penis, which eventually coarsens and becomes covered with scales. Bovenoid papulosis and Bowen's disease are considered precancerous changes on the skin.

After the course, it is necessary to re-take tests to make sure that the main goal of therapy is achieved, that is, the virus is transferred to an inactive state. In the presence of the virus, the analysis must be repeated at all times, this will allow us to seize the relapse of the disease at the very beginning.

HPV 31 and 33

These two types of the virus belong to the group with a high degree of oncogenic risk and the most often lead to such diseases as pectoric papulosis and intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix .

Bovenoid papulosis in most cases is detected in men, and the risk of developing this disease is increased with an excessive number of sexual partners. Sometimes self-healing is revealed.

Cervical neoplasia can be mild, moderate and severe. In the first case, all changes are detected only in the cytological examination of the smear. Expressed neoplasia is already considered an intraepithelial cancer. Neoplasia in women is often combined with the formation of genital warts, arising under the influence of the virus of types 6 and 11.

HPV 51, 52 and 56

The strains of the virus with numbers 51, 52 and 56 also belong to the group with high on-care, they are transmitted through sexual contact. These types of virus mainly cause the formation of genital warts.

In women, type 52 and 56 viruses often lead to cervical dysplasia and to erosion. HPV type 52 leads to the formation of genital warts near the anus and inside the rectum. In the future, a change in the structure and division of cells in these areas can cause cancer.

Type 51 HPV is found in women with cervical carcinoma, vulvar cancer, in men with oncological diseases of the penis and anus.

Diagnostic methods

There are several ways to detect the presence of HPV in the body, at present two are widely used:

  • PCR analysis. This analysis allows to detect the presence or absence of a virus in the body, its type and the number of virus particles. For diagnostics, a smear taken from women with gynecological examination and blood is used.
  • A daijan test or an analysis for HPV DNA.To perform this test, scraping from the cervical canal is taken. The analysis determines the concentration of the virus in the tissues and typifies HPV, that is, it detects the strains.

If necessary, a biopsy of the material taken from the spiked papillomas is made. The data of all the examinations are evaluated by the oncologist, and only after that the decision is made to choose the most effective method of treatment.

Treatment of

Treatment of the detected HPV in the body of any person depends on how this virus manifests itself and to what group of oncogenic activity it relates.

In the presence of genital warts on the genitals and papillomas on the body, one of the ways to remove them is selected. Cutting off of growths is carried out by usual surgical way, by means of the laser, an electric current, under the influence of a cold.

In case of detection of precancerous diseases, the course of therapy corresponding to manifestations and changes is selected. Cervical cancer, combined with viruses of 16 and 18 types, is treated surgically, chemotherapy. Antiviral treatment is optional.

Prevention of

Preventing HPV infection is difficult, because some strains can be transmitted when visiting swimming pools, saunas, beauty salons and even hospitals. But it is possible to minimize the risk of infection by types of HPV that are sexually transmitted.

The probability of their penetration into the body decreases, if you follow these conditions:

  • Have a single sexual partner. Often even a condom can not completely protect against the virus, and therefore it is desirable to be completely confident in the absence of HPV from your partner.
  • After unprotected and protected sexual intercourse with an untested partner, it is essential to carefully intimate hygiene and use aseptic medications.
  • To begin a sexual life not earlier than 18 years. Until that time, the girls are forming a protective layer of the vagina, and any infection during sexual intercourse quickly penetrates into the body.
  • Maintain a completely healthy lifestyle.
  • Treating acute and exacerbating chronic diseases.

The methods of prevention include periodic visits to gynecologists by women and the urologist by men. Conducting surveys will allow time to capture changes that develop under the influence of HPV.

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