The causes of Alzheimer's: heredity and smoking

Alzheimer's disease is associated with impaired brain function, which is accompanied by the death of nerve cells. However, reliable reasons for its development have not yet been established. In any case, scientists have been able to identify factors that may provoke the process. They must necessarily be taken into account by those people who are at risk.

Causes of the disease

The exact causes of Alzheimer's disease are not known to this day. However, thanks to research by scientists and conducted experiments, it was possible to slightly reveal this secret.

The development of dementia in old age is associated with a decrease in the number of neurotransmitters. These include glutamate, somatostatin, acetylcholine, monoamines. Due to the presence of these substances, communication of cells in the body is ensured.

If their level decreases, the functioning of the brain is impaired. As a result, there are disorders of memory, attention, lost ability to learn.

Studies of the brain of people with this disease have shown that it accumulates fibrillar proteins and tau protein in a modified form. Already at the initial stage of the development of the disease, these clusters appear in some parts of the brain. They are localized in those areas that are responsible for mental activity.

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The figure shows what happens to the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease:

Before the senile age, this disease is very rare. In this case, pathology is usually associated with a hereditary predisposition. Also, scientists managed to establish that, in addition to the disease, there can be various mutations that are associated with it.

It is assumed that Alzheimer's disease itself is not inherited, but only predisposition to it is transmitted. Therefore, it is impossible to state unequivocally the hereditary one or not at present.

There are several forms of apolipoprotein E - this substance is responsible for the perception of the world. There is evidence that a form called Apolipoprotein E epsilon-4 has a clear link with the threat of developing this disease.

In medicine, the term "Alzheimer's disease" refers to the incurable pathology of the nervous system. As a rule, it manifests itself in old age and begins with the destruction of brain cells. Unfortunately, today it can not be prevented and completely cured.

The first signs of Alzheimer's disease are very easily confused with manifestations of other neurological diseases. The article will help to sort this out.

The provoking factors: who suffers from Alzheimer's disease more often

The factors that increase the threat of the development of the disease stand out:


The older the person becomes, the higher the probability of acquiring such a pathology. The threat of the development of the disease doubles after reaching 65 years. Approximately half of the people, whose age exceeds 85 years, suffers from this disease.


There is a fairly rare type of disease - family Alzheimer's disease. It can begin much earlier, usually in 40-50 years. Scientists managed to identify three genetic mutations that cause the accumulation of beta-amyloid and lead to an early onset of the disease.

Craniocerebral injuries

Traumatic head injuries, especially in combination with loss of consciousness, are a provoking factor in the development of pathology.

Diabetes mellitus

Thanks to research scientists have been able to determine that in people with diabetes, the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's disease is twice as high.

Cardiovascular pathology

Approximately 80% of people with this pathology have various vascular and cardiac diseases. Quite possibly, this is due to the fact that the causes of the development of heart pathologies and Alzheimer's disease coincide.

Unhealthy lifestyle

There are data according to which high cholesterol, cardiovascular pathologies and high blood pressure increase the probability of getting this disease.

Absence of intellectual load

The disease is much more common in poorly educated people who read little and are not interested in art.


According to statistics, this disease is more affected by women. This is explained by the longer duration of their life.

Concomitant diseases

Alzheimer's disease is often combined with various pathologies.

Among them:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Increased cholesterol in the blood.
  • Atherosclerosis.
The combination of these pathologies and Alzheimer's disease is often due to the fact that they are all related by the same risk factors, symptoms and causes.

Alzheimer's Disease and Heredity

Many people whose close relatives suffer from this disease are wondering if it can be inherited. Of course, heredity plays a role in the transmission of this disease. However, it should be borne in mind that not the pathology itself is transmitted, but only predisposition to it.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to prevention. Moreover, such events are very simple and accessible to everyone. Thanks to their implementation, you can not only protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease, but also prevent many other pathologies.

Alzheimer's Disease and Smoking

Contrary to the widespread myth that smoking reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, American scientists have proven the opposite fact.

Inveterate smokers who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day, increase the likelihood of pathology nearly doubling.

The brain is simply unable to cope with the negative effects of smoking. This pernicious habit adversely affects the vascular system, increases clotting factors, changes blood pressure. But many people know that vascular diseases increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Hidden neurological experiences, long-term stresses accumulate and at any time can manifest as cardioneurosis - a violation of the cardiovascular system. Setting the right diagnosis for the treatment of cardioneurosis is very important.

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How the removal of aneurysm of the cerebral vessels takes place, you can see clearly in the schematic image by link http: // bolezni-nevrologii / sosudistye-zabolevanija-mozga / anevrizmy-sosudov.html.

How to prevent Alzheimer's disease

In order to prevent this pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the negative effect on nerve cells.

To do this:

  • protect the body from harmful substances and radiation;
  • prevent head injuries;
  • to prevent thyroid pathologies;
  • eat right;
  • to go in for sports;
  • to abandon bad habits.

Alzheimer's disease is a rather dangerous disease, which is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. Knowing the causes and factors of development, you can effectively deal with the prevention of pathology and stay young and healthy for a long time.

A few more words about Alzheimer's and its causes:

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