Arrhythmia of the heart - what is it, and how to treat it?

Cardiac arrhythmias - violations of frequency, rhythm and sequence of contractions of the heart. They can occur with structural changes in the conduction system in diseases of the heart and( or) under the influence of vegetative, endocrine, electrolyte and other metabolic disorders, with intoxication and some medicinal effects.

Often, even with severe structural changes in the myocardium, arrhythmia is due in part or mainly to metabolic disorders.

Heart arrhythmia what is it, and how to treat it? Normally, the heart contracts at regular intervals with a frequency of 60-90 beats per minute. In accordance with the needs of the body, it can either slow down its work, or speed up the number of cuts within a minute. According to WHO, arrhythmia is any rhythm of cardiac activity that is different from the usual sinus rhythm.

Reasons for

Why arrythmia arises, and what is it? The causes of arrhythmia can be functional disorders of nervous regulation, or anatomical changes. Often, heart rhythm disturbances are a symptom of a disease.

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Among the pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the following conditions are accompanied by arrhythmias:

  • ischemic heart disease due to changes in the structure of the myocardium and the expansion of the cavities;
  • myocarditis due to a violation of the electrical stability of the heart;
  • heart defects due to increased load on muscle cells;
  • injuries and surgical interventions on the heart lead to direct damage to the pathways.

Among the main triggers of the development of arrhythmia are the following:

  • addiction to energy drinks and caffeine containing;
  • excessive drinking and smoking;
  • stresses and depressive states;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • such cardiac pathologies as vices, ischemic disease, myocarditis, hypertension and other conditions;
  • disruption of work and thyroid disease;
  • infectious processes and fungal infections;
  • states during menopause;
  • of the brain.

Idiopathic arrhythmia is a condition where, after a comprehensive examination of the patient, the causes remain unidentified.


Depending on the heart rate, the following arrhythmia types are distinguished:

  1. Sinus tachycardia .Leading in the formation of electrical impulses in the myocardium is the sinus node. With sinus tachycardia, the heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute. It feels like a heartbeat.
  2. Sinus arrhythmia .This is an abnormal alternation of heartbeats. This kind of arrhythmia usually occurs in children and adolescents. It can be functional and related to breathing. When you inhale, heart contractions become more frequent, and when you exhale, they become less frequent. Sinus bradycardia .It is characterized by a decrease in the heart rate to 55 beats per minute or less. It can be observed in healthy, physically trained persons alone, in a dream. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation .In this case, they speak of a greatly rapid heartbeat with the right rhythm. The frequency of contractions during an attack reaches 240 beats per minute, causes a presyncope, increased sweating, paleness and weakness. The reason for this condition lies in the appearance of additional impulses in the atria, resulting in a very short period of rest periods of the heart muscle. Paroxysmal tachycardia .This is the correct, but frequent rhythm of the work of the heart. The heart rate in this case ranges from 140 to 240 beats per minute. It starts and disappears suddenly.
  3. Extrasystole .This is a premature( extraordinary) contraction of the heart muscle. Sensations in this form of arrhythmias can be either an intensified push in the heart area or as a fading.

Depending on the severity of the course and the severity of the symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia, a treatment regimen is determined.

Symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia

In the case of cardiac arrhythmias, symptoms can be very different and are determined by the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeats, their effect on intracardiac, cerebral, renal hemodynamics, and the function of the left ventricular myocardium.

The main signs of arrhythmia are heartbeat or a sense of disruption, fading in the heart. The course of arrhythmias can be accompanied by suffocation, angina, dizziness, weakness, fainting, the development of cardiogenic shock.

Symptoms depending on the form of arrhythmia:

  1. Sensations of frequent, irregular heartbeats are noted with atrial fibrillation.
  2. Cardiac fading and discomfort in the heart area - with sinus arrhythmia.
  3. In patients with extrasystoles, patients complain of fainting, jerking, and heart failure.
  4. Heart palpitations are usually associated with sinus tachycardia.
  5. Paroxysmal tachycardia is characterized by suddenly developing and stopping palpitations to 140-220 min.
  6. Attacks of dizziness and fainting - with sinus bradycardia or weakness syndrome of the sinus node.

There are so-called "silent" arrhythmias that do not manifest themselves clinically. They are usually detected by physical examination or electrocardiography.


If the signs of arrhythmia are detected, the doctor will prescribe a complete examination of the heart and blood vessels to determine the cause of the disorder. The primary methods of diagnosis are listening to the heart and ECG.

In case the pathology is not of a permanent nature, Holter monitoring is used - round-the-clock recording of beats of the heart by means of special sensors( performed in the hospital).In some cases, passive research is not enough. Then the doctors induce arrhythmia by artificial means. For this, several standard tests have been developed. Here they are:

  • physical load;
  • mapping;
  • electrophysiological study;
  • test using an inclined table.

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia

In the case of diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia, the choice of treatment tactics is based on the cause, type of cardiac arrhythmia, and the general condition of the patient. Sometimes, to restore the normal operation of the heart, it is enough to conduct a medical correction of the underlying disease. In other cases, the patient may require medical or surgical treatment, which must necessarily be performed under the systematic supervision of the ECG.

Drugs used in drug therapy for arrhythmias:

  • calcium channel blockers - verapamil / diltiazem;
  • beta-blockers - metoprolol / bisoprolol / atenolol;
  • potassium channel blockers - cordarone / sotohexal;
  • blockers of sodium channels - novocaine / lidocaine.

To surgical intervention resorted to the stages of severe degradation of the muscular cardiac tissue. The following procedures can be prescribed:

  • pacing;
  • implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator;
  • catheter radiofrequency ablation.

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, especially its complex forms, is handled only by a cardiologist. Use the above drugs can only be based on strict indications, depending on the type of arrhythmia. At the beginning of the treatment, the drug should be selected under the supervision of a doctor, and in severe cases only in a hospital setting. Given the diagnosis, the doctor selects a drug therapy.


Even when you know what kind of ailment, then any advice how to treat arrhythmia will be of no use if you do not stick to simple prevention rules at home:

  1. Morning exercise, or athletics.
  2. Monitor blood sugar and pressure
  3. Discard all bad habits.
  4. Maintain your weight within normal limits.
  5. Maintain a maximally calm, even lifestyle, minimally exposed to excessive emotions, stresses and strains.
  6. The correct diet consisting of exclusively natural products.

If the first signs of arrhythmia have appeared, then you should not wait for more serious symptoms to be attached, contact a doctor immediately, then the risk of complications and weighting of overall health will be much lower.

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