Myoma of the uterus, what is it and how to treat it: surgical treatment and without surgery, reviews

The female reproductive system is often subjected to tumor processes, which are of a different nature - malignant and benign.

The greatest number of pathologies, fortunately, occurs in benign tumors such as fibroma, fibroids or just fibroids. This benign neoplasm of connective tissue cellular structures, formed in the muscle tissues of the uterine wall.

The concept of the pathology of

Myomonies are characterized by slow development. For a reason unknown, the single cell structure begins to divide uncontrollably, forming a myoma node. Such nodes can be localized in various uterine layers and areas of the organ.

Therefore, the uterine fibroids are classified into several varieties:

  • Sub-serous - formed under the outer mucous layer of the organ, sprouting into the low-dose or retroperitoneal space;
  • Interstitial - is formed in the depth of the muscular uterine layer;
  • Submucous - is formed under the mucous layer on the inside of the uterus.

Myoma can dissolve itself, however, this fact does not mean that it should be ignored. It is necessary to identify the causes and nature of the tumor, determine the predictions and the likely consequences, and on the basis of the data obtained, select adequate therapy.

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How to treat myoma of the uterus in the early stages?

Various factors can cause myomas, but all of them are associated with hormonal imbalance, so even after surgical treatment the hormonal background needs to be put in order, otherwise education can recur.

The simplest way to treat miomnye education, identified at the initial stages of development.

Sometimes in a similar situation it is enough only hormonal therapy that the tumor independently has resolved.

If education is small in size, then the probability of complete cure for myoma is high.

In any case, if a miom formation is detected, it is necessary to immediately start its treatment, which only an appropriate specialist can adequately select.

In general, the treatment of myoma is conservative and operative.


Indications for surgical treatment of uterine fibroids are:

  1. Large parameters of neoplasm;
  2. Submucous nature of the nodes, intramuscular myomoneous tumors with growth into the uterine cavity;
  3. The presence of a concomitant tumor process in the ovaries;
  4. Rapid increase in fibroids;
  5. If myomoneous nodes provoke infertility or create an obstacle to the fetal bearing;
  6. Abundant menorrhagic menstruation or metrorrhagic bleeding that occurs regardless of the cycle in the intermenstrual period.

The age of the patient, her plans for motherhood, site localization and other factors are of great importance in the choice of treatment. Operative interventions such as hysteroresectoscopy, hysterectomy, and conservative myomectomy are used.

The standard is a combined approach to treatment, involving the combination of surgical methods and hormone therapy.

Is myoma of the uterus treated without surgery?

From fibroids can be disposed of in conservative ways, however, the success of such treatment can be guaranteed only with a small tumor size.

Treatment in this situation must begin immediately. Immediately after revealing the formation, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy, which is directed to resorption of the myomatous nodes.

But we will repeat, conservative therapy is effective only in case of detection of a myoma at the beginning of its development.

In addition to hormone therapy, there is another conservative new method for treating uterine fibroids, which is gaining popularity - it's arterial embolization.

The technique involves the artificial obstruction of vessels supplying food to the tumor tissue, as a result of which the myoma decreases and dies. Vessels are administered special drugs that eventually create a kind of cork inside the artery. This technique is non-surgical and is performed only with local anesthesia.

Drug methods

The medications for the treatment of uterine fibroids include the administration of various medications such as:

  • Antigonadotropic drugs - Buserelin, Danazol, Gextrin, Zoladex. Under the influence of these funds, the patient has a premature climax, and the nodes begin to decrease. Such drugs usually take long courses for six months or more. Given their not cheap cost, such treatment is very expensive. In addition, after discontinuation of reception, the fibroid may begin to grow again;
  • Derived 19-norsteroid - Nemestran, Organometr, Norkolut, etc. These drugs help to reduce the size of the tumor, however, take them need long courses of 6 months.and more. If the effect is absent, estrogen therapy is used;
  • Oral contraception - Novinet, Diane-35, Janine. Such drugs contribute to the suspension of growth of nodes due to oppression of ovarian activity and changes in the hormonal background.

