Breast carcinoma: infiltrating, invasive, ductal, non-invasive, treatment

Because of all types of breast cancer, carcinoma occurs most often, it is often referred to simply as breast cancer.

Given the tendency of such tumors to late detection, it should be noted an extremely high percentage of deaths in patients who suffer from them. Another reason for the high mortality from breast cancer mammologists consider the wrong approach to sex education of girls - their future patients.

What is breast carcinoma?

The term "carcinoma" was introduced by the famous ancient Greek healer Hippocrates, whose appearance of the tumor was associated with crab.

Modern medical statistics show that in the last decade the incidence of carcinoma of the mammary glands( comprising seventy cases per hundred thousand women) has increased significantly.

Annually six million cases of oncological diseases are registered all over the world. Since the age of the majority of cancer patients refers to the age category over fifty years, physicians associate this with the general aging of the world's population.

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Causes of

Because the exact causes triggering the mechanism of the tumor process are still unknown, experts suggest that breast cancer can develop under the influence of a number of factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition. The fact that the risk of developing breast carcinoma in a woman whose next relatives are already suffering from this disease is already several times proven.
  • Already transferred and successfully cured breast carcinoma. The probability of tumor development in the tissues of another mammary gland in this case remains quite high.
  • Individual characteristics of the development of the reproductive system: too early( up to eleven years) menarche, belated( after thirty-five years) pregnancy, deliberate abandonment of breastfeeding of the baby, and later( about sixty years) the onset of menopause. Great risk of breast cancer in never giving birth to women.
  • Presence of a benign tumor of ( fibroadenoma) or cystic mastopathy in the mammary gland.
  • Continuous intake of oral contraceptives for at least five years.
  • Continuous( for more than three years) application of hormonal drugs during menopause .
  • Radiation exposure to ( when working in hazardous production or when living in an environmentally unfavorable area).
  • A series of endocrine diseases ( reduced thyroid function, diabetes, various metabolic disorders leading to overweight).

All of these factors are only supposedly capable of provoking the development of breast cancer, but the presence of several of them is a sign that a woman on time paid attention to her health and regularly visited the mammologist's office.

Symptoms of

The clinical manifestations of breast carcinoma may vary depending on its shape, the stage of the tumor process and the extent of the lesion.

The main symptomatology requiring immediate attention to a qualified specialist is:

  • The presence of a dense, painless, tubercular neoplasm in the tissues of the mammary gland found during its palpation and localized most often directly under the nipple( and sometimes in its other part).
  • Changes in the appearance of the skin of the affected breast: they can wrinkle or become condensed, becoming an orange peel;often changes in their color( the skin over the tumor is often yellowish, cyanotic or reddened).In the area of ​​the nipple, ulceration sometimes occurs.
  • Reflection in the mirror often shows a difference in the configuration and size of both mammary glands: one of them can significantly increase, becoming retracted or excessively convex.
  • The presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary region( in a healthy person they are not probed).In the presence of pathology, the lymph nodes acquire the appearance of small painful globules. Their consistency can be as soft or dense.
  • When pressing on the nipple, bloody discharge or substance of yellow or pink color may appear.
  • Carcinoma can be masked for any inflammatory processes that are characteristic of the mammary glands( most often for mug and face).Therefore at the first signs of such diseases it is necessary to see the doctor.

Types of

Breast carcinoma happens:

  • is non-invasive( in the medical literature it is called "carcinoma in situ");
  • is invasive.

Non-invasive carcinoma is an early form of a malignant tumor that has not yet grown into the surrounding tissues and is perfectly treatable. A noninvasive form of breast cancer is localized in one of the lobules of the breast or in the milky duct.

The invasive( infiltrating) form of the breast carcinoma, which is no longer an isolated tumor element, but a process that extends to adjacent tissues, is more aggressive and more difficult to treat.

Infiltrating breast cancer is divided into:

  • , the pre-invasive duct carcinoma , which has not yet left the milky duct, but provides signs of an early transformation into an infiltrative form of cancer;
  • infiltrative duct carcinoma - a malignant process that gradually captured the milky ducts and spread to fatty tissue of the mammary glands. Atypical cells of infiltrative carcinoma easily penetrate into the blood and lymph, spreading with their current throughout the body. The infiltrative form of breast cancer accounts for 80% of all malignant breast tumors.

Histological types


Lobular carcinomas affecting the tissues of the lobules of the mammary glands and most often localized in their upper-outer quadrants are infiltrating and non-infiltrating.

Women aged forty-five to forty-eight are at risk of developing a lobular type carcinoma.

Differ by the extreme speed of spreading through the tissues of the breast and the tendency to defeat both mammary glands.


Intra-ductular carcinomas of the breast also have an infiltrating and non-infiltrating form. The site of their primary localization is the walls of the milk ducts. The characteristic configuration of ductal tumors that reach from one to ten centimeters in diameter is oval or stellate, the consistence is dense.

Mucinous carcinoma

This kind of carcinoma is often referred to as mucosal cancer due to the presence of mucus( produced by cancer cells), which clogs the milk ducts and impregnates the tissues of the lobules of the mammary glands.

Mucous cancer occurs only in women older than 60 years of age. He accounts for no more than five percent of breast cancer.

