Melaxen and alcohol: interaction, whether it is possible to combine, consequences, reviews

Insomnia on nerves, constant lack of sleep, a sense of weakness in the morning, frustration of biorhythms. .. Familiar? In a modern, stress-filled world with insomnia, almost every person came across. And to adapt to someone else's time, it is necessary for every person who has ever been selected for vacation outside his region. To cope with these problems, a lot of preparations are ready, one of the most effective is Melaxen. Is it possible to combine Melaxen and alcohol? Doctors and pharmacists on this account is absolutely unequivocal opinion.

What is Melaxen

Melaxen is a hormonal drug in tablets, the main active substance in which is a chemical analogue of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is synthesized by the pituitary gland( pineal gland) and has long been called the "sleep hormone" throughout the world. It is he who is responsible for fast falling asleep, a sound sleep, a cheerful morning, a great mood and even a steady immunity.

Synthetic melatonin, entering the body, acts in the same way as natural, interacting with a variety of hormones of other endocrine glands.

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Due to these complex interhormonal bonds, Melaxen has a complex effect on the central nervous system:

  • accelerates sleep, provides deep sleep without unexpected awakenings;
  • allows you to wake up easily and quickly, with a great mood and a sense of "rash";
  • makes dreams more vivid, positive, negates nightmares;
  • removes headaches and dizziness throughout the day, improves general mood;
  • helps you quickly adapt to changing time zones( for example, for air travel);
  • calms nerves and increases stress resistance;
  • increases the immunity and has a noticeable antioxidant properties.

Melaxen is considered a group of hypnotic drugs, but it is not a classic sleeping pill. Most instructions for use make a mark: "adaptogenic preparation."Tablets of synthetic melatonin, getting into the body, are instantly absorbed, the substance slips through all physiological barriers( including blood-brain) and is quickly removed from the body.
Video review of the preparation Melaxen:

Interaction with alcohol

Melaxen is well tolerated by patients - this is noted by many researchers and practicing doctors. With all prescribed hormonal doses, it is almost impossible to earn "pobochku".And even if they were exceeded, the cases of melaxen overdose were very rarely recorded.

The reported side effects with severe excess of melaxen doses are as follows:

  • is a standard allergic reaction;
  • edema;
  • headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders( diarrhea);
  • drowsiness in the morning.

The instruction also warns that Melaxen and in usual dosage can cause slight retardation and drowsiness. Therefore, drivers and individuals, for whom the maximum concentration of attention is vital at work, should be more careful with the preparation of melatonin.


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Alcohol also has a retarding effect on the central nervous system. Initial stimulation and activity are very quickly replaced by apathy, drowsiness and extreme fatigue.

If you combine hormonal tablets "Melaxen" with alcohol, then a double effect is possible. In the best case, the "minus" to "minus" will simply give "plus", and the soothing-soaking effect of melatonin will simply evaporate. The neutralizing effect of alcohol is noted by many patients who took Melaxen. In the worst case, alcohol only strengthens at times all the side effects of an adaptogenic drug.

Possible consequences of

Most often, Melaxen is prescribed for short-term use - for example, when adapting to another time zone during the flight. In this case, a small dose of alcohol in compatibility with hormones rather simply neutralizes the effect of the drug - noticeable side effects occur rarely.

Therefore, compatibility is out of the question. In addition, alcohol in combination with Melaxen promotes the formation of lactic acid in the muscles, and this causes muscle pain and aches.

The main consequences when combining spirits of any strength and adaptogenic preparation "Melaxen" are:

  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders( up to severe poisoning);
  • chronic fatigue and decreased performance;
  • insomnia, heavy awakening;
  • deterioration of sleep quality, the appearance of nightmares;
  • excruciating thirst and muscle pain.

Rules for combining

Melaxen is considered one of the safest hormonal drugs. It is easily tolerated by patients, rarely causes side effects, and cases of overdose are rarely recorded.

Important fact: for melatonin and its preparations LD-50 has not yet been found - a lethal dose that causes the death of half of the members of the test group( experiments were carried out on laboratory animals).

The interaction of the drug with various doses of alcohol has not been purposefully carried out - at least, large-scale studies in this field are not known. And manufacturers in the instructions to Melaxen do not indicate alcoholism and alcohol consumption as contraindications to the drug. But the reviews of physicians consistently indicate the severe consequences of the combination of ethanol and melatonin tablets.

It is therefore important to comply with the admission regulations:

  • Strictly follow the rules for the application of Melaxen as specified in the instructions. And do not exceed the dosage in any case!
  • Avoid drinking alcohol during the whole period of taking the drug. In any doses.
  • Take the hormone preparation "Melaxen" only on the recommendation of a doctor. And be sure to clarify from him all the nuances of using melatonin and a combination with alcohol and other medicines.

Taking Melaxen, even according to the prescription of the doctor, it is necessary to remember: it is a hormonal drug, therefore it is difficult to calculate the exact effect and consequences for the organism.

Therefore, doctors strongly recommend to forget about alcohol for the entire time of taking Melaxen. Since the drug is usually prescribed for a short period( 2-5 days), it is not difficult to give up alcohol at that time. And with a purposeful treatment of insomnia and other nervous disorders you have to choose: alcohol or health.

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