In general, the principles of drug treatment are based on a change in the hormonal background in order to reduce the size of the tumor.


Medicinal herbs are widely used in the treatment of myomoneous tumors of the uterus. Such phytotherapy can be symptomatic or systemic.

Widespread popularity of herbs that have an antitumour effect such as:

  1. Borovoy uterus;
  2. Yarrow;
  3. Nettle;
  4. Calendulae;
  5. Cleanness;
  6. Burdock root, etc.

Use of similar methods for treating myomoneous tumors is permissible only after medical approval and as an additional therapeutic technique.


When mio-nomic processes are detected, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition so that the body does not lack the resources necessary for a full restoration of the hormonal background, improve the general state of the body and build up the forces to confront the disease.

For this it is recommended to eat more fiber, fruit and vegetable salads( from cabbage and pumpkin, carrots and tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries, grapefruits, spinach, etc.), fish, especially mackerel, sardines, salmon or tuna.

Every day it is recommended to drink at least 4 cups of green tea, which contains epigallocatechin, which has a powerful antitumor effect. It is useful to eat nuts containing monounsaturated fats, dairy products, seasonings of garlic and spices, flaxseed.

The diet should not exceed the necessary daily amount of calories, because obesity with myomas is not welcome.

Categorically it is not recommended for patients with fibroids to eat sweets and baked pastries, fat cheeses and smoked products, sausages and fat, fatty meat varieties and spreads.


Massage with myoma of the uterus has a number of contraindications. You can massage any parts of the body, with the exception of the waist, abdomen and buttocks. In addition, gynecological massage is contraindicated for patients.

For the treatment of myomas formations, massage is not applied. In addition, with myomas it is inadmissible to carry out a vacuum, lymph drainage or anti-cellulite massage. Any warming or vibrating effect can provoke an exacerbation and active growth of myomatous nodes.


Treatment of myoma leech refers to non-standard therapeutic techniques. This method has virtually no contraindications, so it is suitable for almost all patients.

Hirudotherapy with uterine myomas promotes:

  • Normalization of cellular material exchange;
  • Reducing the size of nodes;
  • Accelerate blood flow by eliminating blood-stains;
  • Curbing soreness.

Leeches affect the bioactive points, irritate them, which helps stimulate certain inorganic structures. In addition, in the saliva of leeches there are specific enzymes that give it anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating, vasoconstrictive and antihypertensive effect.

Specialists believe that to maximize the effect of placing leeches need inside the vagina.

Hirudotherapy is carried out by courses of 10 procedures, the duration of one course takes about 5-10 weeks.

Such therapy should be of an auxiliary nature and only supplement the main treatment. The influence of leeches is contraindicated in patients with severe anemic forms, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypotension, intolerance and pregnancy.


Pretty widely used in the treatment of fibroids of uterine nodes is used douching with various solutions.

Similar solutions are prepared from different raw materials, for example, celandine, borage uterus, red toothbrush, bicholea, etc.

Douches are carried out for 7-10 days. The best effect is achieved when syringing is combined with an internal reception of the decoction or tincture.

Douches are contraindicated to be carried out constantly, because when abusing this treatment, a violation of the vaginal microflora and dysbacteriosis may develop.

In addition, the recommended dosage should be observed, because even such "harmless" solutions like celandine infusions or calendula at high concentrations can provoke burn damage to the vaginal mucosa.


There are a lot of disagreements regarding the use of physiotherapy techniques in patients with fibroids. Indeed, physiotherapy with thermal methods such as phonophoresis, ultrasound, infrared light therapy, UFO, paraffin treatment and other methods is contraindicated in the presence of myomoneous formations.

For the same reasons, such patients are not allowed to visit the solarium, saunas or baths, sunbathing, etc. The reasons are the ability of such thermal effects to provoke an increase in estrogen.

