Mycoses of skin and nails: types, symptoms, drugs and treatment

  • Mycosis of the scalp is observed with favus, trichophytosis and microsporia.
    • Trichophytosis - a disease caused by anthropophilic trichophytons, nests inside the hair and has almost no effect on the scalp.
      • For the disease caused by zoophilic trichophytons, skin lesions are characteristic, right up to the purulent melting of the hair follicles.
      • Superficial trichophytosis, as a rule, has been observed since childhood and is expressed in the form of rounded small plushinok, where the hair breaks off near the root or at a distance of 2-3 mm. The surface is peeling, but it does not itch.
      • Chronic trichophytosis occurs only in women. Manifestations of it are very small, so this disease is easy to "overlook".
      • Suppurative trichophytosis manifests itself as a dense, tuberous infiltrate, with broken hairs on the surface and pustules. When squeezing from the infiltrate pus is released.
      • Another species is the white piedra. The latter is characterized by white dense nodules on the hair, covering the hair shaft like a coupling. Only the hair is affected.
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    • Microsporia - is caused by both zoophilic and anthropophilic fungi, as a rule, is observed in children, during puberty itself is resolved. Looks microsporia as round or oval bald spots, where the hair is broken off at the same height - 5-8 mm. The skin is covered with white scales, the hair is usually the same.
    • Favus - infection comes from a person, much less often from cats or dogs. For ailment, the appearance of scutula is characteristic - a dry, yellow, saucer-shaped element. Initially, the lesions are very small - the size of a pinhead, but can merge and form large joints. The hair does not break, but becomes dull, weak.easily pulled out. Abundant dandruff can serve as an initial symptom of favus, so with dandruff you need to carefully examine the skin on your head, so as not to miss the appearance of scutum.
  • Sporotrichosis - is classified as a group of deep mycoses. A sign of it is painless hypodermic seals. However, it is much more dangerous that sporotrichosis is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, and if it gets into the blood, the fungus causes secondary infection of the skin, eyes, joints, and brain. Especially dangerous is a secondary skin lesion through the blood, lethality in this case reaches 30%.
  • Mycosis of beard and mustache is a disease that occurs only in adult men. In its manifestations, it does not differ from trichophytosis on the scalp, but localizes in the region of the beard and mustache.
  • Mycosis of smooth skin - with this ailment any areas of skin on the trunk or extremities are affected, except for large folds, soles and palms.
    • Rubromycosis - appear flaky rashes - erythema, with a characteristic bluish tinge and nodules. Foci of rash have a specific scalloped shape. Localized on the abdomen, buttocks, back. Elements of the fungus can be found in cannon hair.
    • Trichophytosis - superficial trichophytosis is most often observed in children, it looks like a pancreatic scaly spot, edematous, with small vesicles. The spot may increase, taking an annular shape, with a secondary focus in its center.
      • The chronic form is characterized by the formation of flaky, violet-pink spots of irregular shape. Small nodules can form on their background. Most often found on the legs, buttocks, on the extensor surface of the extremities.
      • When a suppurative form is formed clearly outlined plaques of red, raised above the level of the skin. On the surface of the spots appear pustules with pus, then crusts. Plaques several weeks increase in size, and then collapse. Scars often remain in their place.
    • Microsporia on smooth skin has exactly the same symptoms as trichophytosis. You can distinguish ailments only after a diagnostic examination.
    • Smooth skin can be affected and favus. The disease is accompanied by the formation of scutuli, but without scarring atrophy.
  • Mycosis of the face - in fact, it is a lesion of smooth skin, but has some clinical features. Mycosis on the face very easily simulates completely different dermatological ailments: rotation, seborrheic dermatitis, discoid lupus erythematosus.
  • Mycosis of large folds of - is transmitted through objects when using a shared bathroom, towels, oilcloth. It is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory pink spots, slightly flaky in the armpits, in the inguinal folds. Mycosis is accompanied by some itching.
  • The disease of feet - in most cases the clinical picture with different pathogens is the same, so here as nowhere is important the exact diagnosis. With an erased clinical picture, only a slight exfoliation in the interdigital folds is observed, with squamous - small lamellar peeling. Intertriginous form is accompanied by skin flushing, itching, erosion.
  • Mycosis brushes - for the disease is characterized by dry, coarse skin with a specific mucovidnym peeling, especially on the skin furrows.
  • Onychomycosis - damage to the nail plates, leading to a change in the color of the nail, thickening and deforming it, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. An onychomycosis is not considered a dangerous disease, although it can cause considerable psychological discomfort. In 90% of cases, the disease is caused by dermatophytes, in 10-15% - mold fungi.

Mycosis - diseases of the skin, nails and internal organs caused by parasitic fungi. There are a variety of types of this ailment. Some of them can only be sick person or only an animal. Some people can get infected from the animal, the sources of the third are dirty water, soil and so on.

