Modern drugs designed to relieve stress and nervous overexcitation, provide rapid balancing of the nervous system and thus have no negative manifestations. And among the most effective means of such exposure is recognized as one of the most effective among analogues with a similar effect. This article will shed light on the instructions for the use of Belloiod, its price, analogues and reviews about the drug.
Features of the preparation
As a broad-spectrum preparation, the BELLOID, in its characteristics and composition characteristics, should be attributed to calming agents of adrenolytic action. With regard to combination medicines, it has a wide range of applications due to its properties to act on small vessels of the heart muscle and bronchi, and also has an antiemetic effect.
Proposed for sale in the form of a dragée, the drug is perfect for admission to a wide group of the population, the number of side effects it has little, because it can be recommended for use by almost everyone who needs the fastest recovery of the nervous system, improving sleep, preventing nervous breakdowns. Also, Belloid is prescribed with frequent urge to vomit, to prevent diarrhea in case of problems with the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Composition of the Belloid
The quality of the Belloid is determined by its composition, which is based on drawing from the roots of belladonna( belladonna).Additional( auxiliary) substances make the product more effective by accelerating the absorption of active substances by the intestinal and gastric mucosa. The country of production of the drug is Hungary.
The composition of the Bellooid dragee is as follows:
- belladonna root extract( belladonna) - 0.1 mg( this includes sulphate of the sum of several alkoids);
- dibutylbarbituric acid( butyl ethyl barbituric acid)( butobarbital) - 32 mg;
- ergotoxin - 0.4 mg.
The successful composition of the drug determines its high efficiency, the form of the active substance in it - the most rapidly absorbed by the body. Assimilation of the drug proihsodit mainly in the small intestine.
Below are the forms and the price of Belloid tablets in Russia.
Dosage forms and prices
The preparation differs by the amount of pills in the package;there is a form of release for 25, 50, 100 dragees in the package. Dragee has a yellowish tinge, biconvex form and packed in a polymeric solid tube, which is packed in cardboard packaging.
The preparation is accompanied by detailed instructions for use in Russian. The manufacturer is the company Gedeon Richter( Hungary).
The cost of the product may vary depending on the number of pills in the package, and on the sales margin of the seller: from 610 rubles 50 kopecks to 720 rubles.
Pharmacological action
Since the main active substance of the drug is the extract of the root of belladonna - a plant known for its relaxing, pronounced soothing effect, this medication is used to prevent nervous overexcitation, and its pharmacological action is manifested in the fastest assimilation of the active substance by the body. Suction occurs by the mucosa of the small intestine, the removal of the remains of undeveloped elements is produced by the intestines and with the help of kidneys.
Relating to effective sedatives, Belloid also has pronounced anti-anginal properties. It can also be prescribed depending on the manifestations and symptoms and as an antispasmodic drug: Belloid can be used with frequent urge to vomit, as well as restoring with sweating at various diseases.
- Components included in the active ingredients of the drug have a variety of effects on the nervous system: some substances( ergotoxin) have a relaxing effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, part( namely, belladonna alkaloids) - on sympathetic.
- Additional components have an intensifying effect, therefore, the maximum effectiveness of this drug is revealed. Also, they have some depressing effect on certain brainstones of the brain.
The result of taking this medication is the balancing of the processes of excitation and inhibition, which allows the timely reduction of the approach of the depressive state and nervous breakdowns, and stabilize the general mental state. Belloid perfectly copes with bronchospasm of varying intensity, allows in a short time to normalize the heart rate, eliminate insomnia, recover from the nervous shocks.
Thanks to the rapid assimilation of the active substance by the body, the action of the drug manifests itself as quickly as possible. Excretion is carried out both with the help of the kidneys( liquid fraction of the decay products) and through the intestine.
