Why are red blood cells raised, what does it mean?

Red blood cells are red blood cells that are synthesized by the red bone marrow and carry a transport function, since they are able to transfer oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues and take spent carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

In addition to respiratory function, they take part in water, salt metabolism, regulate the acidity of the blood. Therefore, for optimal coordinated operation of all organ systems, it is necessary that the level of these cells in the human body be within the limits of age norms.

For an adult male is from 4.0 to 5.3 × 10¹² units per liter of blood, for women - 3.7 to 4.7 × 10¹².If your analysis shows an elevated red blood cell count, that is, more than the accepted norm, it can talk about various causes. Let us examine them in detail below.

The norm of red blood cells in the blood

To ascertain the increased content of red blood cells, it is important to know the normal established boundaries. The norms of erythrocytes in the blood vary, depending on the sex and age of the person. So, below let's imagine how many red blood cells in a healthy person are considered acceptable:

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  1. In a woman, the erythrocyte norm is between 3.7 and 4.7 million in 1 μl, or 3.7-4.7 x 1012 in 1 liter.
  2. The erythrocyte norm in the blood test of a pregnant woman can be significantly reduced, up to 3-3.5 x 1012 in 1 liter.
  3. In the of an adult male, , the normal number of red blood cells in the blood varies from 4 to 5.1 million in 1 μl, or from 4 to 5.1 × 1012 in 1 liter;
  4. In children up to the year of , the concentration of red blood cells is constantly changing, therefore for each month( for newborns - every day) there is a norm. And if suddenly in the analysis of blood red blood cells are increased in a child of two weeks of age to 6.6 x 1012 / l, this can not be regarded as a pathology, it is simple for newborns to have such a norm( 4.0-6.6 x 1012 / L).
  5. Some fluctuations are observed after a year of life, but normal values ​​do not differ much from those in adults. In adolescents 12-13 years old, the hemoglobin content in erythrocytes and the level of the erythrocytes themselves correspond to the norm of adults.

If red blood cells are increased in the blood test, this can indicate severe dehydration, erythremia - chronic leukemia, and other disorders that may not pose a serious health hazard. Consider the reasons for the increase in red blood cells in the general analysis of blood more.

Primary and secondary erythrocytosis

Etiology of erythrocytosis divides them into primary, or hereditary, and secondary, ie acquired. Primary erythrocytosis .It occurs very rarely and is a hereditary disease. The cause of its occurrence is considered to be a low susceptibility of the oxygen receptors of the kidneys, as well as a high level of the hormone erythropoietin. Symptoms of this type are considered to be a decline in strength, dizziness, dyeing of the skin and mucous in a purple color, reduced blood coagulability.

  • Secondary erythrocytosis .Unlike the previous one, this species is a consequence of acquired diseases. Its cause is oxygen starvation of cells, which is caused by a disease of the respiratory organs, the development of tumors in the liver and kidneys.
  • In the absence of primary erythrocytosis treatment, vascular complications are possible, especially with regard to the clotting factor leading to the formation of thromboses.

    Causes of increased red blood cells in the blood

    Why is red blood cells in the blood raised, and what does it mean? An increase in the number of red blood cells in one unit of blood volume in medicine is called erythrocytosis. This phenomenon is extremely rare.

    The physiological growth of the number of erythrocytes in the blood occurs mainly with strong emotional stress, excessive dehydration, athletes with prolonged physical exertion or those who live in mountainous terrain.

    High erythrocyte levels in the blood are a sign of pathology and true erythrocytosis if they are the result of increased formation of red blood cells caused by unrestricted reproduction of the progenitor cell and its differentiation into mature forms of erythrocytes( erythremia).

