Serous meningitis - symptoms, treatment

Serous meningitis is a very dangerous and serious disease, the same for both children and adults. When this disease occurs, inflammation occurs in the membranes of the brain.

According to the etiology, the following varieties of serous meningitis are distinguished: fungal, viral and bacterial( syphilitic, tuberculosis, etc.) meningitis. In addition, the primary and secondary forms are distinguished.

Primary meningitis occurs due to primary damage to the meninges, which are not preceded by any infectious agents. Secondary damage to the meninges occurs after the infection, as a complication.

The most sparing form of meningitis is one that was caused by viral infections. The disease proceeds without serious complications, and with timely treatment of highly qualified specialists, passes without a trace. If treatment is too late, or was not quite adequate, then in the case of viral meningitis, the consequences for an adult or a child can be very sad.

How is serous meningitis transmitted and what is it?

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What is it? Serous meningitis is a rapid defeat of the brain envelopes, which is characterized by a serous inflammatory process, the causative agent of which may be viruses, bacteria or fungi.

Inflammation of the meninges develops rapidly. The main reason is representatives of the enterovirus group. It is easy to get infected or become a carrier of the virus in the following situations:

  1. Contact infection. Bacteria and microorganisms get into the body with dirty food - fruits and vegetables with particles of dirt, when drinking unsuitable water, while disregarding the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. By airborne droplet, serous meningitis is transmitted when the pathogen is localized in the mucosa of the respiratory tract. When coughing, sneezing, infectious agents, being in the air in the form of an aerosol, get into the body of a healthy person with contaminated air.
  3. This virus is most likely to pick up when swimming - in ponds, pool, and the greatest chance of getting infected in people with weak immunity.

Especially dangerous is the serous inflammation of the brain envelope for children of the first year of life - during this period, the impact of infectious agents is so detrimental to the children's brain and nervous system that can cause mental retardation, a partial disturbance of visual and auditory functions.

Specific symptoms of

When examining a person with serous meningitis, the symptoms are expressed in the excess tension of a group of neck muscles, their rigidity, that is, not the ability to bring the chin to the chest.

There are also several meningeal symptoms of , such as:

  1. The Kernig Symptom is the inability to unbend a leg that is bent at right angles.
  2. Symptom of the Brudzinsky : lower - if you unbend one bent leg, this leads to a reflex bending of the second leg, the upper one - if the head is bent, the legs are involuntarily bent.

All these symptoms of serous meningitis can be expressed in varying degrees, in less or more, in very rare cases, these symptoms can be combined with generalized lesions of other organs.

Signs of

In the prodromal, or intermediate stage between the incubation period and the disease itself, there is a slight increase in temperature, weakness, loss of appetite.

On average, the period lasts up to 3 weeks, and then immediately symptoms of serous meningitis:

  • temperature rises to 38 degrees and even higher;
  • sharp headache in the forehead and temples;
  • in the eyes, pain when looking from one subject to another;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • photophobia;
  • dizziness.

In children, in addition to the described symptoms, there are:

  • hallucinations;
  • delirium;
  • swelling of the fontanel in young children;
  • convulsions.

Some patients have only a slight malaise, which is often attributed to overwork. That's why if you suspect serous meningitis, you need to make a diagnosis.

Symptoms of serous meningitis in

children Serous meningitis is very rare in adults, as their immunity is already "familiar" with a variety of different infections. But the children's body is just beginning to "master" the world, including learning new viruses. Therefore, their body reacts to the infection roughly. Serous meningitis in children is quickly diagnosed and easily treatable.

At the outset, this disease in children is very acute, and its symptoms are pronounced, that is, the child's temperature rises, which sometimes reaches 40 degrees, the child feels pain in the muscles and there is a constant headache. In addition, if the disease is diarrhea and vomiting, the child becomes restless, his stomach may ache or cramps appear, in a dream the patient may be delirious.

Very often, against the background of the main symptoms, serous meningitis in children is also manifested by signs of ARVI - sore throat, cough, runny nose, eye sensitivity. The child becomes easier in a darkened room in a pose on his side with his head thrown back.

Serous meningitis in adults: symptoms of

In the case of this type of meningitis, the first symptoms in adults are minor. It can be: general weakness, weakness, weak headache, perspiration and sore throat, cough, runny nose.

Similar symptoms are typical for various acute respiratory viral infections that are easily treatable, so most patients do not pay much attention to them, or as a last resort, they start taking various drugs aimed at improving their well-being.

Clear symptoms of serous meningitis in adults are:

  • high body temperature;
  • is a migraine headache that does not stop even after taking an anesthetic;
  • vomiting without nausea, regardless of eating;
  • chills, fever, confusion;
  • a state of delusions, hallucinations;
  • abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea;
  • irritability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • convulsions, loss of consciousness( in severe cases).

In the cerebrospinal fluid of the patient there is an increased level of lymphocytes. Diagnosis is based on lumbar puncture data, laboratory diagnosis of blood and urine.

Treatment of

For any suspected meningitis, promptly call an ambulance and hospitalize a child or adult in the hospital.

In view of the viral etiology of the disease, the use of antibiotics is impractical. An important role in the treatment of serous meningitis in children and adults can play antiviral drugs - arpetol, interferon, acyclovir.

In case of immunodeficiency, the patient is prescribed a course of normal human immunoglobulin, donor and placental gamma globulin. If serous meningitis is provoked by measles, then anticonvulsant immunoglobulin is used, influenza is influenza.

Dehydration is essential to reduce intracranial pressure, so diuretics are prescribed - Lasix, Furosemide. At a temperature of more than 38C, antipyretic agents are used - paracetamol, ibuprofen. Also, each patient is prescribed antihistamines, which relieve fever and the main signs of a meningic syndrome. Such drugs include suprastin, tavegil and all known dimedrol.

With timely adequate treatment, serous meningitis in children, in contrast to purulent, is benign, not long in duration and rarely causes complications.

Consequences of serous meningitis

According to the doctors, half of the patients cured of meningitis still have health problems for many years. After meningitis, patients complain about difficulties with remembering information, spontaneous muscle contractions, not strong migraine-like pains.

But these complications are characteristic of mild forms of the disease. If the disease was difficult, the person may even lose hearing or sight. In addition, some forms of this disease can provoke a disruption in the brain and the complexity of mental activity.

For the sake of justice it is necessary to say that fortunately such consequences of the disease happen only in one and a half percent of all those who underwent this disease. But in very rare and complex cases this disease can even lead to death.

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