How and where does the headache with meningitis?


Hello. I am worried about my husband. At first he had a fever, he lay under the covers and shivered. Then there was a rise in blood pressure. Now the third day he lies at home, asleep and complains that his head hurts, the temperature is gone... I am very I'm afraid it’s meningitis, he walked down the street without a hat... Yes, I know, you need to go to the doctor, he’s tomorrow will go. What could it be, please answer, I am very worried ...


Hello. Meningitis is usually accompanied by intense, unbearable headaches, nausea and vomiting, and tension in the occipital muscles, high fever, confusion, weakness, phobia and sound, as well as the appearance of focal symptoms.

Headache with this pathology, as a rule, diffuse, that is, in all areas, increases with movements in the cervical spine, head turns, tilting, as well as bright light and loud sounds.

In your case, there is no longer a temperature reaction, neurological focal symptoms too, at least you do not describe them. Therefore, a variant of the course of enterovirus and rotavirus infection is more likely.

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However, the diagnosis of serous meningitis must be ruled out. For this, first of all, consultation of a therapist or an ambulance doctor is required, as to evaluate meningeal signs (tension and stubbornness of the muscles of the back of the head, as well as the symptoms of Kernig, Brudzinsky) can only a specialist.

Your tactics should be as follows:

  1. Immediate medical attention for examination and additional tests;
  2. Exclusion of complications from the ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, etc.);
  3. Measurement of blood pressure (has the husband been diagnosed with hypertension before?);
  4. MRI of the brain and lumbar puncture with suspected inflammation of the soft and arachnoid membranes.



Hello. I am worried about my husband. At first he had a fever, he lay under the covers and shivered. Then there was a rise in blood pressure. Now the third day he lies at home, asleep and complains that his head hurts, the temperature is gone... I am very I'm afraid it’s meningitis, he walked down the street without a hat... Yes, I know, you need to go to the doctor, he’s tomorrow will go. What could it be, please answer, I am very worried ...


Hello. Meningitis is usually accompanied by intense, unbearable headaches, nausea and vomiting, and tension in the occipital muscles, high fever, confusion, weakness, phobia and sound, as well as the appearance of focal symptoms.

Headache with this pathology, as a rule, diffuse, that is, in all areas, increases with movements in the cervical spine, head turns, tilting, as well as bright light and loud sounds.

In your case, there is no longer a temperature reaction, neurological focal symptoms too, at least you do not describe them. Therefore, a variant of the course of enterovirus and rotavirus infection is more likely.

However, the diagnosis of serous meningitis must be ruled out. For this, first of all, consultation of a therapist or an ambulance doctor is required, as to evaluate meningeal signs (tension and stubbornness of the muscles of the back of the head, as well as the symptoms of Kernig, Brudzinsky) can only a specialist.

Your tactics should be as follows:

  1. Immediate medical attention for examination and additional tests;
  2. Exclusion of complications from the ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, etc.);
  3. Measurement of blood pressure (has the husband been diagnosed with hypertension before?);
  4. MRI of the brain and lumbar puncture with suspected inflammation of the soft and arachnoid membranes.
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