Dolichosigma of the intestine in adults and children( lengthening of the sigmoid colon), code of disease according to the ICD 10, causes and consequences

When the sigmoid section of the large intestine increases in size( it becomes longer than normal), a "dolichosigma" is diagnosed. A similar disease occurs in adults and children in different ways, but in all cases the diameter of the intestine and the thickness of its wall does not change, so the lumen remains. It manifests itself in the form of morphological transformations, normal tissue is replaced by connective tissue, as a result of this, muscle fibers grow excessively, oxygen supply to tissues fails, and communication with the nervous system is lost. This is why dolichosigma often causes prolonged constipation.

In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD 10), dolichosigma in adults and children belongs to the 17th grade( Congenital malformations, malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities), in the ICD 10 section( Q43.1 Other specified congenital malformations of the intestine).Scientific studies have shown that in 25% of cases it is the intestinal dolichosigma which becomes the source of chronic constipation in adults, and in 40% in children. Pathology is often accompanied by the formation of extra loops on the site of the sigmoid region, they can freely wander in the space of the peritoneum, but sometimes inflections occur. In these cases, stony debris is formed - the first sign of intestinal obstruction.

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The main causes of dolichosigma

The described pathology is most often detected in childhood. Dolichosigma of the intestine( code on ICD 10 Q43.1) in this case is inherent in nature. It is formed as a result of a pathological course of pregnancy. When in the early months the fetus is affected by negative environmental, mechanical, chemical factors. Dolihosigma of the intestine of a newborn child can also form due to the illness of a future mother who is of an infectious nature.

Very rarely disease dolichosigma is acquired. Normally, the length of the sigmoid colon in an adult is 25-40 cm, but sometimes it increases significantly in size, this is the result of long processes of digestive system disorders associated with the fermentation and decay of processed foods. At risk are those who love meat dishes, combined with unhealthy food, those who at the same time lead a sedentary lifestyle, those who have already exceeded 50 years.

Bright symptoms of dolichosigma

Unlike other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal dolichosigma in adults and in children has very vivid characteristic symptoms. There are several of them:

  1. Stool retardation and chronic discomfort. In children, such manifestations occur during the introduction of the first complementary food or when transferring the baby to artificial feeding, sick children have a multi-day stool delay( it may not be up to three days).If you let the situation slide, the duration of stool delay increases, the urge to defecate is suppressed, the stool masses become denser and become externally similar to the fir cone. Density of stools often leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the thick and rectum, therefore at the time of defecation, blood appears. In especially severe cases, self-emptying without enema becomes impossible.
  2. When a patient has dolichosigma disease, he has pain in the navel area, similar to severe spasms. They appear on the left side and pass immediately after the abdomen is emptied.
  3. For the described pathology may indicate a strong flatulence, a constant swelling in the abdomen and a strong rumbling.
  4. Prolonged constipation causes an intoxication of the body, so a person has weakness, lethargy and constant nausea. Appetite disappears, the skin becomes gray, inflammatory rashes or pimples appear on it.
  5. Often, in adult dolichosigma accompanied by hemorrhoids or varicose veins, in children with incorrect therapy appears incontinence stool.

There are cases when the pathology proceeds completely asymptomatically, is detected accidentally either during a routine examination, or during a diagnostic study related to other gastrointestinal problems. But in most cases, the signs described above are manifested and bring severe discomfort to the sick person.

Existing species of dolichosigma

The pathological lengthening of the sigmoid colon is of several types:

  1. Compensated dolichosigma is diagnosed when constipation lasts no more than three days and occurs intermittently. Perhaps the occurrence of periodic pain in the abdomen. With compensated sigmoid pathology, special diet or light laxatives such as Dufalac, Lactuvita or Normase help to restore evacuation functions in adults.
  2. A dolichosigma of the subcompensated form occurs when the obstinate constipation is diagnosed, accompanied by severe flatulence and abdominal pain. Evacuation functions can not be restored with laxatives. With subcompensated dolichosigma, the bowel can be emptied only with the help of cleansing enemas.
  3. Decompensated variety of sigma lengthening provokes constipation, which lasts longer than a week. The patient has constant severe pain in the abdomen, stunted stool leads to an increase in the size of the large intestine. Stagnant phenomena lead to the development of intoxication, so the patient sharply loses appetite, he complains of constant nausea, a feeling of general malaise. Relief in this situation brings only a siphon enema. In advanced cases, there is an intestinal obstruction, it can be eliminated only by bandpass surgery.