Indications for use of the drug Belloid with severe sedative effect may be the following manifestations that require a certain medical correction:
- restoration of the heart system by reducing the heart rate in arrhythmia, excessive increase in heart rate;
- stabilization of the nervous system in case of nervous overload;
- elimination of the consequences of depression: sleep normalization, memory improvement, mood stabilization;
- decreased manifestations of psychomotor agitation, increased irritability;
- for allergic manifestations, especially dermographic, cold, thermal, cholinergic urticaria.
- in menstrual cycle disorders due to nervous shocks;
- with frequent attacks of bronchial asthma;
- as a remedy for dizziness;
- for potency disorders that have neural causes of appearance.
A wide range of uses of the drug is due to its composition, as well as the possibility of stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system. Next, the instructions for the pill Belloid.
Instruction for use
- The use of this drug with a pronounced sedative effect allows to achieve as quickly as possible the neutralization of the consequences of nervous overloads, to eliminate the consequences of conditions associated with disorders in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
- To obtain a pronounced effect, the recommendations given in the accompanying instructions for the use of the preparation must be strictly adhered to.
- Depending on the general condition of the patient, the duration of admission may differ( it is prescribed by the attending physician after the necessary examination).Also, when prescribing a drug and determining the duration of its use, its effectiveness in a particular case is taken into account when analyzing the intake within the first 3-5 days.
- The drug is taken one tablet three or four times a day. The time of taking the drug does not matter much( before or after eating), because the absorption of the active substance of the mucosa of the small intestine can take place both in the presence of food in the stomach, and in its absence. Dragee should be washed down with clean water, swallowed without chewing.
Because of the high effectiveness of this medication with a pronounced sedative effect, there are a number of contraindications that should be considered when prescribing the drug in question.
To contraindications for the reception of Belloid should include the following manifestations and conditions:
- increased sensitivity of the body to any of the components of the drug;
- arthrosis of vessels of any stage of development;
- adenoma of the prostate;
- glaucoma in the last stages;
- any manifestations of diseases and lesions of peripheral nerves.
Side effects of
- The most frequently shown side effects in the appointment of the drug Belloid include speeding up the heart rate, tachycardia, feelings of thirst and dry mouth.
- With increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, there may also be increased drowsiness, loss of strength, decreased activity and mood.
- Intraocular pressure may increase slightly, reddening of the skin surface may occur.
- In very serious cases, coma may occur.
Specific instructions
- Children's age may be the reason for refusing to take this sedative and relaxing drug: if there is even a slight allergic reaction, you should abandon the drug or replace it with another, with a more neutral effect. Prescribing Belloid is recommended with an age ranging from 3-5 years.
- Pregnancy is also a period when the use of this drug should be done with extreme caution: the third trimester of pregnancy is the time of the pregnant woman's heightened sensitivity to the components of the drug and the child to be born.
- Due to its high efficiency and pronounced soothing effect, Belloid should not be assigned to people whose professional activity is related to the need for increased attention and concentration, as well as managing complex mechanisms and cars.
Thanks to the feedback of those who have had experience with the drug in question, you can get a more detailed idea of both the degree of its effectiveness and the likely side effect of the active substance of the drug.
- Many people notice a rapid manifestation of the soothing effect of Bello: even a relatively short period of intake( 3-5 days) helps to stabilize mood and eliminate nervous overexcitation. The absence of a large number of adverse events should also be considered an advantage of this drug - this is due to the natural origin of the active substance.
- Because many people note the simplicity of taking the product, which is on sale in the form of yellowish dragees, it is prescribed even for small children who refuse to take sedatives in another form.
- Some buyers pay relatively high cost of the drug;However, the combination of a high degree of efficiency, a small number of contraindications and side effects, Belloid, will perfectly suit most people suffering from nervous overloads, bronchospasm, allergic manifestations.
Interactions with other drugs
- When using BELLOID from a drug that stimulates activity, there is a significant reduction in the effect of such drugs.
- If the Belloid is used in the joint appointment of sedatives, then probably more enhanced manifestation of their effects.
To drugs that have a similar effect on the body and are in a similar price category with Belloid, Bellaspan and Bellataminal are included, the active substance in which is also the extract of the root of belladonna.