Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes refers to a classic autoimmune organ-specific disease that results in the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β cells with the development of absolute insulin deficiency.

People who suffer from this disease need insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes, which means that they need daily injections of insulin.

Also very important for treatment are diet compliance, regular exercise and constant monitoring of blood glucose.

What is it?

Why does this disease occur, and what is it? Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease of the endocrine system, the main diagnostic symptom of which is:

  1. Chronic hyperglycemia is an elevated blood sugar level.
  2. Polyuria , as a consequence of this - thirst;weight loss;excessive or decreased appetite;severe general fatigue of the body;stomach ache.

The most often ill people of young age( children, adolescents, adults under the age of 30), can be congenital.

Diabetes develops when it occurs:

  1. Insufficient production of insulin by endocrine pancreatic cells.
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  3. Disturbance of insulin interaction with tissue cells of the body( insulin resistance) as a result of a change in the structure or a decrease in the number of specific receptors for insulin, a change in the structure of insulin itself, or disruption of intracellular mechanisms of signal transmission from receptors to cell organelles.

Insulin is produced in the pancreas - an organ located behind the stomach. The pancreas consists of a cluster of endocrine cells called islets. Beta cells in the islets produce insulin and release it into the blood.

If the beta cells produce insufficient insulin or the body does not react to insulin that is present in the body, glucose begins to accumulate in the body, rather than being absorbed by the cells, leading to pre-diabetes or diabetes.

Causes of

Despite the fact that diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases on the planet, in medical science there is still no clear data on the causes of the development of this disease.

Often, the following prerequisites are necessary for the development of diabetes.

  1. Predisposition on genetics.
  2. The decay of β-cells that make up the pancreas.
  3. This can occur, both under external adverse effects, and under the autoimmune.
  4. The presence of constant stress psycho-emotional nature.

The term "diabetes" was first introduced by the Roman physician Aretius, who lived in the second century of our era. He described the illness as follows: "Diabetes is a terrible suffering, not very frequent among men, dissolving flesh and limbs in urine.

Patients, unceasingly, excrete water in a continuous stream, both through open water pipes. Life is short, unpleasant and painful, thirst is unquenchable, fluid intake is excessive and not commensurate with the huge amount of urine due to even greater diabetes. Nothing can stop them from taking liquids and releasing urine. If they for a short time refuse to take a liquid, they dry out in the mouth, the skin and mucous membranes become dry. The patients experience nausea, they are nervous, and die for a short time. "

What happens if I do not heal?

Diabetes mellitus is terrifying by its destructive influence on human blood vessels, both small and large. Doctors to those patients who are not engaged in treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus, the forecast gives disappointing: the development of all heart diseases, damage to the kidneys and eyes, gangrene of the extremities.

Therefore, all doctors advocate only that at the first symptoms you need to go to a medical institution and conduct tests for sugar.

Consequences of

Consequences of the first type are dangerous. Among the pathological conditions can be identified the following:

  1. Angiopathy - vascular damage on the background of energy insufficiency of capillaries.
  2. Nephropathy is a lesion of the renal glomeruli against a background of blood supply disorders.
  3. Retinopathy - damage to the eye retina.
  4. Neuropathy - nerve fiber membrane damage
  5. Diabetic foot - is characterized by multiple lesions of limbs with cell death and the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

Without a substitute insulin therapy, a type 1 diabetes patient will not be able to live. With inadequate insulin therapy, against which SD compensation criteria are not achieved and the patient is in a state of chronic hyperglycemia, late complications begin to develop rapidly and progress.


Hereditary disease type 1 diabetes mellitus can be detected by such symptoms:

  • constant thirst and, consequently, frequent urination leading to dehydration of the body;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • a constant feeling of hunger;
  • general weakness, rapid deterioration of well-being;
  • the onset of type 1 diabetes is always acute.

Having discovered any symptoms of diabetes, it is necessary to immediately undergo a medical examination. If such a diagnosis occurs, the patient needs regular medical supervision and constant monitoring of blood glucose.


Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in the vast majority of cases is based on the detection of significant hyperglycaemia on an empty stomach and during the day( postprandial) in patients with severe clinical manifestations of absolute insulin deficiency.

