How to take the uterus and red toothbrush with myoma: reviews about the treatment with tincture and decoction

The hump has been used for a long time to treat various pathologies. This plant helps with various diseases caused by changes in the hormonal status, for example, inflammation of the appendages, uterus or ovaries.

Use boron and in the treatment of various forms of fibroids.

Does the hog uterus help with fibroids?

Boron uterus( or lopsided ortilia, boron grass, Baba stanovitel, wine grass, hare salt, etc.) - is considered the best medicinal herb for women, because it is the leader in the treatment of female genital areas .

But is it possible to save women from such an ailment as myomoneous tumors, because many patients, after hearing about the therapeutic abilities of this herb, begin independent treatment, and do not even consult specialists.

If the patient has a myoma of subserous or submissive character, then the ortilia will only be able to stop the growth or slow it down, as well as relieve the painful symptoms. But there is no need to fully cure such myomas using the hog alone.

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Therefore before the beginning of such phytotherapy the consultation of a qualified and practicing gynecologist is necessary. It may be that a woman needs urgent surgical treatment, and folk recipes will only exacerbate the clinical situation.


Before using the hog uterus, it is necessary to study its contraindications, as incorrect treatment can lead to very unpredictable and even dangerous consequences:

  1. It is absolutely impossible to combine treatment with ortilia with taking hormonal and contraceptive preparations with estrogen as the main active substance;
  2. Treatment of such a herb is unacceptable for nursing and pregnant patients, since the effect on the fetus and the extent of penetration into breast milk has not been fully studied;
  3. Do not arbitrarily take boron intestine in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal system Doctors advise people with gastritis to take herbal infusions only after meals, which will avoid exacerbations of pathology;
  4. You can not use the ortil in the period of menstruation, especially it is important to observe in the first days of menstruation.

In addition, ortilia is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug.

How to take the grass?

For therapeutic purposes, various medicinal forms of the hog uterus are used:

  • Oily extracts;
  • Alcohol tinctures;
  • Decoctions;
  • Herbal infusions, etc.

These products are used on the basis of various parts of the plant for syringing, drink inside, put compresses, etc. Such tools based on ortilia have antitumor, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects.

Specialist herbalists recommend to conduct antimiomy therapy in a complex way, combining outdoor use with internal reception.

Before the beginning of the course, it is necessary to discuss the details of the treatment with a specialist, because an incorrect approach to therapy, a violation of proportions, incorrect use of the borrow uterus can lead to unrecoverable results.

Preliminary consultation is also needed to determine the exact dosage, treatment regimen and preferred form of the drug. In general, phytotherapy with a hogweed together with interruptions is at least 3 months.


To prepare the broth on the basis of boron, usually take a large spoonful of herbs and pour steep boiling water( 250 ml).

When the mixture leaves for 5 is removed from the plate and kept under cover. The mixture should be infused for at least two hours. For convenience, many brew a similar medicine in a thermos bottle.

The reception of the decoction of ortilia is carried out on the order of 3-4 r / day. About half an hour before meals. One-time dosage is 1/3 cup.

I want to warn that the taste of such a drink - a muck is rare, so it can be mixed with herbal teas based on herbs like winter ham or greek.

These herbs repeatedly strengthen the therapeutic effect of the hog uterus.


Quite often in therapy, alcoholic tincture of ortilia is used, since this form of the drug is as simple as possible and does not require time for preparation, such as a decoction or infusion. Similar tinctures are available in the pharmacy, however, they can easily be prepared by yourself.

For self-preparation it is necessary: ​​

  • 5 large spoons of grass of the hog uterus pour a bottle of quality vodka or alcohol;
  • Keep the mixture in the dark for at least 3 weeks;
  • Please rate and take the instructions.

The tincture of ortilia during therapy with fibroids is indicated to be taken about an hour before or a couple of hours after a meal. Single dose is 1 teaspoon, reception is carried out three times a day. The medicine can be drunk with juice or plain water.

Such a device, according to herbalists and medical specialists of the gynecological profile, is an excellent addition to the basic therapeutic course.

Solution for syringing

Specialists recommend using the bovine uterus at the same time in several ways, i.e., to combine oral administration with external use, involving the carrying out of syringing.

