Ureaplasmosis in men - photos, symptoms and treatment

Ureaplasmas are very small bacteria that live on the mucous urinary tract or the genital organs of a person. Initially, ureaplasmas were referred to mycoplasmas, but then they were isolated as a separate genus due to their unusual ability to break down the urea.

Ureaplasmosis in men is currently one of the most common diseases of the male genitourinary sphere. By the way, the concept of "conditionally-pathogenic" means that this pathogen can be present in perfectly healthy men for a very long time, without causing any inconvenience.

However, once the immune system gives the slack, the causative agent begins to activate and rapidly multiply, leading to the development of an inflammatory process. If the course of the disease does not manifest any symptoms, you can do without treatment. Usually men turn to a doctor with obvious signs of inflammation or during the preparation of a partner for pregnancy.

Ways of infection

How is ureaplasmosis transmitted, and what is it? Ureaplasma parvum and urealitic is called microorganism, which causes a disease called "ureaplasmosis".It is an intracellular parasite that resembles a bacterium and a virus.

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The microorganism affects the epithelial cover of the urogenital tract, causing urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Ureaplasma in men affects the prostate gland, provoking prostatitis, orchitis - frequent causes of male infertility.

Inside the body of the urealazma, the can penetrate several ways of .

  1. The most frequent is the sexual way of infection - during an intimate relationship, but in some cases the pathogen can be transmitted from person to person through blood and saliva.
  2. It is quite possible to get a syringe through the needle, some experts say that it can happen through the air.

Nevertheless, the most common way of transferring scientists continues to consider unprotected sex.

Symptoms of ureaplasma in men

From the moment of infection with ureaplasma and before the appearance of the first symptoms in men can pass a fairly long time, it all depends on how the body reacts to the pathogen.

During this latent period, the bacterium actively develops, and the patient, completely unaware of his disease, transmits the infection to his sexual partners.

The following main symptoms of ureaplasmosis in men can be noted( see photo):

  • is a transparent discharge from the penis that is not a natural lubricant;
  • itching and burning, pain when urinating;
  • symptoms and signs of prostatitis in prostate cancer;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

As a rule, ureaplasmosis has an asymptomatic course. Men are urged to turn to a specialist not ureaplasma, but the consequences to which she leads. Symptomatics can subside, but may soon occur with even greater manifestations.

Complications of

If you do not pay attention to all the symptoms and do not treat this disease, ureaplasma in men will cause inflammation:

  1. One of the most common complications caused by ureaplasms in men is urethritis .
  2. Prostatitis .Patients are troubled by pain when urinating, its difficulty, frequent desires. Sometimes there is discomfort and pain in the perineum. Without treatment, prostatitis causes an erection disorder leading to infertility.
  3. Epididymitis of .This is a very rare complication in ureaplasma in men, it does not cause pain or any discomfort, but the appendage may become denser and thicker, which will force the patient to consult a specialist.

In addition, the sad consequence of the activities of these microorganisms can become infertility.


Seeding and PCR are used to detect Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum.

  • ELISA and UIF are widely used in our country, but they are characterized by low accuracy( about 50-70%).

Detection of antibodies to Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum is of limited importance in the diagnosis of ureaplasmosis.

Treatment of ureaplasma in men

When ureaplasma was diagnosed in men, treatment implies the appointment of an antibiotic. Classical drugs for the treatment of ureaplasma - doxycycline and azithromycin. Take them is a certain scheme, which you will appoint a specialist.

Also recently, the antibiotics of fluoroquinolones and macrolides are increasingly becoming the drugs of choice, which is associated with the frequent detection of ureaplasma-resistant doxycycline. To improve the effectiveness of treatment, two antibiotics can be prescribed in combination with immunomodulators and vitamins.

The scheme for the treatment of ureaplasmosis in men of should be based on the following principles:

  1. Treatment should be performed in all the two sex partners, since infection with these microorganisms occurs during sexual intercourse.
  2. Use of those drugs that cause the death of Ureaplasma parvum or Ureaplasma urealyticum.
  3. Use of uroantipeties to achieve the maximum rapid result, as well as to preserve it after the end of antibiotic intake.

List of the main drugs used to treat ureaplasmosis:

  1. Azithromycin - in a daily dosage of 1 gram, this corresponds to two tablets, each containing 0.5 g( this is macrolide).
  2. Doxycycline is given on a pill morning and evening, the duration of treatment should be 7 days.

Do not resort to self-management at home, as this can lead to more severe consequences than the disease itself, cause other complications, or be ineffective and facilitate the transition of ureaplasmosis to the chronic stage.


To prevent the disease simply - you should avoid accidental sexual contacts and remain faithful to your partner who will reciprocate. Contact-household pathways of infection with ureaplasmosis have not been described to the present day, therefore it is impossible to "accidentally" become infected with this disease.

In case of detection of ureaplasmosis in a sexual partner, it is necessary to undergo a screening, and if necessary, a course of treatment in order to prevent the development of complications of the disease.

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