Rash on the face in the form of small pimples: causes and treatment

A small rash on the face, the causes and treatment of which can be difficult to find, is not only discomfort and inconvenience in a large company, when you can not even look at yourself in a general photo, but also, perhaps, a serious problem.

For the effective treatment of rashes on the face in the form of small pimples, it is necessary to find out, for what reasons could rashes occur?

Many people mistakenly assume that a certain type of skin or wrong face care is to blame for everything. In part, this is true, but in some cases, a rash on the face can hide serious complications of the digestive system or skin diseases.

Causes of a minor rash on the face

To choose the way to get rid of a small rash on your face at home, you need to know the cause of its occurrence reliably. If it was not possible to learn from what a small red rash might appear on your face, here are the most common factors that influence and provoke this skin condition in adults:

  1. A small subcutaneous rash on the face may be a sign of demodectic disease.
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  3. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract due to the consumption of poor quality food, excessive amounts of sweet, fatty, spicy foods, sweetened carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  4. Wrong skin care for : it could happen that you for several days went to bed with make-up on your face, did not wash and did not clean your skin or bought a new remedy, and your skin reacted to it so aggressively.
  5. Allergic reaction , which is the body's response to internal problems. Often, an allergic rash is presented in the form of acne, acne, skin irritation, but most often expressed as small red pimples.
  6. Use of in poor-quality or unsuitable skin type .

To find out the factors that could trigger a skin change, you need to analyze your eating and living patterns a week before the rash appears.

Diagnosis of the

problem Depending on the cause of the rash on the face, qualified help can be provided by:

  1. Gastroenterologist .Healthy skin and appearance is a reflection of the normal operation of the internal organs and the whole organism.
  2. Dermatologist .After examining and analyzing skin diseases, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures aimed at eliminating the rash.
  3. Beautician .If the cause of a small rash is improper skin care, then the beautician will quickly solve the problem.
  4. Allergist .If the cause of the rash is contact with any product, substance or odor, then special tests for allergens will help to identify the cause of the disease.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary, first of all, to apply to specialists for choosing the right, and most importantly, effective treatment.

Methods for treatment of small rash on the face of an adult

Any method of treatment will be dictated by the very cause of skin rashes on the face. In addition, it is important to consider the nature of this very rash - acne, wet rash, dry or blisters, in order to understand how to get rid of it.

If you are sure that the case in the salted cucumbers, which you leaked yesterday at the table, then you can somehow manage at home. And if it's demodex or allergy? Therefore, it is better to go to the hospital and give blood for analysis.

In addition to the main course of treatment prescribed by a specialist, at home it is recommended to perform the following simple procedures:

  1. After washing, wipe the face with either an alcohol-containing lotion, or salicylic acid, or ordinary vodka( but not more than 1 time per day).
  2. Steam baths are useful for the skin on herbal medicinal herbs( chamomile, calendula, string).
  3. It is forbidden to squeeze out rashes on the skin, as the result of such actions can cause serious cosmetic problems, for example, scars or even more serious shortcomings.
  4. Every day walk in the fresh air.
  5. It is not recommended to use make-up on the days of treatment.
  6. Before going to bed, always rinse off makeup.
  7. Strengthen immunity, drink multivitamins.
  8. It is not recommended to use scrubs for the duration of treatment, which can injure sick skin and spread the infection even more.

It is important not only to monitor your health, but also take measures to prevent skin rashes, and it is still necessary to take care that the acne does not appear again.

Folk recipes for masks

At home, you can make masks and compresses that remove inflammation, they will help cope with an unexpected cosmetic defect if the cause of the rash is not any disease.

  1. Two cups of boiling water pour 1 tablespoon of elderberry flowers, leave to stand for about 20 minutes, then strain and apply for compresses.
  2. Grind the kernels of good, large walnuts( 50 grams), pour olive oil until thick.
  3. Dried leaves( tablespoon) mother-and-stepmother chop, then pour boiling water( one glass), leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Use this infusion for washing once a day.
  4. Grind the fresh leaves of plantain, apply a green slurry to the face.

Small pimples on the face like a rash, can occur at any age quite unexpectedly and deliver a lot of pain and unpleasant minutes. The most important thing is not to panic, but to try to find out the cause of the disease.

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