Degrees of general frostbite: early, medium, late, heavy

We previously wrote about the degree of burns and now let's talk about frostbite. In conditions of prolonged exposure to low ambient temperatures, the pathological state of general frostbite( synonyms: hypothermia, hypothermia) arises, which develops when the body temperature drops below 34 C( with its rectal measurement).It is important to know what to do if this happens to someone of your loved ones. This article will tell you how many degrees of frostbite exists, and how to deal with them.

What does total frostbite mean?

Total frostbite, unlike local frostbite, is a general process involving the exposure of the body to water or air with a temperature below 0 C( or above zero, but accompanied by strong wind, dampness). This occurs when the intensity of the decrease in temperature values ​​exceeds the reserve capabilities of the thermoregulation system.

Very often, general frostbite is accompanied by local frostbites in individual areas. If the body temperature( rectal) drops below 24 C with total frostbite, a person dies.

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Active factors leading to general frostbite:

  1. Ambient temperature: the rate of heat loss increases in direct proportion to the decrease in ambient temperature.
  2. Humidity: The rate of hypothermia is directly related to the moisture values. In conditions of high humidity, a very thin water layer forms on the surfaces. At the same time, the rate of total frostbite in the aquatic environment is 13 to 15 times higher than the heat loss in the air.
  3. Wind strength: with wind load, the heated air envelope around the human body does not have time to form. At the same time, the heat transfer rate increases by a factor of 4 even with a wind of 10 m / sec.

An extreme danger, often unaware of a freezing person, is the combination of wet clothing, wind and low temperature( even 5 to 7 degrees above zero).

About why the frostbite of the third, second, first degree can come, we will tell below.

The following video will describe the danger of general frostbite:

Predisposing factors of

The state of general frostbite increases:

  • previous cold trauma;
  • wet clothing and wet shoes;
  • forced immobility;
  • fatigue from physical overstrain, stress;
  • long stay without food;
  • narcotic intoxication;
  • alcohol intoxication: the influx of warm blood from the internal areas into the dilated vessels of the superficial tissues creates a false sensation of warming. But, quickly cooling, the blood returns to the central "core" of the trunk( organs and vessels of the chest and peritoneum) reducing the temperature of the body.

Symptoms of frostbite

Risk Categories

The following people may be classified as a possible risk category:

  • of early and advanced age( up to 15 and over 65);
  • infants who have underdeveloped the thermoregulatory system;
  • of women, pregnant;
  • injured, with pain shock;
  • with a large loss of blood;
  • weakened after disease;
  • suffering from anemia, beriberi;
  • prone to thrombosis, having cardiovascular pathologies, cachexia( exhaustion), cirrhosis, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism.

For signs and characteristics of 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of frostbite of the fingers, legs and other parts of the body, read below.

Symptoms of the condition in different stages of

With general frostbite, three stages are distinguished, for which the risk of a certain degree of frostbite is characteristic.

Subcooling events by stages:


Manifestations of

The early
  • temperature drops to 32 - 34 C;

  • Skin pimple, blue fingertips, skin around the nose and mouth;

  • appearance of individual blue spots, pimples( "goose" skin);

  • muscle tremor;

  • sluggishness, slowness and monotony of speech;

  • rapid breathing and palpitations;

  • pulse rate drop to 60 - 65 per minute;

  • blood pressure is normal or exceeds the norm by 10 - 15 units of Hg.p.

  • signs of respiratory depression are not detected;

  • person is able to move;

  • probability of frostbite of the nose, hands, fingers, feet, ears I - II degrees.

At a skin temperature below 10 degrees, receptors are blocked and processes of brain signal transmission about the danger of frostbite are stopped.
The average
  • drop in body temperature reaches 29 - 32 C;

  • marked insuperable drowsiness;

  • no trembling;

  • muscle stiffness due to freezing to the inability to straighten arms and legs;

  • a semi-unconscious condition, visions are possible, hallucinations due to disorders in the blood supply to the brain;

  • view stillness;

  • reduced sensitivity to irritants( voice, tremors, tweaks, pain);

  • cold skin with a marble pattern - cyanotic spots, subcutaneous manifestation of vessels in the form of a grid or tree branches in large areas;

  • a moderate dilatation of the pupils, but a reaction to light is present;

  • slowing heartbeats per minute to 50 to 60 strokes;

  • weak heart rate;

  • circulatory arrest;

  • blood pressure drops below the norm by 20 - 30 units of Hg.p.