What is mycosis of the skin and nails

To date, there are about 50 fungi that are pathogenic to humans. However, from the point of view of medicine only three groups are of interest: dermatophytes, molds and yeast-like fungi.

  • dermatophytes are divided into geophysical fungi that are pathogenic to animals and can be dangerous to humans, and anthropophilic, which pose a threat to human health. The role of different species changes over time. For example, in the middle of the last century T. Mentagrophytes was considered the "leading" pathogen of mycosis, today it is T. Rubrum. In addition, the location of the region is also important in this matter: the development of mycosis of the scalp, for example, in Europe and South America, raises a different fungus.
  • Mold fungi are much more common. They are in the air, water, soil, fruits rich in sugar. Most often, the causative agent of mycosis is Scopulariopsis brevicaulis.
  • Yeast-like fungi is a conditionally pathogenic microflora. Of these, doctors most often encounter Candida albicans.

The variety of existing fungi makes the treatment impossible without preliminary thorough diagnosis of the problem impossible. To understand how to treat a particular mycosis, you need to accurately determine its pathogen.

  • Symptoms of the disease also differ markedly. In general, with skin lesions, the appearance of flaky red spots with raised edges is most often observed. Stains can merge, may appear cortical and vesicle formations. Nails with mycosis are deformed, lose their natural color, acquire an unpleasant odor.
  • In case of large areas of damage, mycosis causes painful sensations: on movement, on contact with clothing, on contact with water - hot, cold or saline, and so on.

Symptoms of damage to the mucous membranes and internal organs, of course, are different, and are manifested depending on the species belonging.

Xnuu is mycosis, the video will be described below:

Varieties of fungal defeat

The most popular in dermatology is the classification of N.D. Sheklakova. According to her, four groups of ailments are distinguished:

  • keratomycosis - a multicolored lichen, for example, black lichen;
  • dermatomycosis - favus, trichophytosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • deep mycosis - with damage to internal organs and tissues. This is a chromomycosis, for example.

Allocate, in addition, a group of pseudomycoses: here refer to erythrasma, actinomycosis.

However, in European countries, ailments are preferred to classify according to the pathogen. Thus, diseases of various parts of the body can fall into one group, however, their treatment will be similar, since the choice of a medicine is determined by the nature of the fungus.

This classification is shorter:

  • ailments caused by dermatophytes;
  • skin diseases caused by yeast-like fungi;
  • diseases caused by mold.

Mycosis of smooth skin( photo)

Conditioned by dermatophytes

Dermatophytes affect both smooth skin and hairy. In dermatology it is customary to separate the ailments of the skin according to their localization.

Caused by yeast-like fungi

This category includes all types of diseases caused by Candida albicans. It can be and mycosis of the skin, and mucous membranes, and deep mycoses. Fungus is considered a conditionally pathogenic microflora, it becomes a causative agent only against the background of problems with the endocrine or immune system. Most often encounter such forms.

  • Candidiasis of mucous - "thrush".Most often it is observed in the oral cavity, less often in the vagina. It starts with a crumbly coating, which then thickens and turns into dirty gray spots.
  • Candidiasis - localized in the corners of the mouth. The lesion has the form of erosion, surrounded by the collar of the stratum corneum.
  • Intertriginous candidosis - or yeast intertrigo, most often appears in the interdigital folds. The hearth looks like cherry-red erosion, surrounded by a layer of swollen stratum corneum.
  • Paronychia and onychia - begins with a nail roller: it swells, gets a bright red color, it becomes painful. When pressed, the appearance of pus may occur. Later the nail plate becomes turbid and crumbles.
  • Seborrhea - against the background of excessive sebum secretion, the amount of fungus increases dramatically. This thickens the stratum corneum, there is a very strong peeling, itching and dandruff - scales exfoliated skin. Additional tests are needed, since the symptoms of the disease are no different from the physiological seborrhea.
  • Pityriasis - only the horny layer of the skin is damaged. Most common on the chest and back, sometimes on the neck and shoulders. The ailment begins with a rash of small spots of different shapes and different shades, then the spots merge and begin to peel off. The disease can last for years.
  • Blastomycosis - skin lesions are nonspecific, they look like ordinary pustules or warts. The disease affects the internal organs and is accompanied by other severe symptoms: weight loss, lytic bone damage fever, chills, cough generally may resemble bacterial pneumonia.

On the types of skin mycosis and other nuances of the illness the doctor will tell in this video:

Called mold molds

On their "conscience" - black piedra, black lichen and other diseases caused by "black mold", that is, dark-colored fungi.

  • Black piedra - dense nodules appear on the hair.
  • Black lichen - on the palms and soles of the shaved dark brown or black spots. Often accompanied by onychomycosis.
  • Chromomycosis - causative agent of the disease is extremely viable and resistant to cold. At the first stage, the fungus causes the appearance of papules or redness that does not cause discomfort, then nodal proliferation appears, ulcers and warty formations are formed. With a lymphatic fluid, fungi of black mold fall into small bones, the brain, lungs, other internal organs.
  • Actinomycosis is another ailment from the category of deep mycoses. With this disease on the scalp, the skin and internal organs, specific granulomatous foci are formed. The disease can affect the skin, bones, joints, lungs, genitourinary sphere, CNS and so on.


