How and what to remove the pain in the pancreas with pancreatitis, treatment with medications, if it hurts, how to stop( remove) the pain syndrome?

As a rule, the pancreas hurts when stagnating pancreatic juices in it that have the ability to break down the protein and affect the tissues of the gland itself. It is very strong, it is almost impossible to endure it. The disease is acute and for this reason is called acute pancreatitis, attacks of which are only at an early stage.

The answer to the question of how to relieve pain in acute pancreatitis can be only one: you need to see a doctor immediately. Without hospitalization, in this case, it will not be possible to manage. From how to treat, the life of a person can depend.

Some relief may come from an ice pack placed on the stomach. If there is no bubble, you can take frozen food, wrap it in a napkin and put it on your stomach. From medicines you can take a no-drink and drink a little alkaline mineral water.

But this can be done only in anticipation of the arrival of an ambulance, not forgetting that acute pancreatitis itself does not pass, and the condition of the patient without special treatment can only worsen. How to treat and how to put a correct diagnosis is known only by a doctor. In addition, pain can lead to confusion and mental disorders, which is especially dangerous when it occurs after drinking alcohol.

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In the case of chronic pancreatitis, the pain is blunted and indicates an exacerbation. Usually it hurts after the errors of diet, alcohol intake, various colds or infectious diseases.

The removal of pancreatic pain in this case should also be carried out with the help of a doctor, referring to him for advice or calling home. If the condition is not severe, you can do without hospitalization. But at the same time it is necessary to maintain constant communication with the attending physician.

As a rule, treatment begins with rest and a strict diet, or rather complete abstinence from eating. If discomfort is felt immediately after ingestion or alcohol, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and provide alkaline drink at least once every two hours. At this stage, you need to try to reduce the burden on the pancreas, providing her with peace and rest and minimizing the production of digestive juices. Treatment should appoint a doctor, but he can do this only on the basis of laboratory blood tests taking into account the acid-base and water balance.

If the "experience" of pancreatitis is less than ten years, no drugs with digestive enzymes are prescribed, they will not bring relief, but on the contrary, they will force the gland to work more intensively, which will cause new attacks of pain.

Somewhat differently there is a pain removal at a pancreatitis "with the experience" more than ten years. In this case, the pancreas does not react as sharply as during the first attacks of pancreatitis. She "whines, pulls", deprives sleep, and gives much trouble to a person, adversely affecting the quality of his life.

In this case, there is a violation of digestive processes, various dyspeptic disorders: nausea, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen. The main cause is a dysfunction, expressed in stopping the production of digestive juices and enzymes in sufficient quantities.

As with acute pancreatitis, relieving pain will help rest, and giving up food. For her, medications are prescribed, which include digestive enzymes that supplement the exocrine activity of the pancreas. This can be mezim, festal and other drugs similar to them in action.

Treatment for pain in the pancreas, what to treat?

Disturbance of the functionality of the pancreas is a prerequisite for the emergence of a chronic form of pancreatitis. Sharp pain in the pancreas is removed with the help of antispasmodics( No-shpa, Atropin, Papaverin, Platifilin).

After the removal of severe pain, enzyme-based drugs are prescribed( Pancrumen, Creon, Panzinorm, Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim).Taking this kind of medication, stomach indigestion is eliminated and the stool is normalized. To relieve the aggravation of medications taken for five weeks. Treatment for chronic pancreas pain( enzyme therapy) lasts up to 12 months.

Antiferment therapy is performed in case of pancreatic edema. For this, drugs Gordoks or Contrikal are used. In case of an acute attack of the disease, Analgin is administered intravenously.

Inflammatory processes may be accompanied by infections. In this case, the doctor, evaluating the symptoms and the nature of the infection, appoints pills or injections with antibiotics( Cefpsan, Ampiox, Cefuroxime, Cefobide).

Pancreatic disease can be treated with folk remedies. One such effective remedy is a lemon with an egg.

Pain relief in pancreatitis

Pain relief in pancreatitis can take place in several stages:

  • Hunger. The patient is offered to give up food during the day or for up to 3 days, depending on the form of exacerbation.
  • Diet. Separate nutrition is prescribed, in which fat in the human body falls at least 60 grams per day.
  • Enzymes in combination with proton pump inhibitors( PPI).Such treatment is aimed at reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid by blocking the proton pump.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics. They are used as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents.
  • Application of sandostatin( octeroid).A powerful blocker of neuroendocrine hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for emergency relief of pain syndrome and suppression of pancreatic secretion.
  • Analgesics, narcotic. Applied in case of inefficient action of non-narcotic drugs.
  • Blockade of the solar plexus. It is performed for a period of up to 24 days in order to alleviate pain syndromes, and promotes the treatment of complicated diseases of the prostate.
  • Surgical intervention. Extreme measure in the treatment.

How to remove pancreatic pain in pancreatitis?

To relieve pain in pancreatitis, you need to contact your doctor. When there are strong discomfort, you need to try to stop them with potent drugs that contain analgesics and antispasmodics. In such cases one of the means is used: Spazmalgon, Spazgan, Baralgin.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, treatment in the hospital should be immediate, with the appearance of the first painful sensations.

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