Diet pancreatonecrosis, nutrition after necrosis of the pancreas, surgery, menu, recipes

One of the most important factors of life after treatment of pancreatonecrosis is strict adherence to a therapeutic diet. Usually, patients are recommended diet No. 5-B, which was created specifically for patients with pancreatic necrosis during periods outside of exacerbation and recovery after surgery. The diet provided for in the diet for pancreatic necrosis is directed to the ingestion of food in small portions and in a form that will not cause hypersecretion of the organs of the digestive tract, and therefore, there will be no irritation with the enzymes of the pancreas. Making this diet, doctors have considered that the main causes of pancreatic necrosis are overeating, alcohol, spicy, fried and fatty. Therefore, after the patient is diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis, he should forget about all of the above and be satisfied with the following:

  1. If you like flour products and bread, then after treatment and return home your necrosis will allow using only yesterday or pre-dried bread from the first and second flourvariety. From baking you can dry unsweetened cookies and biscuits.
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  2. Do you like the first dishes? Then you are lucky! With pancreatic necrosis, they can be eaten, but only from grated potatoes, zucchini, carrots and pumpkins with vermicelli, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or mango. In order to add a little fat in the soup, you can add 10 g of sour cream or 5 g of butter, but this is not recommended to do immediately after discharge from the hospital.
  3. If before pancreatic necrosis you could not imagine your life without meat, then you do not have to worry about the fact that the more you do not like your favorite dish - you can only boil low-fat veal, beef and rabbit. Of the birds - a chicken or turkey, cooked without skin.
  4. The diet after necrosis of the pancreas also includes fish, but again, only boiled or filled and non-fatty varieties.
  5. And here's what diet does not favor, so it's cholesterol. Eggs you can only eat in the form of a protein omelet only 2 pieces per day, without the use of yolks.
  6. With pancreatic necrosis, you can and should use low-fat fresh cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks, including milk.
  7. From strong drinks after pancreatic necrosis will have to be abandoned. At your disposal there will be a weak tea with lemon or milk, juices without sugar, diluted with water and broth of dogrose.
  8. Diet for pancreatic necrosis will make you happy with fruits, but only soft and ripe. Baked apples, compotes from dried fruits, mousse on xylitol, jelly.
  9. The only permitted dose of fat after necrosis of the pancreas is 30 g per day of butter or 10 g of refined, added to different dishes.

At first, after switching to such a diet, you may think that the food has become absolutely tasteless, but armed with a book of recipes for tasty and healthy food, you will quickly realize that this is not so and protect yourself from relapses and subsequent medical manipulations.

Menu with pancreonecrosis

The right menu for pancreatic necrosis is an important part of complex therapy. As a rule, for a patient a special diet becomes habitual, its strict observance allows avoiding the occurrence of relapse of the disease in the future. The diet is divided into several stages.

The first stage is starvation. Abstain from eating should be during an exacerbation of the disease, before and after surgery. Fasting gives rest to the pancreas from the production of enzymes, which are required for digestion of food.

The second stage - Diet № 5( the first variant).

The third stage - diet number 5( second option).

The first and second versions have serious differences, which we will consider in the next section. The basis of this dietary nutrition is an increased protein content( up to 150 g), against the background of the restriction of carbohydrates and fats consumed by the patient. All food should be cooked in a mashed, steam, and crushed form.

A special diet for a patient should be observed for about 6-8 months. Ideally, he becomes familiar to him. Add new dishes and foods only after receiving advice from the treating doctor.

Diet №5 with pancreatonecrosis

Diet №5 is a protein diet that was created in the clinic of the Russian Federation's medical nutrition and approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. It is developed in two variants, which differ in diet, calorific value, etc. They are prescribed at different periods: the first - during an exacerbation of the disease, and the second - in the postoperative stage and in the chronic course of the disease.

In addition, different versions of such a menu have a different purpose. So, for the first - it is the removal of the pain syndrome and ensuring the maximum rest of the pancreas. At this time, the patient uses low-calorie foods that do not include salt and fats, which do not provoke secretion of digestive juice and gas formation. The second option is prescribed to prevent recurrence and progression of pancreatic necrosis. At this time there is a gradual increase in the amount of food consumed, as a sudden change in the diet can trigger a new attack. Fractional meals are retained( 5-6 times a day).The menu does not include dishes that cause secretory activity of the stomach and pancreas. Under the ban for ill use of alcoholic beverages and smoking. If the patient's health worsens due to the transition to the second variant of the diet, then apply its first option.

Recipes of dishes for pancreonecrosis

We present recipes for dishes that can be consumed in pancreatic necrosis.

Milk soup with buckwheat

Required products:

  • milk 3,2 - ½ liter;
  • buckwheat - 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 1 glass.


1. Peel, rinse and cook in the water with the addition of salt, but not until ready.

2. Add the buckwheat milk, sugar and cook until cooked. You can also put butter in the dish.

Meat steaks

Required products:

  • minced beef - 150 g;
  • bread - 20 g;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt.


1. Bake the bread in milk.

2. Mix the stuffing, soaked bread, add a pinch of salt.

3. Minced meat into small balls, to form cutlets.

4. Put the cutlets in a double boiler or special utensils with the 2nd bottom, pour water, cook over moderate heat.

There are a lot of recipes for dishes, the use of which contributes to the recovery of the body after pancreatic necrosis.

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