Pancreatic cancer Stage 4: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet, how much do they live?

The most unfavorable prognosis for the development of oncological diseases, doctors expose at the last stage of this pathology. With cancer of the 4th stage of the pancreas, the manifestations of the disease largely depend on the organs in which the secondary foci of malignant neoplasm appeared.

Treatment of this stage is palliative, that is, aimed only at making the patient feel better and prolonging his life for several more months.

Features of pancreatic cancer Stage 4

Pancreatic cancer of the 4th stage is exposed when the tumor reaches a large size, sprouts into neighboring organs, and cancer cells spread through the lymph nodes and settle in distant organs.

The terminal stage of cancer is considered the cause of death in every fifth cancer patient. More patients with this diagnosis are identified after 60-65 years. Malignant tumor is more often localized in the head of the organ.

According to the histological structure, the tumor of any pancreatic site is divided into several forms:

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  • Adenocarcinoma. This type of cancer of the prostate is detected in most patients. A squamous cell malignant tumor.
  • Acinar-cell carcinoma.
  • Cystadenocarcinoma.
  • Undifferentiated form of prostate cancer.

Metastases in advanced cases of a cancer of the pancreas are detected in the liver, lung tissue and kidneys, bone structures.

One patient can simultaneously be diagnosed with several secondary foci of cancer throughout the body. The prevalence of cancer affects the entire course of the disease, weighting its course.

The main risk factors for

Cancer of the 4th stage develops in the defeat of the pancreas for several years, but in some cases the whole pathological process up to the terminal stage can take only six months to 8-12 months.

It is impossible to insure against cancer of any organ, but it is possible to reduce the influence of several disease-provoking factors.

In the high-risk area are:

  • Smokers and those who are addicted to alcoholic beverages.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis, benign lesions( polyps and cysts) of the gland.
  • People who consume excessive amounts of fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrates. The lowest risk of malignant degeneration of RV cells in those who constantly in their diet includes plant foods.
  • Employees of industrial enterprises that experience the influence of chemical compounds on the body, in particular asbestos, gasoline, solvents.
  • Patients who underwent stomach surgery with partial resection of the organ and after holicectectomy.

The age of a person influences the development of a malignant tumor, the more he grows older, the more likely the appearance of a malignancy. Men get sick more often and this is due to the fact that on their body due to the characteristics of life and work are affected by more disease-provoking factors.

Symptomatic manifestations of

In the terminal stage of a malignant lesion, all symptomatology of the disease is manifested with bright and heavily tolerated symptoms.

Among the most common symptoms of 4 stages of pancreatic cancer are:

  • Signs of cancer intoxication. At the last stage, the tumor releases a huge number of cancer cells, which leads to the development of toxins. The patient at the fourth stage has the strongest weakness, working capacity is almost completely lost, there is no appetite, and weight is reduced to cachexia. The temperature rises in periods or does not fall off for several days and weeks.
  • Pain. They are almost constant, intensified by changing the body posture, the patient feels better when the embryo takes over. Pain gives in the lower back, in the shoulder girdle, chest, upper limbs.
  • Dysfunction of the digestive system. A growing tumor not only squeezes the peritoneal organs, but also does not fully absorb the nutrients entering the body. This causes bloating, colic, nausea, and recurring vomiting. Lack of nutrients causes beriberi, anemia.
  • Ascites.
  • Splenomegaly, that is, an increase in the spleen.
  • Enlarged liver.
  • Increased individual group of lymph nodes, which is manifested by the formation under the skin of soft nodules.
  • Thrombophlebitis. Jaundice of the skin and mucous membranes. This symptom indicates a cancer of the liver cells.
  • Cough, discharge of bloody sputum appears when lung metastases spread.

In the fourth stage of cancer, patients spend almost all their time in bed. The expressed weakness does not allow them to move, the launched malignant process influences also occurrence of changes from nervous system.


In the case of cancer of stage 4 of the prostate, the physician prescribes only the presumptive for the described symptoms and on the basis of his own examination.

For its confirmation, a number of examinations are required, the standard ones include:

  • of the ultrasound of the organ. The uniformity of the pancreas, the presence of tumors, and their size are determined. Additionally, adjacent organs of the abdominal cavity are immediately examined.
  • Radiography is used to detect the spread of cancer in the lung tissue, bone structures.
  • Computed tomography. This method of investigation displays the layered state of the pancreas and thus can reveal the extent of the spread of even the smallest tumor.
  • Biopsy. By this name is meant the sampling of a piece of tumor to determine its histological structure.

If possible, oncologists prescribe other, more modern and accurate diagnostic procedures, but, unfortunately, they do not exist in all medical institutions. The examination of blood and urine is mandatory.

Treatment of pancreatic cancer 4 stages

If a patient with pancreatic cancer is found to have passed the disease to the fourth degree, then the proposed therapy can only be supportive.

The goal of treating patients is:

  • Relieving their health, reducing pain.
  • Improved digestion.
  • Prolonged life.

The main method of treatment of the pancreatic cancer of the 4th stage is chemotherapy, the use of chemotherapy drugs allows to slow down the growth of the tumor and prevents the further spread of atypical cells through the body.

If the patient's condition and the location of the tumor allows, chemotherapy is combined with a surgical intervention - the Whipple operation. This type of intervention involves removing the head of the pancreas and resection of the stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, cancer-affected lymph nodes.

But if the tumor has sprouted into the blood vessels, then the operation can not be carried out. Some patients are given palliative surgery, they are carried out to restore the patency of the abdominal cavity, which is required to improve digestion.

For ease of digestion of the food lump enzymes are mainly used, but they must be taken for life. Painkillers are selected from the group of narcotic analgesics. To ease the manifestations of the disease, some patients apply traditional medicine methods.


Correctly selected food for cancer of the gland of the 4th stage helps to reduce cancer intoxication, reduces the burden on the organ and gives the person the energy necessary for fighting the disease.

Food should be high-calorie, replenishing the supply of trace elements and vitamins.

The main recommendations for observing dietary therapy include:

  • Compliance with the fractionality of nutrition. The patient should eat at least 5 times a day, but only in small portions.
  • Food is necessarily steamed, well boiled or baked with minimal addition of fat.
  • Reduces the amount of spicy seasonings and spices, including salt.

Exclude from the supply of carbonated beverages, canned food, smoked and pickled products. To refuse it is necessary and from those dishes which increase gas formation, and provoke constipations.

Nutrition of the diet is achieved through the use of cereals, natural yogurt, casseroles, cutlets and pates from low-fat varieties of fish and meat. In the menu there should be eggs, not sharp grades of cheese.

You should definitely eat about 300 grams of fruit per day, with the cancer of the prostate gland the allowed fruits are apples, melon, pomegranate, watermelon, apricot, peach. Fruits can be baked, cook a salad with yogurt.

You need as little sugar and sweets as possible. At a cancer of a pancreas the risk of formation of a diabetes is great, and sweets this process can push. The diet is also adjusted for those patients who have already developed diabetes.

If close people notice that their ailing relative does not eat, then it is necessary to tell the doctor about this as soon as possible. In severe cases, parenteral nutrition is performed, without it, the patient's well-being deteriorates rapidly.

How many patients live?

If it is established that the cancerous formation of the prostate has already moved to stage 4, then the prognosis for such patients is extremely unfavorable.

After diagnosis, most patients, even with palliative care, rarely live more than 6 months, but the use of medication significantly facilitates their well-being.

In order to prevent the development of cancer to stage 4, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time for all the vague symptoms in the body.

More often it is necessary to be checked by those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system or a hereditary predisposition to oncology.

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