Hemorrhoids - photos, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids are a delicate problem that affects about 15% of the adult population of the planet. It is believed that this disease - the payment of humanity for uprightness, but judging by the risk groups, it is more a fee for a sedentary lifestyle.

Hemorrhoids are considered occupational diseases of drivers, programmers, accountants and other people who spend a lot of time in a sitting position. This is the disease, about which they say that it is neither to see it, nor to show others. Nevertheless, this disease is by no means as cheerful as it was used to make fun of.

So, what is hemorrhoids? This varicose nodular enlargement of the veins of the lower part of the rectum. Distinguish hemorrhoids: internal( submucous) and external( subcutaneous).In the first case, they are usually not visible, and the main symptom is blood on feces, toilet paper or in the toilet. External nodes are noticeable as painful swelling or firm tubercles around the anus. They can itch, bleed, cause severe pain during defecation and movement.

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Today we will consider hemorrhoids: photos, symptoms and treatment of the disease by various means, including at home.

Causes of

The veins in the lower part of the rectum under pressure are stretched and inflamed, forming hemorrhoids. To , the causes of hemorrhoids include :

  • excessive strain during defecation;
  • chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • obesity;
  • work associated with constant lifting of weights;
  • inactivity( sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work);
  • pregnancy and childbirth( with vigorous pressure on the veins of the lower part of the rectum);
  • heredity.

Hemorrhoids develop due to weakness of rectum muscles( aging of the body), and also as a result of systematic external action on the anus.

Types of the disease

The classification of this disease implies a subdivision into the external and internal hemorrhoids. Often it is accompanied by the appearance of knots and cones, which are very painful and can provoke bleeding and difficulty of acts of defecation.

  1. Internal hemorrhoids differs in that the nodes are located in the lower part of the rectum and do not go outside. They are less painful, but often bleed during acts of emptying the intestine and a few minutes after that. During defecation, the internal nodes of the hemorrhoids may fall out and their infringement may occur. This provokes the strongest painful sensations.
  2. The external type of hemorrhoids is easily determined by the naked eye. The nodes are located around the lower sphincter of the rectum. This species is the most painful. Knots are often injured by tight and coarse underwear. External cones are more likely than internal nodes to undergo transformation into tumor tumors.

Depending on the type of disease, it will directly depend on how and how to treat hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of

If a person has hemorrhoids, then the first signs consist in the manifestation of a specific clinical picture:

  • discharge of blood from the rectum after defecation;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anal canal;
  • irritation and pain in the anus.

If these signs are found, you should consult a proctologist to diagnose hemorrhoids and tell you how to treat it.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

In the case of hemorrhoids, the symptoms most often develop gradually. A person may notice such signs as discomfort in the rectum and anus, foreign body sensation, heaviness or itching in the anus, episodic discharge of blood after the toilet( see photo).

In the initial stage of hemorrhoids, these symptoms are noted only in cases of intestinal disorders( constipation or diarrhea), after physical exertion( especially weight lifting), long sitting( prolonged air travel, car trip), food excesses( alcohol, spicy food), overheatingor hypothermia( bath, hot bath, winter fishing).

Sometimes the disease manifests itself suddenly. These factors lead to the appearance of an enlarged painful hemorrhoidal node and bleeding. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are rapidly growing, an acute violation of the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids( thrombosis), inflammation and infringement of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids photo: the initial stage of

So, what does this ailment look like? The initial, and also other stages of hemorrhoids you can see in the photo.

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Stages of

In medical practice, usually the hemorrhoids are divided on a stage, all stages four.

  • 1 stage : from time to time the discharge of blood and bleeding, when emptying, the discharge is not a big drop or a few. At the first stage, the hemorrhoidal node is formed.
  • At the 2 stages of , the symptoms of hemorrhoids are more serious, it is like falling out of hemorrhoidal evil during defecation and bloody discharge. Dropped hemorrhoids can be inserted inside yourself.
  • Symptomatology Stage 3 - the dropped hemorrhoidal nodes do not disappear on their own after the defecation, and you have to resort to a manual reference, with the allocation of blood.
  • Manifestations of Stage 4 - hemorrhoidal nodes in the form of cones fall out not only when going to the toilet, but also with prolonged walking and sitting, persistent coughing, lifting of gravity.

Although hemorrhoids have a rather pronounced symptomatology, nevertheless, it can be confused with a tumor of the rectum or large intestine. And only the doctor can tell, hemorrhoids it or not, to appoint or nominate necessary treatment. Do not make yourself a diagnosis, because you can make a mistake.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids treatment can be divided into conservative and operative( hemorrhoids are removed).Conservative agents are often used. Surgical methods are used in the presence of large, dropping nodes, the lack of success from conservative treatment, with heavy bleeding.