Possible complications of dolichosigma

Dolihosigma( code for ICD 10 Q43.1) is a dangerous pathology, if the treatment is ignored, the consequences can be irreversible:

  • Untimely emptying leads to the formation of stool stones, the stool becomes very hard and dense, so natural emptying becomes impossible.
  • Pathology is dangerous because it often leads to a toxic intoxication. Symptoms of poisoning are well known, with it there is a reverse absorption of toxins, so the whole body suffers.
  • Dolichosigma can lead to intestinal obstruction, to colon dysfunction, to a sudden loss of body weight, to the development of anemia, to the appearance of ulcers on the skin, to the appearance of signs of irritated bowel.

With the timely diagnosis, correct treatment, the appearance of such complications can be prevented.

Features of the diagnosis of dolichosigma

Pathology is diagnosed using instrumental survey methods. The following procedures are used:

  • Irrigography shows the lengthening of the sigmoid colon and the formation of additional loops.
  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity allows one to see the existence of a loopy dolichosigma and enlargement of the sigmoid region of the large intestine.
  • Recto-manoscopy is an instrumental method that is used for visual inspection.
  • X-ray shows extended sigmoid loops. This method is not used to confirm the diagnosis in infants. They do not have a significant difference between the norm and the pathology described.
  • Colonoscopy is an operation using endoscopic equipment. It is carried out with the purpose of studying the surface of the inner walls of the large intestine, the sigmoid section of the colon and the biopsy. Study of the mucosa is used to clarify the diagnosis, exclusion or confirmation of the presence of oncology.

Is it possible to treat lengthening of the sigmoid colon?

Dolihosigma is a disease that is treated in two ways: conservative and operative. For the treatment of pathology in children, traditional medicine is not used. And all because it's not safe.

The main emphasis of conservative treatment in adults is on changing the diet of the patient. In the daily diet should be more fiber, as well as dairy products. Salads from raw vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil, are useful. Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime. To drink to those who have a dolichosigma of the intestine, you need a lot, more than two and a half liters per day.

Constipation in the smallest children is eliminated with raisin water( boiled water is boiled several grains of dried black grapes and insisted for two hours), in older children constipation is treated with a decoction of prunes or any fruit compotes.

Chronic constipation in adults caused by dolichosigma of the intestine is eliminated by wheat bran. Treatment lasts from six months to eight months. In the morning, at lunch and before dinner, half an hour before eating, a teaspoon of bran is eaten and washed down with half a glass of exceptionally warm water. After two weeks, the dose is doubled, three times triples. The volume of a single portion should be brought to two tablespoons.

In addition to eliminating constipation, during conservative treatment you need to try to normalize the work of the digestive tract. To do this help bacterial drugs, such as Symbiert, Bifidum-lactobacterin.

As an emergency aid and as a temporary measure for stool retention, doctors are advised to use cleansing enemas and purgative candles. Painful sensations are removed by No-shpa or Platyphylline. The course of drug treatment necessarily includes vitamins B, E and C.

Chronic dolichosigma is a disease for the treatment of which physiotherapy and sanatorium treatment are used. At the initial stages they help to significantly ease the condition of an adult patient and restore the work of the digestive tract.

Dolihosigma is a disease in which abdominal massage and physiotherapy work well. To conduct them, you do not need to visit the clinic, and massage and gymnastics are easy to perform on your own at home. To master the technique of conducting sessions the attending physician will help. His recommendations will be useful only if the bowels are regularly massaged and stimulated by physical activity.

If the symptoms of the disease, the appearance of which provokes lengthening of the sigmoid colon, can not be eliminated by conservative treatment, the patient is advised to perform an operation that will remove part of the stretched site. Complete removal is indicated when a lobular dolichosigma is diagnosed or when intestinal obstruction is detected.

Congenital intestinal dolichosigma in both adults and children - the disease is curable, with properly selected therapy, many disorders can be compensated, and then the chair becomes independent and full. Operative treatment of the disease is used only in exceptional cases.

Effective prophylaxis of dolichosigma

Chronic congenital dolichosigma in almost all cases is a congenital pathology, therefore special preventive techniques do not exist. However, it is possible and necessary to use all the possibilities that can prevent the emergence of undesirable consequences and complications of the disease.

In addition to a special diet and a high drinking regime, doctors recommend that adults drink twice a year extended vitamin complexes, to prevent constipation, it is useful to take cellulose preparations. They help to improve the evacuation of stool and prevent constipation. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, eat right, try to avoid psycho-emotional overload. Then the patient can live fully and qualitatively.

Knowing how dangerous moderate or loopy dolichosigma is dangerous, how to avoid bowel descent, how to treat the described disease, you can try to prevent the most dangerous consequences and defeat the disease.

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