The solution for such purposes is prepared as follows:

  • A liter of water is mixed with three large spoons of weed;
  • You need to boil for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove from the plate, press for about 6 hours.

Douching should be done in the morning and at bedtime. The treatment is of a course character and lasts for 10 days, that is, 20 procedures. It is necessary to calculate the treatment so that the course does not fall on menstruation.

Such treatment, used as an additional technique, significantly accelerates recovery and improves the condition.

Combined treatment of fibroids with a borax uterus and a red brush

No less valuable along with the hog rome is a red brush( four-membered rhodiola). Rhodiola is successfully used for the treatment of reproduction, so it is indicated for use with:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Myomatous tumors;
  • Infertility;
  • Ovary cyst;
  • Fiber;
  • Climax, etc.

The red brush is used in several forms: tincture on alcohol or water infusion.

The medicine for vodka or alcohol is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a bottle of diluted alcohol or vodka;
  2. Add to it for 25 gr.each medicinal herb;
  3. The bottle should be shaken well;
  4. To survive in the darkness of a fortnight, systematically shaking.

Take a similar tincture daily for 3 r / day. To take a small spoon of tincture you need to dilute with water and drink. During the monthly treatment stop. The course is determined by the complexity of the disease.

Prepare the water infusion of red brushes and hogs is also easy. For 30 grams.each plant is poured with water, and a quarter of an hour is kept in the bath. Take three times a day for 1/3 cup. Most often the duration of the course of such therapy is 2 weeks, then a 7-day break. This course should be repeated four times.

Caution should be exercised in combining the use of these herbs, because they have certain contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Hormone therapy;
  • Obstruction of fallopian tubes;
  • Hypertension.

The cost of preparations

Raw materials for preparing the necessary medicine can be found in pharmacies. There is also sold ready tea in filter bags.

  1. Boromovaya uterus in the form of shredded grass weighing 30 g is about 193-282₽;
  2. Herbal tea from the hog in bags of 20 the package will cost 209-304₽;
  3. Boron uterus, alcohol tincture, 100 ml - 206-264₽
  4. A red brush weighing 30 g will cost 74-89₽;
  5. Red brush, alcohol tincture, 100 ml - 148-187₽;
  6. Phytotea red brush, 20 bags - 56-79₽.

Reviews about the treatment of herbs

Patients are pleased to leave grateful comments about the treatment of fibroids by a hogweed. Positive opinion has developed about the grass and the doctors, which confirm the feedback.

Anastasiya Paromonko, Obstetrician-Gynecologist:

Many of my patients used the bovine uterus in parallel with the basic treatment of myoma. Grass really shows very impressive results. Perhaps I would not have believed it if I had not seen it myself. Grass significantly shortens the treatment period, with the beginning of myomas it completely dissolves the formation. In addition, the grass is financially affordable, because it is inexpensive. Sometimes I recommend it to my patients as an auxiliary method of treatment.


Has started to accept alcohol tincture of a hog queen with hope. The diagnosis of fibroids in combination with endometriosis put an end to the possibility of becoming pregnant, and even at the age of 38 did not give much hope. For 8 years, slept with her husband, not being protected, so she did not expect a miracle. She drank 3 weeks, then broke a week, repeated the course - and nothing. Only intermenstrual bleeding has disappeared, and the usual menstruation has become less plentiful and benign. After examining the gynecologist, it was found out that myoma had decreased many times and it was possible to remove it without problems, and endometriosis was completely gone.


Treated myomia with tea from the hog queen. It's good that my nodules were discovered at the very beginning. Accidentally passed a physical examination for work, that's revealed. I drank the bovine uterus in 4 courses, not a single node was left. Thanks to the gynecologist, he advised.

Ortilium is notoriously called a borax, because it has long been used successfully in the therapy of myomatous tumors, menstruation disorders, infertility, inflammatory and adhesive processes, uterine bleeding, obstruction of fallopian tubes, etc.

Such phytotherapy is considered one of the best additions to the main treatment andbeneficially affects the female reproduction.

Video on the use of the boron womb for the treatment of female ailments:

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