Tumor of the cerebellum of the brain: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Tumor of the cerebellum is one of the varieties of neoplasms, which is benign and malignant. Regardless of the histological structure, it is a threat to life.

Such neoplasms occur in about 30% of people with various cerebral tumors. Thanks to the histology, more than 100 species have been identified, but in 70% of cases the tumor is understood as glioma( primary tumor of pink, grayish-white or dark-red node).

Formation of education occurs at any age, but some species are characteristic of a certain type of people.

For example, medulloblastoma occurs in children, and astrocytomas, hemangioblastomas in men and women of middle age. More often the disease is formed in men of the Caucasoid race. Malignant tumor has a code for ICD-10 C71.6

Causes of development of

The only proven cause of development is radiation. It is assumed that about 10% of the formation is formed due to genetics or as a result of the impact of oncogenes.

Violation at the genetic level occurs under the influence of:

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  • toxic substances,
  • excessive sun exposure,
  • heredity.

Mechanisms that play an important role in tumor formation work in several directions at once. There is tissue damage associated with pressure from growing tissues. Gradually the neoplasm increases in size and breaks the cells of the brain stem. There is a development of general cerebral symptoms associated with increased pressure.

Classification of

The tumor is divided into malignant and benign.

The first type includes hemangioblastomas, astrocytomas. Sometimes cells are transformed into a cyst, represented by a small node. Transformation into a malignant disease occurs in rare cases.

Malignant tumors - without treatment guaranteed death and the inability to lead a full life.

Such neoplasms are prone to rapid growth, they easily penetrate the tissues of nearby departments.

The most dangerous is the 4th stage, it is said to be "inoperable".Sometimes cells move to other areas, but there are situations where metastases do not penetrate healthy tissues, but begin to focus in a single zone.

Separate the tumor of the cerebellum and in accordance with the genesis. The primary species originates from their cells of the cerebellum and is the result of metaplasia. Secondary tumor implies a metastatic origin. If the first species is benign and malignant, then the second is exclusively malignant.

Symptoms of cerebellum tumor of the brain

Symptoms are divided into three groups:

  • cerebral,
  • distant,
  • focal.

All of them develop simultaneously, but the severity may differ. It depends on the direction of germination, squeezing structures located nearby. Sometimes the first signs are cerebral or remote signs. This is possible because of the special location of the cerebellum between the 4 ventricle and the brain stem.

Symptomatic symptoms include:

  1. Headaches that are felt in the back of the neck or in the neck. If the intracranial pressure becomes greater, then the pain diffuse.
  2. Nausea and vomiting. They are not related to eating. Nausea appears more often in the morning and is associated with irritation of specific centers.
  3. When examining an ophthalmologist, stagnant nerve discs are found. This symptom appears before all other signs. Probably, there is a squeezing of veins.
  4. Dizziness.

Distant symptoms appear due to damage to the nerves that come out of the brain tissue in the trunk region. They are characterized by:

  • sensitivity disorders,
  • strabismus,
  • disorders caused by problems with the facial nerve,
  • hearing impairment, language mobility,

For cerebellar( focal) signs characteristic of the appearance of signs depending on the affected area. If the worm is damaged, it is difficult for a person to walk and stand equally. The walk begins to resemble the walking of a drunkard. The more education becomes, the more pronounced the symptom becomes when sitting.

If there is an infringement of a brain fabric, its other part starts to move in a direction of the big occipital aperture. When this happens, the risk of losing one's own life increases many times.


In the process of diagnosis, consultation of different specialists( therapist, oncologist, oculist, neurologist) is required.


  • determination of activity of tendon reflexes,
  • sensitivity test,
  • computed tomography,
  • MRI.

Tomography reveals not only education, but also allows you to determine the size, localization. They allow us to study the structure of the brain layer by layer.

Based on the results of the studies, the question of further hospitalization and examinations is being decided. In the diagnosis it is important to differentiate the tumor from a cyst, an aneurysm, an intracerebral hematoma, an ischemic stroke.

Anamnesis collection includes receiving information about complaints, revealing a hereditary factor and radiation. The neurologist is looking for signs of neurological disorders. Angiography is sometimes performed. This method allows you to evaluate the size and degree of blood supply to the tumor when you inject a contrast medium into the vein.

Treatment of neoplasm

The main method of exposure is recognized as surgical. The question of its use and the scope of the actions is solved by a neurosurgeon, but often the optimal solution is the radical removal of transformed cells.

However, carrying out such an operation is not always possible due to the germination of the tumor into the anatomical structures. Then the main goal is to remove the maximum possible volume and restore normal liquor circulation.

Chemotherapy is the administration of cytotoxic drugs that block tumor cells. Accelerate the healing process helps:

  • Radiosurgery,
  • Immunotherapy,
  • Gene Therapy.

Almost all known methods lead to suppression of activity and normal cells. This leads to the development of side effects.

Prognosis for a cerebellar tumor

The results of treatment depend on the type of disease. If the tumor is benign, then the prognosis is favorable. If there is a squeezing or death of the structures that are responsible for breathing and the work of the heart, the risk of a lethal outcome increases.

If the tumor has not been removed completely, then a few years will require a second operation. With malignant education, the survival of patients after therapy is from 1 to 5 years.

Video tells the stories of two patients with a brain tumor:

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