Results that show that a person has diabetes:

  1. Fasting blood glucose 7.0 mmol / L or higher.
  2. When carrying out a two-hour test for glucose tolerance, the result was 11.1 mmol / L and higher.
  3. Sugar in the blood at random measurement was 11.1 mmol / l or higher, and there are symptoms of diabetes.
  4. Glycated hemoglobin HbA1C - 6.5% or higher.

If there is a home blood glucose meter - just measure sugar for them, without having to go to the lab. If the result is higher than 11.0 mmol / l - this is probably diabetes.

Methods for the treatment of type 1 diabetes

Immediately it is necessary to say that diabetes of the first degree can not be cured. No medicine can regenerate cells that die in the body.

Objectives of treating type 1 diabetes:

  1. Keep blood sugar as close to normal as possible.
  2. Monitor blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. In particular, to have normal blood test results for "bad" and "good" cholesterol, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, fibrinogen.
  3. If complications of diabetes do occur, then detect it as soon as possible.
  4. The closer the sugar is to a normal diabetic, the lower the risk of complications in the cardiovascular system, kidneys, eyesight, legs.

The main direction in the treatment of type 1 diabetes is the constant control of blood sugar, insulin injections, diet and regular exercise. The goal is to keep blood glucose within normal limits. Tighter control of blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of diabetes-related heart attack and stroke by more than 50 percent.


The only possible option to help a patient with type 1 diabetes is to prescribe insulin therapy.

And the sooner the treatment is prescribed, the better will be the general condition of the body, since the initial stage of diabetes mellitus is characterized by insufficient insulin production by the pancreas, and later it ceases to produce it at all. And there is a need to introduce it from the outside.

Dosages of drugs are selected individually, while trying to mimic the fluctuations in insulin of a healthy person( maintaining the background level of secretion( not associated with the intake of food) and postprandial - after eating).For this use insulin of ultrashort, short, medium duration of action and long-term action in various combinations.

Usually, prolonged insulin is administered 1-2 times a day( morning / evening, morning or evening).A short insulin is injected before each meal - 3-4 times a day and as needed.


To have a good control of type 1 diabetes, you need to learn a lot of different information. First of all, find out which foods raise your sugar, and which ones do not. Diabetic diet can be used by all people who follow a healthy lifestyle and wants to preserve youth and a strong body for many years.

First of all it is:

  1. Exclusion of simple( refined) carbohydrates( sugar, honey, confectionery, jam, sweet drinks, etc.);use, in the main, complex carbohydrates( bread, cereals, potatoes, fruits, etc.).
  2. Compliance with regular meals( 5-6 times a day in small portions);
    Restriction of animal fats( fat, fatty meat, etc.).

Sufficient inclusion of vegetables, fruits and berries in the diet is useful, as they contain vitamins and trace elements, are rich in dietary fiber and provide a normal metabolism in the body. But it should be borne in mind that in the composition of some fruits and berries( prunes, strawberries, etc.) includes a lot of carbohydrates, so they can be consumed only taking into account the daily amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

For the control of glucose is used such indicator, as the grain unit. It is introduced to control the content of sugars in food. One grain unit is equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates. For the utilization of 1 grain unit, an average of 1.4 units of insulin is required. Thus, it is possible to calculate the average requirement of the patient's body for sugars.

Diets №9 for diabetes involves fat intake( 25%), carbohydrates( 55%) and proteins. More severe restriction of sugars is required for patients with renal insufficiency.

Physical Exercises

In addition to dietotherapy, insulin therapy and careful self-monitoring, patients must maintain their physical form by applying those physical activities that are determined by the attending physician. Such aggregate methods will help to lose weight, prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, chronically high blood pressure.

  1. During exercises, the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin and the rate of its absorption increase.
  2. Increases glucose intake without additional portions of insulin.
  3. With regular exercise, normoglycemia stabilizes much faster.

Exercise has a strong effect on carbohydrate metabolism, so it is important to remember that during training, the body actively uses glycogen stores, so after class hypoglycemia can be observed.

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