A separate category is made up of ailments of a different origin, but by external manifestations are similar to favus, microsporia and so on. The fact is that with erythrasm in scales under a microscope, we see tortuous threads, which are very similar to the mycelial fungus.

In fact, cause ailment of the corneal bacteria. Only the surface layer of the skin is damaged.

Localization of

Localization of the disease depends on many factors. This is the nature of the pathogen, and the mode of transmission, and the condition of the skin or internal organ, since the fungus primarily affects the most sensitive and delicate skin and in those areas where the sebaceous glands are broken.

  • So, trichophytosis can appear both on the scalp, which often happens, and on smooth skin, and on any part of the body.
  • Onychomycosis occurs only on the nail plates.
  • Deep mycoses, like chromomycosis, affect not only the skin, but also internal organs, spreading with a current of lymph.

General and clinical features of

It is rather difficult to isolate common signs in mycoses. Diseases caused by different pathogens have very different symptoms, and in the vast majority of cases the manifestations of the disease are the same in adults and in children. However, children react more strongly to itching and painful sensations and ruthlessly comb the damage, which often leads to the appearance of a secondary focus of the disease.

Typically, mycosis passes several stages:

  • first formed by small-sized seals or lobate nodules;
  • then nodules in most cases soften and form fistulous passages. In this case, gray-yellow discharge often appears. For some species - pungent lichen, for example, it is uncharacteristic;
  • if the disease affects not only the horny layer, then the formation of plaques does not end there. When lesions of more deeply lying tissues appear ulcerative formations;
  • in the ulcerous day there are purulent discharge. After their healing, scars and adhesions form.

If it is a matter of deep mycosis, not only the skin but subcutaneous tissue, internal organs up to the brain is affected. Fungi can be carried with blood or lymph, depending on the species, infecting the entire body. Deep mycoses are most often accompanied by symptoms characteristic of inflammatory diseases: fever, chills, headache, shortness of breath, asthmatic attacks.

Diagnosis methods

Confirm or disprove this diagnosis only with the help of a laboratory test. The material for it is:

  • scrapings from the nail plates;
  • broken hairs;
  • skin scraping;
  • phlegm;
  • purulent fence;
  • blood or tissue biopsy sampling;
  • punctate lymph nodes, bone marrow, internal organs.

Very informative for dermal forms is the method of luminescence examination. With such lighting, different fungi generate glow of different colors.

In addition, the following tests are prescribed:

  • histology - microscopic examination of damaged tissue with staining agents or with clarifiers;
  • bakosev on nutrient media - by the form and properties of the grown up colonies of fungi, the pathogen can be accurately established;
  • PCR diagnostics is a set of research methods that allows to establish the appearance of a fungus.

Mycosis of the nails( photo)

Drugs for the treatment of

Treatment of mycosis consists of 3 stages:

  1. stopping the entry of the pathogen into the body;
  2. detection of foci of the disease;
  3. reception of antifungal agents.

Only with the help of an ointment or cream, it is possible to fight the fungus only at the earliest and easy stages of the disease. As a rule, the administration of drugs for internal use is prescribed. The choice of a medicine depends on the nature of the pathogen, therefore, self-treatment should be discarded immediately.

Modern therapy believes that it is impossible to effectively fight the fungus with external means alone. Therefore, even when treated at home, much more effective antimycotic preparations of internal action are used.

  • Polyene - nystatite, pimafucin. Applied for both external and internal therapy.
  • Azoles - orhongal, diflucan are used for internal use. For external treatment suitable ointments based on imidazoles - travogen, mikozolon, nizoral.
  • Alyllamines - lamizil, terbisil are preparations of internal use. For topical use appoint lamizil, terbizil, exoderil.
  • Morpholines - loceril. Used only for external treatment.
  • Drugs of specific action - batrafen, for example, are intended for external use.

The degree of severity is determined by many factors. For example, with onychomycosis, if the fungus infects more than 1/3 of the nail plate, external treatment is no longer sufficient and an antimycotic agent of general action is prescribed. With mycosis of smooth skin, external preparations are used, but if pulmonary hair is affected, general therapy is necessary.

The use of systemic antimycotic allows a much faster cure for the disease. External manifestations, however, will persist for a while, since it takes time to restore the normal nail plate and skin.

Skin and fingernail mycoses are a group of very diverse diseases of varying severity and varying degrees of danger. Ignore this ailment can not be, because in many cases it can lead to much more serious damage than simple reddening and peeling of the skin.

Mycosis of nails and skin is amenable to treatment and folk remedies, as described below video:

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