Clinical stages of

The establishment of the clinical stage of breast cancer is performed by the attending physician only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

  • The zero stage of is characterized by the presence of a small non-invasive tumor localized in the ductal duct or in the glandular tissue of the breast and complete absence of external manifestations. Being detected in the process of performing a preventive mammogram, carcinoma of zero degree is perfectly treated. The 10-year survival rate of patients is at least 98%.
  • Cancer of the first stage of is characterized by the appearance of a small( not exceeding 2 cm) tumor, the absence of lymph node involvement and distant metastases. With proper treatment, the 10-year survival forecast is about 96%.
  • Carcinoma of the second stage is a neoplasm with a diameter of two to five centimeters, affecting from one to three axillary lymph nodes and not yet giving distant metastases. Ten-year survival rate of patients is 70-90%.
  • For breast cancer, the third stage is characterized by the presence of a tumor exceeding five centimeters in diameter, the adhesion of the axillary lymph nodes, metastasis to the supraclavicular lymph nodes and the absence of distant metastases. The 10-year prognosis for the life of patients does not exceed 10%.
  • The cancer of the fourth stage is characterized by the spread of the tumor( it can be of any size) to other organs. The 10-year survival forecast does not exceed 10%.

Forms of the disease

Nodal form of the carcinoma is characterized by the presence of one or more rounded tuberous neoplasms( knots) of a dense consistency, practically immobile and not changing their location. The size of the tumor nodes does not depend on either the phase of the menstrual cycle or the change in the position of the body of the sick woman.

In one part of patients over the tumor, the skin can be fixed, and the other - their retraction. The late stage of nodular carcinoma is characterized by lymphatic swelling of the skin, which creates the effect of orange peel.


For neoplasm of edematous-infiltrative( diffuse) form there is a lack of precise contours, extremely rapid growth and extreme malignancy of clinical course.

The consistency of the tumor, rapidly sprouting first into the breast tissue, and then - into the adjacent tissue of the subcutaneous tissue, muscles and skin, resembles a dough.

In diffuse carcinoma, not nodes, but simply compacted areas are palpable. Gradually there is a soldering of the tumor with skin, provoking deformation and pulling the nipple together with the areola.

Osteo-infiltrative form of carcinoma is characterized by early damage to the lymph nodes and an equally early fixation of the neoplasm to the chest wall, which substantially limits its mobility.


In the erysipelas of carcinoma, there is marked hyperemia of the skin, outwardly reminiscent of erysipelatous inflammation, which has zigzag-like uneven edges. Hyperemia is often transferred to the chest wall.

The tumor swiftly metastasizes to the lymph nodes and distant organs. For the disease characterized by an acute current against the background of high body temperature.


Mastitis-like form of carcinoma, characterized by rapid growth, hardening and lack of clear boundaries, is often referred to as inflammatory cancer. Skin over the neoplasm or covered with characteristic pinkish spots, or are hyperemia. In the deep layers of the gland, the hardened infiltrate is palpated.

The disease is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. Characteristic of the absence of leukocytosis.

Occult Cancer

This rare form of carcinoma is called a "hidden" cancer, because the tumor does not manifest itself when probing the breast. The main informative sign of the disease is an increase in axillary lymph nodes or tissue tightening in this part of the body.

For the precise diagnosis( occult cancer is often confused with infectious lymphadenitis), a full range of diagnostic studies is needed, performed with a suspicion of cancer.


Given the extreme importance of early detection of oncological diseases, a comprehensive examination of patients is carried out to establish an accurate diagnosis, including:

  • Clinical examination of a mammologist providing for visual inspection and palpation of the mammary glands.
  • Mammography procedure. Women from forty to fifty years should go through it every two years, older patients - every year.
  • Ductography. This type of X-ray study is designed to study the condition of the milk ducts with the help of a contrast medium introduced into them.
  • Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands, allowing to determine the structure of the neoplasm.
  • Biopsy followed by laboratory examination of tumor tissue. From the results of this study depends on the setting of the final diagnosis.
  • When detecting cancer cells, a number of specific studies are carried out( for example, on the sensitivity of cancer cells to estrogens), allowing you to choose the right treatment tactics.

Treatment of

Comprehensive treatment of breast carcinoma begins immediately after the implementation of diagnostic studies.

The main methods of therapy are:

  • Surgical treatment. Depending on the extent of the lesion, the volume of surgical intervention may vary: from resection of a part of the affected gland( lumpectomy and quadrantectomy operations) to its complete removal( simple, modified and radical mastectomy).The operation is often combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as simultaneous installation of implants. Sometimes an additional plastic operation is performed to remove the external defect after removal of the breast.
  • After the operation, the patient is often prescribed radiotherapy - a course of procedures for irradiating the operated area and nearby lymph nodes, which can contain cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy - a method of using drugs that destroy developing tumor cells or suspend their division, perfectly complements surgical intervention and radiotherapy.
  • For the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors containing receptors sensitive to progesterone and estrogens, hormone therapy is used - treatment with drugs that reduce the production of hormones.


Prognosis for breast cancer depends on the timeliness of the diagnosis of the disease, the age of the patient, the location and stage of the tumor, the level of development of medical care in the region. Almost half of the patients have recurrences of breast carcinoma, most often occurring ten years after successful treatment.

The prognosis of five-year survival for invasive ductal carcinoma is:

  • 84-94% - at I degree;
  • 65-80% - at the II degree;
  • 40-60% - with the third degree.


As prophylactic measures for the prevention of breast cancer, experts recommend:

  • Monthly perform self-examination of the mammary glands.
  • Regularly visit a mammologist and gynecologist.
  • Perform preventive breast ultrasound.
  • If a family history is burdened by cases of breast cancer, women should be monitored by an oncologist.
  • Timely treatment of diseases that can be regenerated into oncology.
  • Avoid products that provoke cancer.
  • Monitor weight, taking into account the susceptibility of women with excessive body weight to breast diseases.

On diagnosis and modern methods of treatment of breast cancer, will tell the following video:

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