How to quickly remove the pain in a migraine attack

1 Causes of migraine

The definition of migraines was given by the French. This they introduced into medical terminology such a concept. Literally migraine translates as "half of the head."The headache in any of the parts is quite strong and prolonged. Regular seizures for many of the patients are a common thing. It is important at the same time to contact a neurologist.

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Migraine pain can manifest itself, not only when a person is in a stuffy room or tired. Contribute to this state and stress, smoking, improper diet, lack of a daily regimen.

Characteristics of such sensations are somewhat:

  • squeezing;
  • decreased visual function;
  • dizziness;
  • pulsation in the temples;
  • hearing loss;
  • weakness;
  • tenderness is often accompanied by vomiting.

If the manifestations of migraine do not go away, when you are already out of a stuffy room, you should think about other reasons. Doctors recommend not resorting to tablets at once, but to brew your own strong tea with lemon. Try to lie down for a while to rest.

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A migraine attack can cause high or low blood pressure. If you are prone to hypertension or hypotension, it is worthwhile to measure BP and, when there are deviations from the norms, take action. Admissible pressure for an adult is 120 to 80. Many people have their normal index varies, but far from these figures does not go away. In the case when the arrow of the tonometer is far from ideal characteristics, and the head hurts continuously, it is better to call an ambulance or doctor at home.

If a person has had a head injury or suffered a concussion, the likelihood of periodic discomfort is high. Often it is accompanied by a darkening in the eyes and dizziness. Stroke people are not an exception. If the unpleasant sensations are of a pulsating nature, then, most likely, the nature of them is vascular.

Among the causes of migraine, physicians call a number of other phenomena:

  • lack of sleep;
  • overwork;
  • is too intense thinking activity;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • sharp weather changes.

The main cause of migraine, scientists call the change in the tone of the vessels of the brain. When the vasomotor regulation is broken, a migraine begins. The duration of an attack can be from 5 hours to 5 days.

Another regularity is observed in women. A few days before and after menstruation, some develop migraine attacks. How to relieve pain? Outcome for themselves a few of the women. Scientists associate the occurrence of premenstrual headaches with the level of hormones in this or that period of the cycle.

Men suffer from migraine quite infrequently, but they also have seizures associated with hereditary causes or drinking alcohol with weak blood vessels.

The typical age for the first manifestations of the disease is 20 years. Most of the patients who turn to the neurologist for migraine, at the age of 35 years. It is believed that after 55 years of this disease people do not suffer.

2 What drugs will help

What to do with migraines? First of all, calm down and lie down alone in a room where it is ventilated. You can then go out into the fresh air and at first to breathe deeply in the street.

Most doctors recommend that you take off the pain as soon as it has declared itself. Even if it seems to you that it will pass by itself, take simple measures, avoiding tablets. You can drink tea with lemon or make yourself an infusion of chamomile, motherwort.

If this does not help, there can be no other answer to the question of how to relieve a migraine attack, except for tablets and potions. Drugs for anesthesia are sold freely in pharmacies, but it is better to consult a doctor about exactly what to take you. Among the drugs that can help:


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  • analgesics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are non-steroidal.

In case of a sharp attack, to relieve a migraine, you must always have an anesthetic or even a few. You can buy a valerian extract from the pharmacy. In some cases, at the initial stage of an attack, this remedy is able to help. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take even 2 tablets once.

3 Physiotherapy

How to relieve a headache, doctors-physiotherapists will prompt. They often hold the opinion that tablets can be consumed when all simple techniques do not help. So, try the contrast shower and weak off soreness. In 50% of cases, such a remedy works great.

After the shower, the effect should be fixed and left in a cool room for half an hour. In this case, it is better to extinguish the light and eliminate sharp sounds. It is recommended to make a patchwork of temporal areas with menthol oil or tightly tie a soft towel and scarf on the head.

Simple foot massage can work wonders. Someone's grandmother or neighbor will say that she removes migraines so. The method is effective, because on the feet there are not one dozen points connected to the brain centers through the nervous system. Impact on them will necessarily do the trick.

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Homeopathy is never left out, if you need to eliminate migraines. How to remove an attack, an experienced doctor will tell. At the disposal of homeopaths there is a whole set of tools and potions. Most doctors of official medicine consider their opponents charlatans. Since many of the adherents of this trend are trying to cure infectious diseases and even cancer. Official medicine for such decisions is skeptical. But homeopathic methods can become very effective in fighting migraines.

How to relieve pain, learn to deal with stress and become stress-resistant? The less we are prone to nervous disorders, the less often the headache will hurt, and the migraine attacks will be left for a long time.

