Gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis and pancreas treatment, chronic form, how to distinguish symptoms?

Gastritis and pancreatitis are inflammations, in the first case, the walls of the stomach, in the second - the pancreas. Both of them have a chronic form and periods of exacerbations, foci of inflammation, similar symptoms.

Gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis: general symptoms

Symptoms of three diseases occur immediately, the following are common:

  • alternation of salivation and dry mouth
  • dizziness
  • weakness, apathy, anxiety
  • nausea and vomiting

Constant inflammation turns the disease into a chronic, combination of two sharplyincreases the likelihood of death. Collected together, the three diseases guarantee a long difficult treatment. All organs are prone to self-destruction, since they contain enzymes involved in the digestion of food.

Diagnosis of gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis

Diagnosis depends on the methods used, equipment, based on the experience of doctors. All existing methods are divided into:

  • fluoroscopy
  • ultrasound
  • biopsy
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Biopsy and FGDS are not used to study the pancreas and gallbladder, but give an excellent picture of the state of the stomach. Danger of gastritis with bleeding, growing into either an ulcer or cancer. Cholecystitis is diagnosed and treated with the bioresonance method, which does not require the opening of the skin, giving the maximum effect.

Treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis traditional

Fasting at the time of exacerbation is traditionally for all three diseases( the disappearance of symptoms is a signal for the onset of cautious nutrition on a tight diet).Vitamin preparations, mucosal preservatives, antispasmodics, antimicrobial drugs help the stomach. Depending on the acidity, it is reduced or stimulated by the remaining glands, including pancreas.

Treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis is innovative

Doses of antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor, as well as blockers and inhibitors - metronidazole, clarithromycin, ranitidine and omeprazole, respectively. New methods include bioresonance, therapy based on suppression of vibrations in diseased organs and cells, replacing them with vibrations with the resonance of healthy cells. Therapy is performed by the same equipment as the diagnosis, allowing to shorten the treatment time and increasing its effectiveness. Gastritis and pancreas need the same prevention, which greatly facilitates the life of patients.

Chronic gastritis and pancreatitis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which can be acute and chronic. Its characteristic symptoms are acute or aching, blunt pain in the stomach of the abdomen. In addition, there is nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, belching, bloating. The patient has weakness, dizziness, a feeling of overcrowding after eating, weight loss, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. The chair is unstable, with a penchant for diarrhea.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can also be acute and chronic. It is manifested by severe pain in the abdomen with irradiation into the back area, which appear after eating or independent of it. The disease is manifested by fever, nausea, severe attacks of vomiting, eructation, weakness, decreased appetite, body weight, aversion to fatty foods. Typical symptoms are mushy, stinking stools, alternating diarrhea and constipation, increased salivation.

How to distinguish symptoms of gastritis from pancreatitis?

Chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, in many ways, have similar symptoms. Because of the close arrangement of the organs, one can not immediately distinguish which of them inflamed. However, there are differences, and they relate, first of all, to the location of pain. With gastritis, they occur in the central upper abdomen, manifest as spasms, colic, or are blunt, aching. And with pancreatitis, their nature is shrouded, constant and cramped, and they are more intense, more prolonged. If the inflammation seizes the head of the pancreas, the pain will be noted in the upper right side of the epigastric region. When the body is injured, they are localized from the left upper abdomen, if the tail is caught, it will hurt in the left hypochondrium. In addition, the pain syndrome can be irradiated to the back and chest area.

Also with these diseases, it is possible to clearly trace the connection of the onset of pain with food intake. As a rule, with gastritis, it occurs immediately after a meal, especially with a disease with high acidity. Basically, gastritis is aggravated by a violation of diet. With pancreatitis, the connection with food intake is not so obvious, pain syndrome can occur after several hours, and with alcohol intake even after a day.

Naturally, these symptoms can be approximately estimated which organ is inflamed. Clinical and instrumental methods of diagnostics will most accurately identify and distinguish diseases.

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