  • signs of respiratory depression: rare - frequency 8 - 12 per minute, weak;

  • high probability of frostbite of the face, arms and legs I - IV degree.

When the temperature drops below 32 C, a person does not realize that he is freezing and unable to help himself.
The later
  • body temperature is below 29 C;

  • deactivation of consciousness, possible vomiting;

  • increased likelihood of seizures;

  • skin - very cold with pronounced pallor and blueing;

  • drop in myocardial contractions to 36 - 34 beats per minute;

  • pulse uneven, threadlike, weak;

  • pressure is sharply reduced or not detected;

  • respiratory depression expressed: 3 - 5 breaths per minute;

  • , heavy frostbites spreading over a large area of ​​the body, reaching the glaciation;

  • critical violation of metabolic processes in brain cells;

  • marked depression of the centers of respiration and palpitation;

  • survival is impossible without intensive and rapid care.

The state of cooling the body below 24 C, is considered as a "point of no return", when it is almost impossible to revive a frozen person.

Since the stages of clinical signs of general frostbite go beyond specific temperature ranges, a classification of the degree of hypothermia has been introduced according to body temperature.

This video tells about the degrees of frostbite:

Degrees of total frostbite

Degrees of total frostbite according to body temperature:

Degree of

Temperature range, degrees Celsius


Light 32 - 33 Convertible
Medium 28 - 32
Heavy 24 - 28
Extremely heavy below 24 Irreversible

Treatment and consequences of frostbite 1, 2, 3,4 degrees read further.

Degree of frostbite

How to help a person

Emergency measures

Emergency measures include "passive" warming of a patient.

Things To Do:

  1. Immediately place the patient in a warm room.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. Immediately release the victim from wet clothing and shoes.
  4. Do not allow to fall asleep.
  5. Quickly dry the body with a cotton cloth, put on dry underwear, socks, wrap in cotton first, then cover with blankets( several layers).Be sure to wrap your head.
  6. If the victim has not frostbitten ears, you can gently rub and warm them with hands or a warm cloth.

If a person is conscious:

  1. Give him a hot sweet coffee, tea( necessarily - with sugar), you can give him a broth. Drinking should not be too hot not to burn the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach.
  2. Approximately 25 - 50 grams of strong alcohol( if there are no contraindications), optimal - hot milk or cocoa with cognac.
  3. Give chocolate( as many as you want).
  4. Feed if he can and wants to eat.

Allowed( with mild frostbite):

  • soft massage of the body, hands and feet( if there are no frostbites above I degree), rough rubbing can cause heart rhythm disturbance.
  • warm baths with a smooth rise in water temperature, starting from an index of 2 to 3 degrees above body temperature and reaching within a hour the figures by 10 to 12 above the initial temperature.

Many specialists do not recommend disturbing and moving the patient, as well as undressing him during massage and before putting him in a bath. The most optimal is the "dry" slow warming up under the blankets and the internal use of hot drink.

When an

hospital is needed for a Frozen person with an average degree of general frostbite, it is necessary to hospitalize if there is:

  • sopor( numbness due to oxygen starvation of the brain) or convulsions;
  • violation of breathing and heart rhythm;
  • no response to warming;
  • frostbite body parts II - IV degree;
  • existing vascular, cardiac diseases, diabetes mellitus.

If a person does not breathe, the pulse on the carotid artery is not determined, immediately begin resuscitation in the home or working conditions( ventilation, cardiac massage) while simultaneously taking all measures for "passive warming".

Differences in degrees of frostbite

First aid medicines

In the absence of contraindications for existing diseases, the victims of general frostbite are allowed:

  • Spasmolytic drugs .Adult doses: No-spa 40 - 80 mg three times a day( first in tablets, with improvement in ampoules), papaverine 40 mg up to 4 times a day.
  • Analgesics .It is necessary to remove the pain, because it promotes the intensification of negative manifestations, increasing the likelihood of shock. To do this, use Analgin 3 times a day for 0.5 grams( can be injected), Ketonal 100 mg( 3 times) or in ampoules( 1 - 2 per day).
  • Antihistamines .General frostbite can be accompanied by a sharp development of cold allergies, which makes the condition of the victims even more difficult. To prevent and to weaken possible allergic reactions and simultaneously to reduce inflammatory phenomena not of a bacterial nature apply: Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolphene injectively or in tablets.

On how to deal with general frostbite, a specialist in this video story will tell:

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