The selection of the treatment complex depends on the stage of the disease: at the first stage, specialists usually recommend the use of rectal suppositories or creams, a special diet and moderate physical activity. In this case, the basis of treatment is phlebotrophic drugs, which increase the tone of the veins and normalize blood flow and microcirculation in cavernous bodies.

Minimally invasive surgery, as a rule, is used in the II-III stage of the hemorrhoids , in some cases - as a preparatory stage before a radical intervention. The most common methods to date are: ligation of latex rings, proximal ligation, sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, cryotherapy.

  1. Latex ring ligation is a minimally invasive procedure for treating hemorrhoids using a special ligator device. The principle of the procedure: a latex ring worn on the hemorrhoidal node, squeezes the vascular pedicle of the node, depriving it of food, and within a few days the unit itself is rejected. After a while, the place of the hemorrhoidal node replaces the connective tissue. The procedure takes 5-10 minutes, is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require anesthesia.
  2. Sclerotherapy of : this method consists in introducing a sclerosing agent( 1.5-2 ml) into the hemorrhoidal assembly, which causes gluing and flattening of the vessels. Introduction is recommended in no more than 2 hemorrhoids, since it is possible to develop a pain syndrome. Possible repeated sclerotherapy after 12-14 days after the first session.
  3. Infrared photocoagulation - to the leg of the hemorrhoidal node, the light guide is brought to contact with the mucous membrane. Thermal energy acts on the leg of the node, causing the desolation and gluing of vessels feeding the hemorrhoidal node. The method is most effective at the first stage of chronic hemorrhoids.
  4. Cryotherapy : the hemorrhoidal node is frozen for 2-3 minutes, after thawing the node dies off and a wound is formed at the site of the exposure. This effect is most often carried out under local anesthesia.

The last stage of the disease requires radical surgery, the main purpose of which is the removal of hemorrhoids. These operations include hemorrhoidectomy( surgical intervention, in which parts of the perianal skin and anal mucosa located above the hemorrhoidal node are removed) and transanal resection of the mucosa by the Longo method.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can diagnose and select the appropriate treatment, so timely treatment will help to quickly and qualitatively cure the disease, and prevent the development of complications.

Candles from hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are most popular. They are used in conjunction with other conservative methods of treatment - ointments, compresses, poultices, sedentary baths.

The most effective candles:

  • Procto-gliwenol;
  • Relief, Relief Ultra, Relief Advance;
  • Neo-anusole;
  • Anusole;
  • Natalsid;
  • Proctosedil M;
  • Ultraproject;
  • Olesistin;
  • Betiol;
  • Proctosan;
  • Gebryolone;
  • Sea buckthorn oil( candles);
  • Simpletons.

These are topical preparations, they are effective, rapidly absorbed and have the maximum therapeutic effect, relieving the symptoms of the disease, and also facilitating the patient's condition.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home

Although the most reasonable is the medical professional treatment for hemorrhoids, however, people, whether out of modesty, whether because of lack of time and the impossibility of running around doctors, try to treat hemorrhoids at home by themselvesfolk remedies.

  1. To remove pain and inflammation in hemorrhoids at home, a candle made of raw potatoes will help. The candle does the size of a finger, without sharp corners. To introduce a candle at night, to facilitate the procedure for the introduction of a potato candle can be lubricated with sunflower oil, it will come out with feces when defecating or straining, but it can be left for the whole day - walking does not interfere.
  2. Anesthetic and haemostatic effect gives people's treatment of hemorrhoids with the help of cold or warm baths. For this purpose, cold( warm) water is poured into the pelvis and the patient sits down in the anus area for 5 minutes. You can do this bath twice a day until the complete cessation of bleeding and pain.
  3. Folk remedies for treating hemorrhoids at home can be considered and recipes from onions. It perfectly kills microbes, disinfects and supports the immune system. We need pottery. In a pot of clay pour 2 liters of milk, and dip four large bulbs. The pot is closed and put in the oven. When the milk boils, the product is ready. Now you need a cover made of wood with a hole for the exit of steam. Treatment is a steam bath. The session should be repeated every three days. Usually, 3, 4 sessions are enough to cure the beginning hemorrhoids.
  4. Rectal suppositories from propolis are well proven. Propolis, pre-crushed, mixed with melted fat. Candles made from propolis contribute to the removal of the pain syndrome, and reduce the size of the hemorrhoids.
  5. Buckthorn bark and nettle leaf in a 1: 1 ratio( 1 tablespoon) pour boiling water( 0.5 liters) and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. The folk remedy for hemorrhoids is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhoidal pains complicated by constipation( with the absence of "cones").Receiving 1/2 cup for 30 minutes.before meals, three times a day.

It should be understood that folk remedies are needed to alleviate the symptoms, and to cure hemorrhoids, one should consult specialists for the purpose of appropriate, complex therapy.

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