    In this regard, the pathological increase in the level of erythrocytes in the blood provokes such diseases:

    1. Vakez disease( also called erythremia) is a pathology caused by myeloproliferative bone marrow disease( ie hemoblastosis or tumor damage of the hematopoietic organs).As a result, activation of other hematopoiesis takes place and the expressed erythrocytosis is combined with leuko- and thrombocytosis.
    2. Heart defects .The main danger of all heart defects is that the venous and arterial blood, which should not touch, mix. When blood enriched with oxygen and blood with carbon dioxide mix, transportation of oxygen to tissues becomes more difficult. To compensate for this lack, the bone marrow produces more red blood cells.
    3. The liver and kidneys are involved in the process of disposal of obsolete, old red blood cells .With the development of tumors and the presence of metastases, they often stop the performance of this function, in view of which the blood indicates the predominance of precisely mature forms. It should be noted that in diseases of the respiratory tract and heart, erythremia and infectious diseases, the increase in the number of erythrocytes occurs precisely at the expense of young, often reticular forms.
    4. Lung diseases .With insufficient oxygen, and respiratory disease always leads to this condition, the number of erythrocytosis increases.
    5. Malignant tumors of , especially of the liver, kidneys, pituitary gland and adrenal glands.
    6. Disease of Aearsa ( synonym: primary pulmonary hypertension).
    7. Pickwick's syndrome , which is formed by a triad of symptoms: severe obesity, pulmonary insufficiency and high blood pressure figures.

    Less dangerous causes of increased red blood cells in the adult's blood:

    1. Insufficient amount of enzymes necessary for digestion, therefore the body has to produce more red blood cells in order to digest food.
    2. Dehydration or too hot weather, especially when prolonged heavy loads.
    3. Use of poor quality water, that is, chlorinated, dirty or heavily carbonated.
    4. Insufficient intake of vitamins or lack of them as a result of improper liver function.
    5. Smoking, due to excess of carboxyhemoglobin.

    Because there are a lot of reasons for causing an excessive number of red blood cells in the blood, only a specialist can determine what triggered this process exactly from you and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Elevated red blood cells in the child's blood: what does it mean?

    When red blood cells are raised in a child's blood, doctors view this phenomenon as a pathology. They connect it with a variety of vital factors:

    • low concentration in the blood of the mother of oxygen - the most common reason for which red blood cells are increased in a child( newborn);
    • has a regular passive effect on the baby's body of tobacco smoke. This situation is typical for families in which one or both parents smoke.
    • living in a mountainous area;
    • regular exercise.

    The most probable pathological causes of a high level of erythrocytes in the blood of children are:

    • congenital heart defects;
    • malfunction of the bone marrow;
    • hypertension of the small circle of blood circulation;
    • blood diseases, including erythremia;
    • obstructive pulmonary disease of a chronic nature;
    • respiratory diseases in the acute stage - bronchitis, rhinitis, allergy;
    • marked obesity( third or fourth degree);
    • dehydration( dehydration) of the body with prolonged diarrhea and vomiting;
    • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

    The most formidable diagnosis, in which there is an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood - is cancer of the liver or kidney. Erythrocytosis is not a separate disease, it only indicates the presence of adverse factors in the life of the child or on the already developed diseases. Only an experienced specialist can determine what caused the increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood of a child and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Consequences of

    The consequence of strong blood saturation with red blood cells is the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of almost all tissues, organs and systems of human organs. Blood gets a more dense consistency, which leads to a deterioration in the processes of breathing, the supply of cells with blood.

    Infringement of blood supply leads to disturbances in work of a cortex of a brain. With an increased number of red blood cells in a person, an increase in the volume of the liver, spleen and kidneys is revealed. All the complications that arise in a person with an increase in the number of blood cells can eventually lead to his death.

    Treatment of

    The main goal of the treatment of erythrocytosis is the removal of excess redundant red blood cells due to a decrease in the viscosity of the blood. In therapy, a set of methods using drugs are used. If erythrocytosis is associated with diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system, then the primary disease is treated, in the first place. The main rule of the fight against erythrocytosis is the elimination of the cause of the pathological condition.

    You can add more natural fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and microelements, to the diet. They are necessary for the formation of the correct forms of red blood cells, which will prevent the number of their pathological forms in the blood( spherical, crescent, elliptical).

    Finally, it should be said that the analysis obtained is of diagnostic value only if it is combined with the characteristic clinical symptoms of the disease, and a therapist or hematologist can competently evaluate and designate the corresponding further program of the examination.

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