Diuretic with ascites, drugs, drugs and diuretics, Furosemide, Veroshpiron, medicamentous treatment

For the treatment of hydrocephalus, diuretics are actively used, a diuretic in ascites helps to alleviate the patient's condition, but they are not able to completely eliminate liquid in the stomach. And all because the described complication is secondary, without eliminating the root cause to kill the dropsy of the abdomen is impossible. The liquid will constantly accumulate in the peritoneum, and provoke a worsening of the general symptoms.

Any diuretics in ascites can be prescribed and at the stage of diagnosis, wanting to ease the patient's well-being, and be part of the comprehensive treatment of the disease that became the root cause of the development of a dangerous complication.

The choice of a diuretic in ascites depends also on what triggered the development of dropsy. To provoke a pathology can:

  1. Heart failure.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. . Oncological diseases.
  4. Renal failure.

Diuretics from ascites in heart failure

When dropsy appears on the background of heart failure, in addition to increasing the circumference of the abdomen, edema appears on the ankles. As the disease progresses, they can reach the knees. Properly selected diuretics in ascites and heart failure significantly reduce the burden on the heart, reduce the pressure that forms inside the peritoneum.

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Depending on the severity of the underlying disease, the patient is assigned either pills or intramuscular injections. Preference in this case is given to thiazide preparations, sometimes they are combined with loop diuretics( Furosemide, ethacrynic acid, Bumetonide or Torasemide).Note that Furosemide reduces stress in the left ventricle of the heart, so this diuretic drug is prescribed when a pathology is described.

Diuretics in ascites with cirrhosis of the liver

When the cirrhosis of the liver develops, the diseased organ is unable to filter the required amount of blood, which is why a large amount of ultrafiltrate accumulates in the abdominal cavity. It has a liquid fraction, so it easily seeps through the walls of blood vessels. The volume of fluid depends on the severity of the disease. In especially severe cases, it can reach up to 30 liters. Half of these patients die, the lethal outcome comes fairly quickly, prevented by diuretic drugs that help regulate water-salt metabolism. In such a situation diuretics in ascites are appointed in such a way that they can provide a controlled withdrawal of fluid from the body. The permissible norm is 1 kg per day( in the presence of visible edema) and 0.5 kg( when visible swelling is absent).

The drug of the first line is Veroshpiron, but with clearly expressed ascites it can be ineffective. Its effect begins only on the third day after taking the pill. With rapid ascites, every minute is expensive, so often with cirrhosis of the liver, Veroshpiron is administered in conjunction with Furosemide or any other loop diuretic. The dose of tablets or injections is calculated very carefully. The patient should be oriented to the daily calculation of the volume of urine output and weights( with the correct dosage the patient must lose in weight not more than 3 kg daily).Use alone diuretic in ascites can not, because at home it is impossible to control the level of electrolytes in the blood serum. And this is very important.

Do not take Veroshpiron in pregnancy and breastfeeding. During this period, you should completely stop taking diuretics of the first line, giving preference to loop diuretics.

Diuretics in ascites and kidney failure

Renal failure also often becomes the culprit of ascites. In this case, another characteristic symptom arises - the appearance of asymmetric bags under the eyes. And in this case, medical treatment of ascites is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In case of renal failure, diuretic plants can be used( Nephropeel, for example), with a moderate disease, preference is given to herbs that have the same effects. With the right selection of the collection, it is possible to increase the amount of urine output by about 25 times.

If ascites was triggered by an inflammatory kidney disease, Furosemide is prescribed. It has a short-term effect. The effect comes in half an hour and lasts up to 8 hours in a row. If it is taken once a day, the function of sodium excretion does not suffer, which is very important in the primary disease. In the presence of renal insufficiency, it retains its effect even at a very low rate of filtration processes.

This medicine is also prescribed for pregnant women in ascites. But only in the event that there is a threat to the life of the mother. The composition of Furosemide is very active, the drug is able to penetrate the placenta. In the case of prescribing this diuretic in ascites, strict monitoring of the fetus is carried out. The described drug reduces lactation, it penetrates into breast milk, so during breast-feeding pills are canceled.

Medical treatment of cancer ascites

What diuretics are used in ascites if abdominal edema was triggered by oncology? In most cases, Lasix, Veroshpiron and Diakarb are used. They drunk for a long time, on their application, oncologists insist even when there are no visible effects. It has been noticed that diuretics for oncological ascites show a positive result only in the presence of metastases in the liver. In other cases, the procedure of laparacentesis is indicated.

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