Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and breastfeeding: the opinion of doctors and the possible consequences

Some future moms are convinced that non-alcoholic beer is safe and even beneficial to the body. This drink really stimulates the appetite, and the yeast contains a lot of B vitamins.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy

However, one should understand that although beer is called non-alcoholic, the minimum alcohol dose is contained in it - 0.2-1%, andsometimes even 1.5%.In addition, in the hops there are phytoestrogens - plant hormones, which are extremely harmful to the female body. They can lead to infertility.

Also, non-alcoholic beer causes a diuretic effect, and with urine all useful substances that are so necessary for the baby are removed. In turn, the woman is disturbed by the normal functioning of the kidneys. This can lead to swelling and deposition of stones.

For and against

Almost all pregnant women have different preferences in food and drink. Some women begin to eat chalk, and others want a beer. The solution can be non-alcoholic foam, but since the minimum dose of alcohol in it is contained, it is not the best drink for a future mother.

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Despite this, many doctors are convinced that if the desire to drink beer from a pregnant woman is unbearable, she can afford one small bottle in 2-3 months. Before this, it is important to study the composition of the drink and make sure that there are no harmful carcinogens in it.

On the other hand, the thought of beer a woman can be confused with the usual thirst. At first she is recommended to drink a glass of some cool tasty drink - juice, milkshake. It is not excluded that the desire to drink foam will go away.

The fact is that the dose of 1% alcohol only seems harmless. For an adult, it is, of course, relatively safe. However, the fetus's body is extremely vulnerable, even the placenta does not provide it with absolute protection.

It is also extremely dangerous to drink non-alcoholic beer when planning a pregnancy. In this drink, as in the usual, contains hops, in the composition of which there is phytoestrogen.

This plant hormone resembles the human and can provoke hormonal disorders in both the mother and the future baby:


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  • infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • embryo development stop;
  • child obesity.

During the first half of the female cycle, the ovary ripens in the follicle with the ovum, which synthesizes estrogen. Due to phytoestrogens from nonalcoholic beer, the level of female hormones in the body of a future mother is increasing. This provokes the growth of uterine and vaginal tissues, which often leads to problems with conception in planning and bearing pregnancy in the early stages.

When the baby is born, at first it may not be different from the rest of the children. However, at some point and he may show hormonal disorders. Such children are often obese.
Video for and against non-alcoholic beverages during pregnancy:

Reasons for failure

Doctors identify a number of weighty reasons for abandoning non-alcoholic beer when bearing a child:

  • Chemical preservatives.
  • Diuretic effect.
  • The possibility of edema.
  • Bloating.
  • Colic.
  • Complications of the heart.
  • Possibility of inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Risk of cancer.

To increase shelf life, most manufacturers add preservatives to nonalcoholic beer. Chemicals are harmful even to an adult. They can provoke the most serious complications in the fetus.

Any beer has a diuretic effect, which is undesirable during pregnancy. Every third woman during this period is diagnosed with gestosis, in which urine starts to excrete protein, and a foamy drink will only aggravate this phenomenon. In addition, with a sharp loss of fluid in the body increases blood pressure.

Beer is eaten with salted rusks, nuts, which leads to the appearance of edema. And they become especially strong by the end of pregnancy. For prevention of puffiness from a foamy drink it is better to refuse.

Also numerous studies have proved that non-alcoholic beer negatively affects the work of the heart and vessels and can trigger an inflammatory process in the stomach. If you drink it often, you can provoke a cancer tumor.

Feeding period

After giving birth, a woman should breast-feed her baby. Therefore, all substances from nonalcoholic beer will enter the body of a baby with milk.

Possible negative consequences for his health:

  • allergic reactions;
  • indigestion;
  • intoxication with cobalt;
  • weakening of the myocardium.

By its composition, non-alcoholic beer is almost identical to usual beer. It contains chemical preservatives, dyes, fragrances - all these are potential allergens for the baby.

In addition, to stabilize the foam in the drink add cobalt, and this is a toxic metal. Since its concentration in beer is 10 times higher than the safe dose for a person, it is not difficult for them to poison themselves with feeding.

Babies may have gas and bloating, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, this metal heavily loads the heart muscle, as a result of which it can weaken.

In some ways, drinking alcohol during pregnancy is safer than after giving birth. In the womb the placenta is a filter and a barrier, but after birth the child becomes defenseless.

When breastfeeding, with the mother's milk, the baby absorbs all substances, including alcohol. Ethyl alcohol increases the load on the baby's liver and can provoke nervous pathologies.

Possible consequences of

The opinions of doctors about the possibility of drinking alcohol without alcohol during pregnancy differ. Some believe that if you are keen to drink it, others categorically prohibit drinks with any alcohol content. However, the quantity of alcohol consumed is of fundamental importance.

Foam drink worsens the functionality of the kidneys, which in the future mother and so work in a strengthened mode. As a result, the body begins to stagnate fluid, there are swelling. All this may further lead to renal failure.

In addition, as a result of abuse of non-alcoholic beer by the mother, the fetus will systematically receive alcohol doses. For an unformed organism, this threatens in the future with physical and mental abnormalities, congenital pathologies of organs, a mutation.


Any alcohol during pregnancy and lactation is better not to drink - the risk of complications is too high. But if a woman really wants a beer, and nothing helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts about him, you can drink a little nonalcoholic analogue. Benefits from him will not, but the future mother will get rid of stress, which also affects the baby in the womb.

The desire to drink beer can indicate a deficiency of B vitamins, so at first it is recommended to gnaw unsalted nuts or seeds. In addition, there is a possibility that a woman is just thirsty - then you need to drink water or juice. If you can not deceive the body, the only way out is to take a lightweight foam analogue.

Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy? The main rule is not to abuse, because it is harmful even for an adult. During the period of bearing a child, one small bottle of non-alcoholic beer is allowed to drink for 2 months. This can be done only after the 13th week, when the fetus has internal organs.

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