Vesiculitis - symptoms and treatment, causes

Vesiculitis is an inflammation of seminal vesicles caused by infection. Very rarely occurs in isolation. Most often accompanied by inflammation of the urethra( urethritis), prostate( prostatitis) and testicles( orchitis).Sometimes it is a complication of chronic prostatitis.

In most cases, chronic vesiculitis develops that accompanies the course of chronic prostatitis. The main reason for the appearance of the disease is an infection that penetrates into the seminal vesicle from the prostate gland or the posterior portion of the urethra. There are also hematogenous( blood) and lymphogenous pathways of infection.

Reasons for

Why does vesicle occur, and what is it? The occurrence of vesiculitis is usually associated with infection. The causative agent often enters the vesicles through blood, lymph or the vas deferens.

The disease can cause:

  1. Infectious-inflammatory diseases : influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
  2. Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system : prostate( prostatitis), urethra( urethritis), testicles( orchitis).
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  4. STDs ( sexually transmitted diseases): gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma infection, etc.

Factors that provoke the development of the disease are:

  • sedentary lifestyle and resulting stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis;
  • subcooling;
  • is an irregular, disharmonious sexual life;
  • too rare or excessive sexual activity, regular practice of interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • frequent constipation due to malnutrition and lack of activity;
  • presence of chronic infections in the body, including caries;
  • abuse of alcohol and nicotine.

The most common source of infection for the seminal vesicle is the prostate gland. With her, the vesicle is connected directly, through the ejaculatory duct. With prostatitis infection does not make it difficult to move through a short "tube" and settle in a vesicle, causing vesiculitis. That is why the prevalence of vesiculitis clearly correlates with prostatitis and is considered its complication in 10-30%.

Symptoms of vesiculitis

The disease can flow in acute and chronic form. Acute type of vesiculitis is characterized by a rapid development of symptoms:

  1. Feeling of pain or heaviness in the crotch or rectum.
  2. Pain often passes into the bladder, lower back, scrotum.
  3. Increased pain when urinating or defecating.
  4. Frequent urination with burning sensation and the inability to tolerate.
  5. Symptoms may occur against the background of body temperature up to 39 degrees Celsius and above.
  6. Blood may be present in the last portions of the urine( terminal hematuria).
  7. Frequent erections, pollutions, rapid excitability.
  8. Ejaculation can cause severe pain in the penis and prostate gland.
  9. Signs of body intoxication: weakness, malaise, decreased appetite, nausea, headache, pain in the areas of the joints and bones.

In case of incorrect treatment, acute vesiculitis becomes chronic. For chronic vesicles:

  1. Pain in erection and ejaculation, within 2-3 hours after sexual intercourse;
  2. Occurrence of pollutions( involuntary ejaculation);
  3. Changing sensations in orgasm;
  4. Painful sensations in the sacrum;
  5. Disturbances of urination are occasionally recorded.

Often, chronic vesiculitis is completely asymptomatic, and the patient comes to the doctor with a single complaint about the admixture of blood in the semen. Also, pus excretion with urine( pyuria) or with sperm( pyospermia) is periodically recorded, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa( azoospermia).

In the absence of treatment, chronic vesiculitis can become aggravated. Sometimes the disease spreads to the epididymis, resulting in infertility in the patient.


The diagnosis is based on the characteristic symptoms of vesiculitis, data from digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound( TRUS) data, general and biochemical blood and urine tests, and bacteriological study of the secretion of seminal vesicles. With chronic vesicles, examine the spermogram.

Differential diagnosis of vesiculitis should be carried out with prostatitis, tuberculosis of seminal vesicles, sarcoma of seminal vesicles, urethritis, colliculitis.

Complications of

Complications of vesiculitis are:

  1. Obturation form of male infertility - shrinkage and complete irreversible loss of reproductive functions.
  2. The empyema of seminal vesicles is the most severe complication of vesiculitis. The disease is a purulent pathological process, manifested by intoxication and pain syndromes and resulting in the absence of treatment for sepsis and death.
  3. Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, often leading to a complete loss of sexual function.

The prognosis for the timely treatment of acute vesiculitis is favorable. With the development of complications - relatively favorable.

Treatment of vesiculitis

If the diagnosis of acute vesiculitis is confirmed, then treatment begins with the prescription of antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics for vesiculitis are selected based on many characteristics: bactericidal drug, efficacy in the pathology of the genital area, an adequate price for the drug. The drugs of choice for this pathology will be preparations of the fluoroquinolone series and macrolides.

In addition, prescribe such drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for internal and external use( rectal suppositories and microclysters).
  2. To reduce pain during defecation, it is recommended to use laxatives.
  3. For stimulation of immunity apply vitamins, microelements, immunomodulators: "Pyrogenal", "Viferon", "Levamizol".
  4. Analgesics.
  5. Laxatives.
  6. Diet.
  7. Bed rest.
  8. Abundant drink.

After an acute phase of the disease - physiotherapy: UHF, laser therapy, ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy. The method of massage of seminal vesicles is applied. Hot bath. You can also successfully treat using folk remedies.

Treatment of chronic vesiculitis is carried out according to a similar pattern: antibiotics + anti-inflammatory drugs in general and local form, physiotherapy, massage. The difference is that antibiotics are carefully selected taking into account the data of bacterial sperm sowing, they are used by several successive courses with the change of the drug, anti-inflammatory therapy is performed with the use of hormonal preparations. If the treatment is ineffective, a puncture is performed with the washing of the seminal vesicles with antiseptic solutions. In some cases, vesiclectomy( removal of the seminal vesicle) is indicated.

Also patients with chronic vesiculitis should follow a diet with a limited content of smoked, salty, fatty, spicy dishes. It is very important for such people to avoid infectious diseases, for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries. It is necessary to watch, so that there are no constipation.


In the case of vesiculitis, prevention consists in the early and rational treatment of the main focus of the infection( including gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.), dieting, refusal to drink alcohol. It is also necessary to avoid microtraumas and normalize the sexual life, not allowing periods of too long abstinence or sexual excesses.

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