It is equally important to be guided in the question of how to quickly eliminate a migraine while keeping a diary. Write down all the characteristic features concerning:

  • painful sensations;
  • start time and duration of discomfort;
  • circumstances that might have prompted the onset of an attack;
  • means that led to recovery.

So you can greatly help yourself in the future, so the question of how to alleviate an unpleasant condition is the main goal of all methods. According to these records, you can easily see if there are any connections between overstrain, depressive states and the pain that has started, or the illness worsens almost without cause, as it seems to you, from scratch. Tell us about your observations to the doctor.

4 Folk recipes

The first effective method of medicine called massage of the face, neck, head, collar zone. These measures normalize the blood flow and help a person come to their senses. After the massage, there is relaxation and calmness.

A simple and effective remedy at all times was oregano. This herb should be brewed and drunk. It takes a large spoonful of dry raw materials and a half-liter of boiling water. Insist an hour, strain and drink on a glass with the first sensations of discomfort. To be treated with oregano is not recommended for men. Alternative in this case is green tea. It contains the necessary antioxidants and enough caffeine to relieve the attack, since this substance has an analgesic effect.

Dried St. John's wort or buy it in a pharmacy. Infusion of this herb helps not only to eliminate migraine, but also menstrual pain. The spoon of raw material is poured in hot water and insisted for 20 minutes. Drink the remedy before meals for 15 minutes for 60-70 ml. But for those women who are protected with oral contraceptives, St. John's wort is not the best solution. It is believed that this plant completely blocks the action of hormonal tablets. Men are not contraindicated.

Lavender infusion. Dry raw materials are steamed in a glass of hot water. Insist 15-20 minutes. After filter and add honey to the remedy. Take half a cup 3 times a day.

Infusion of mint with the addition of ginger and pepper. It is necessary to take:

  • 2 spoons of dry mint;
  • some cayenne pepper;
  • a spoonful of fresh ginger( the root is ground in a blender).

Prepare half a liter of boiling water and, mixing all the ingredients, brew them for 15-20 minutes. Strain and in a cooled drug add a spoonful of honey and lemon. Such tea is useful not only for migraines, but also for preventive purposes during the cold season.

How quickly to remove discomfort? Massive whiskey can be with the use of essential oils: lavender, mint, rosemary, almonds. If you carry these smells with pain, the remedies are quite effective. In other cases, do not do such experiments. Otherwise, migraine will increase.

If the attack is very strong, a compress of apple cider vinegar will come to the rescue. This tool was used by our distant ancestors. They dipped the towel in chilled vinegar and applied to the forehead.

Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to boiling water and get some steam. It is believed that you need to make exactly 80 breaths and the migraine will pass unnoticed. Such inhalations will help to get rid of the discomfort, and lead the body to tone.

5 Prevention measures

Healthy, strong sleep, proper nutrition is only part of the necessary measures. It is important to monitor the reactions of the body to certain stimuli. Often, inclement weather, work in difficult, stressful conditions, monotony of labor contribute to the recurrence of migraine attacks. Avoid them will help simple methods:

  1. Do not get involved in conflicts. Be calm and reserved person.
  2. To adhere to the regime of work and rest.
  3. Do not forget about the walk before going to bed.
  4. To do professional massage courses.
  5. Avoid excessive consumption of chocolate, baking, red wine, coffee, cocoa.
  6. Observe the power mode.
  7. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Ironically, but coffee at the beginning of an attack can help. A cup of real thick coffee, boiled by all the rules( insoluble), anesthetizes.

From obsessive and terrible discomfort can save the use of ginger. With a headache, this root copes quickly. Make ginger tea, even if there is no migraine attack, for preventive purposes. This drink is good with apple and cinnamon. Drinking it is permissible constantly. As a preventive use mint with lavender. Apply heated bags with a dry mixture of herbs to the temples, even when the head does not hurt. Lavender has the ability to eliminate spasms, and mint - an excellent sedative.

Drink vitamin-mineral complex, which will strengthen the body, blood vessels. It is important that this remedy is prescribed by a doctor, since most doctors treat vitamins as a group of medicines. The complex should include all the main vitamins and chemical elements: A, E, C, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium.

If you feel that the seizure is about to begin, and by observing the cycle or the external conditions that contribute to the appearance of a migraine, understand that it can attack, try to apply ordinary ice. For these purposes, keep a bag of ice in the fridge. Put it on the forehead. It is better to do this through a thin towel or gauze. An ice bath for hands will help. Lower your fingers into cold water and squeeze them a little while. The agent acts in the same way as the ice compress.

Depending on the conditions under which you are seized, you can use this or that kind of help.

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