But physiotherapy has other possibilities, not associated with thermal methods. Reduction of estrogen is promoted by iodine-bromine, radon baths and iodinelectrophoresis. Also, with myomas, treatment with interference currents, magnetotherapy, zinc electrophoresis, EHF, etc. is quite acceptable.

Radon baths

Similar procedures are considered very effective in the treatment of tumor processes. With a similar effect, there is a significant slowdown and even a stop in the growth of myoma nodes. Radon is able to act through the skin and with the current of the lymphatic fluid.

Radon baths with uterine myomas are used in the form of alpha therapy. A few hours after the bath radon affects the body, changing the intensity of the processes of biochemistry, which subsequently leads to the restoration of the activity of organic structures.

Radon baths promote the accelerated regeneration of cellular structures, improve microcirculation, increase blood flow, which allows you to get rid of the abundant bleeding that is characteristic of myoma.

Charcot's shower

Many experts do not recommend the use of Charcot's douche in myomone of the mother body, because such a procedure contributes to increased blood flow, which can adversely affect the myomatous tumor.

However, among the useful properties of Charcot's soul is the ability to dissolve tumors.

But even if there are no severe bleeding and pains, and the myoma is at an early stage, should avoid such procedures, in order not to provoke an exacerbation and accelerated growth of the tumor.


Electrophoresis refers to physiotherapy procedures that are successfully used in myoma formations of the uterus.

With the help of this method, there is restoration of uterine myometrium, ovarian function and menstrual cycle, the severity of clinical manifestations of the myomatous process decreases.

The most commonly used drugs for myomas tumors are iodine( potassium or sodium iodide), zinc, etc.

Under the influence of electrophoresis, the normalization of the estrogen level occurs, the inflammatory processes in the urogenital system are eliminated, intermenstrual bleeding disappears, etc.

In general, electrophoresis is part of a set of conservative therapeutic procedures used in miogenic formations. Procedures contribute to reducing the severity or complete elimination of clinical symptoms, the restoration of the muscular layer of the uterus and ovarian functions.


Pressotherapy is a cosmetic procedure aimed at restoring the lymph system.

In the presence of uterine fibroids, pressotherapy is contraindicated, because lymphatic drainage massage, which is pressotherapy, stimulates blood flow, which can cause active growth of existing and the formation of new nodes.

How to stop bleeding?

One of the characteristic signs of uterine fibroids are bleeding that occurs between menstruation( metrorrhagia) and simultaneously with them( menorrhagia).

Bleeding should be stopped regardless of its nature. To do this, resort to hemostatic therapy, which can be conservative or surgical.

If the haemostatic therapy is impotent and the blood can not be stopped, scoring of the endometrium, ectomy of the bleeding node or removal of the bleeding uterus is performed.

Can a tumor pass itself?

In some cases, myomoneous uterine formations can dissolve independently. For example, this often occurs after childbirth or with the onset of menopause.

In the first case, the process of reverse development is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the body after childbirth.

After the onset of menopause, fibroids dissolve due to the cessation of estrogen production, because the ovaries cease their activity.

Sometimes self-resolution of fibroids can be achieved by correcting the nutrition, hormonal and HLS.

Reviews of those who cured the disease


Found uterine fibroids about 5 years ago. Initially it was a big - 10 weeks. Doctors offered a hysterectomy, that is, the uterus was removed, so she began to look for other ways of treatment. I tried everything: herbs, Chinese tampons, syringings, hormones, dietary supplements and so on. But myoma continued to grow. I was not bothered by the pain and bleeding, the monthly went on time and at the rate( uninvested).A year later, such searches appealed to the capital's clinic, where the site was removed, but the uterus was preserved. Now I do not remember about myoma. So do not pull to avoid radical removal.


And my fibroids were small, so I quickly got rid of them without surgery. Only 2 courses of radon baths and no nodules are left, but such methods work with small formations.

A video about a new method for treating uterine fibroids without surgery:

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